Exam V: Pelvic Viscera Flashcards
Upper half in abdomen, lower half in pelvis
Abdominal part is retroperitoneal
Males: crossed by the ductus deferens; passes between ureter and peritoneum
Females: crossed by the uterine artery, “water under bridge”; forms posterior part of ovarian fossa
Ureters pierce posterolateral edge of bladder; run obliquely through muscular wall of bladder
Ureters: Blood Supply, Innervation, and Lymphatics
Blood supply: arteries arise from renal, gonadal, common and internal iliac, vesical and uterine
(There is a great deal of variation in the blood supply to the ureters and the vessels commonly anastomose.)
Innervation: ureteric nerves from renal, aortic, superior and inferior hypogastric plexus (T10 – L1), both sympathetic and parasympathetic
Lymphatics: from upper part may join renal vessels; lateral aortic nodes/lumbar nodes; common, internal or external iliac nodes
Retropubic Space
behind pubis/anterior to bladder
Medial umbilical ligament attaching the bladder to the posterior portion of the anterior abdominal wall
Apex is under the medial umbilical ligament
Neck is what goes down into the urethra
Inside of the bladder: made of detrusor muscle and mucosa
Trigone is always smooth because two structures coming together
Stabilization of the Bladder
Bladder neck held in place by ligaments, thickenings of endopelvic fascia
pubovesical (female)
puboprostatic (male)
Posteriorly held by rectovesical ligaments
The median umbilical ligament attaches bladder to umbilicus
There are also folds of peritoneum that serve to steady the bladder (false ligaments)
Detrusor expands as bladder fills and contracts by parasympathetic stimulation (pelvic splanchnics)
Bladder: Blood Supply, Venous Drainage, Innervation, and Lymphatics
Blood supply: superior vesical aa. inferior vesical aa. (male) vaginal aa. (female) minor aa. from obturator/inf. gluteal
Venous drainage: accompanying veins, vesical venous plexus, prostatic venous plexus
Innervation: pelvic splanchnic nn. (parasympathetic) motor to detrusor m. (more on this later!)
Lymphatics: drain to external and internal iliac nodes
Male Urethra
Divided into 4 parts:
- Preprostatic: extends from base of the bladder and surrounded by internal urtheral spincter
- Prostatic: in prostate, widest and most dilatable part, closer to anterior aspect of prostate; receives openings of ejaculatory and prostatic ducts
- Membranous: located in deep in deep perineal pouch, surrounded by external urethral sphincter
- Spongy: in corpus spongiosum, receives openings of bulbourethral glands, numerous pit like recesses; widens to form navicular fossa
Male Urethra: Blood Supply
inferior vesical, middle rectal, internal pudendal arteries
Female Urethra
female urethra: much shorter than male (4 cm)
More prone to cystitis
Runs from bladder through deep perineal pouch, perineal membrane and opens up into the vestibule anterior to vaginal opening
Receives openings of urethral glands
Paraurethral ducts open at margin of external urethral
Develop in posterior abdominal wall
Lymphatic drainage is lumbar lymph nodes
External spermatic fascia from the external oblique
Cremastic fascia from internal oblique
Ductus/Vas Deferens
Directly continuous with epididymis
Duct characteristically has small lumen and thick walls
In scrotum, duct is tortuous, then straight
Duct traverses inguinal canal; at deep ring it separates from structures of spermatic cord and enters true pelvis
In the pelvis, ductus covered with peritoneum
Posterior to bladder, ductus deferens: Crosses over ureter between bladder & rectum Becomes enlarged (ampulla) Joins seminal vesicle duct to form ejaculatory duct that connects with the prostatic urethra
Seminal Vesicles
Single coiled tube
Proximal end becomes constricted, straight duct that joins ductus deferens to form ejaculatory duct
Provides bulk of volume to semen (thick alkaline fluid)
Seminal Vesicle Blood Supply
Inferior vesical and middle rectal arteries
Accompanying veins of same name
Ejaculatory Ducts
Union of seminal vesicle ducts & ductus deferens
Terminal opening on seminal colliculus
Bulbourethral Glands
Two small, round glands, in deep perineal pouch, but drain into the spongy urethra
Ducts ~3 cm long, penetrate perineal membrane; pass obliquely forward to open into spongy urethra
The significance of its secretions to seminal fluid is uncertain