EXAM2 Flashcards
Organizational Behavior Question
- RPh engages or works in large organization
- Help Employees meet his or her expectation w/in organizations goal
- Enhance professional employment experience
[all the above]
Which one is correctly matched?
Vertical Differentiation - Report goes from store manager to district
Which one is correctly matched part2
Boundryless organization - Virtual organization
Which of the following is NOT true?
Day to Day experiences pharmacist have with their employing organization will not influence how they view the entire profession of pharmacy
Which one of the leadership behavioral theories match with the explanation
Laissez-faire leaders- employees set their own goals
Medication Error can result from (K-type)
I-Poor dispensing habits.
II-Poor supervision of technicians. III-Overworked pharmacist and technician
[All of the above]
All are considered importance of performance appraisals, EXCEPT
To help in the hiring process
In the performance appraisals interview
II) The employee should self-evaluate their performance and prepare comments
III) Written evaluation are always followed by formal interview of employee
Which is FALSE?
Primary goal of termination is to terminate the employee immediately
Examples for organizational rewarding:
- Rewards based on current performance enhance subsequent performance
- Buying lunch to your staff would be a good way for rewarding
Programs use with Medicare part D:
- Extra Help
- Rx Advantage
Limited Newly Eligible Transition Program
Ensure members with extra help who are not enrolled in Medicare D are still able to
obtain medications
Purposes of MTM
- Increase patienr’s medication adherence
- Decrease the adverse effects
- Medication education
Poor management skills include all, EXCEPT
Improve of investment portfolio
- Have a deeper connection to their work that transcends power and money
- Realize that they are not in total control but depend on others (vulnerable)
A list prices of what drug wholesaler charge pharmacies
Which of the following is NOT a type of variability that the customer brings to the system
Reasonable Variability
Which of the following are ways to empower employees
- Share info and rewards based on the organization’s performance
- Share knowledge that allows employees to understand and contribute to org perform.
- Share power to make decisions that influence org. direction and perform.
Which of the following dimensions are used by customers to evaluate service encounter
- Reliability
- Tangibles
Which of the following is NOT true
Every patient evaluates a good pharmacy service the same way
Service encounter is the interaction between
Service Organization, Service Provider, Customer
Which factors are significant in the successful functioning of an organization?
- Job related stress
- Employee satisfaction
- Career progression and fairness in the workplace
Which of the following describes the relationship between purchasing and inventory control objectives?
These two objectives are not mutually exclusive. One can maximize both sets of objectives by purchasing items that will sell the fastest.
What of the following is not a goal of inventory management
To maximize the investment in inventory
Which of the following sources can be used to help identify patient and prescriber needs and wants?
- Questionnaires completed by pharmacy patrons
- Published lists of the Top 100 drugs prescribed
-Third-party formularies
[ All of the above ]
The purpose of an open-to-buy purchasing budget is to
Control the total dollar investment in inventory.
When selecting a supplier, the primary consideration should be the price of the products offered by the supplier because all suppliers have similar services and policies
The purpose of _______________ is to pool the buying power of independent pharmacies together in order to obtain better prices and discounts from suppliers
Central purchasing groups
When a pharmacy elects to participate in a buying group, which of the following is true?
It usually pays a monthly or annual fee to participate in the group.
Selecting the proper merchandise is more important that getting a price concession from a supplier on the wrong merchandise.
A wholesaler offers a 6% generic rebate to a pharmacy. This is an example of a
Volume Discount