Exam Two Flashcards
In behavior modification, operant conditioning involves the manipulation of ____________ and respondent conditioning involves the manipulation of ____________.
consequences; antecedent stimuli
Which of the following is NOT an example of a conditioned response?
startle response in response to loud noise
If a neutral stimulus comes to elicit a response similar to the unconditioned response as a result of being paired with an unconditioned stimulus, ____________ conditioning has occurred.
In which temporal relationship between the unconditioned stimulus and the neutral stimulus is the unconditioned stimulus presented after the neutral stimulus ends?
trace conditioning
Which of the following factors does NOT influence the strength of respondent conditioning?
formal relationship between the NS and US
Which of the following is NOT one of the ABCs of operant behavior?
Bill drives faster than the speed limit only when his friends are in the car with him because they tell him he is cool. Bill’s behavior of driving over the speed limit only when his friends are with him is said to be under ____________ control.
Whenever Tommy has a babysitter and asks to stay up past his bedtime, the babysitter lets him. Whenever Tommy asks his parents to let him stay up past his bedtime, they do not let him. As a result, Tommy only asks the babysitter if he can stay up past his bedtime. The presence of the parents at bed time is referred to as a(n) __________ for asking to stay up late:
Which of the following is involved in stimulus discrimination training?
when the discriminative stimulus is present the behavior is reinforced
A behavior is more likely to occur in the presence of stimuli that are more similar to the discriminative stimulus than it is in the presence of stimuli that are less similar to the discriminative stimulus. This is called a:
generalization gradient
In shaping:
successive approximations of the target behavior are reinforced
Which of the following behavioral principles is (are) involved in shaping?
Reinforcement and Extinction
Sara wants to teach her cat Fluffy to use his paw to turn on the television. Sara differentially reinforces Fluffy’s behavior of being within one foot of the television, being within one foot and facing the television, when Fluffy touches the television with his paw, when he touches the on button with his paw, and finally when Fluffy hits the on button with his paw. This is an example of using shaping to:
generate a novel behavior
Extinction is used in shaping to
stop the occurrence of a previous approximation
When Tommy’s Mom asks him to stop playing video games he ignores her. When she asks him a second, third, and fourth time in a louder voice Tommy continues to ignore her. By the fifth time, Tommy’s Mom screams at him to stop playing video games, and he finally stops. Eventually, Tommy’s Mom has to yell at him ten times before he quits playing video games. In this example, whose behavior has been shaped?
Tommy’s and Mom’s
Matt’s Dad is teaching him to shoot a basketball. His Dad takes the ball and demonstrates to Matt how to shoot it through the hoop. The use of antecedent stimuli by his Dad in order to get Matt to engage in the right behavior at the right time is called:
In order for prompting and fading to lead to stimulus control, the prompts must be presented in the presence of:
the discriminative stimulus
When the behavior of one individual leads to the desired behavior of another individual in the presence of the discriminative stimulus it is called a ____________ prompt.
A change in a stimulus or the addition of a stimulus in order to get the behavior to occur is called a ____________ prompt.
Brian has been teaching his son to shoot a basketball correctly. Initially, Brian lowered the backboard and used a smaller ball to increase the chances his son would shoot the ball correctly. Once his son begins having success, Brian begins to raise the backboard and use a larger ball. This is an example of:
stimulus fading
A teacher shows students a film demonstrating what they should do in case of a fire. Which component of behavioral skills training involves demonstrating the correct behavior for the learner?
Which of the following is NOT true concerning the use of feedback?
corrective feedback should be given before praise
Which behavioral skills training component functions as the behavioral aspect of a three-term contingency?
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of using behavioral skills training in a group?
receiving individual attention from the trainer
Once a learner observes a model, what factor will make it most likely that the learner will continue to engage in the observed behavior?
if the learner’s behavior is reinforced once it occurs
The identification of antecedent events that evoke a behavior and reinforcing consequences that maintain a behavior is referred to as:
functional assessment
Which of the following is NOT a method used in conducting a functional assessment?
systematic assessment
A psychologist is working with a child who is disruptive in the classroom. The psychologist interviews the child’s teacher to learn more about the disruptive behavior and the events that immediately precede and follow the behavior. Which method of conducting a functional assessment is the psychologist using?
indirect methods
A psychologist is trying to determine why Paul frequently hits his younger brother. The psychologist forms a hypothesis that teasing by his brother and attention from his Mom influence Paul’s hitting behavior. The psychologist then arranges conditions in which these environmental variables are either present or absent to determine their effect on Paul’s hitting behavior. Which functional assessment method is the psychologist using?
functional analysis
When a person engages in a problem behavior (taking drugs) and this behavior is reinforced by decreasing tension or anxiety that the person is feeling, this is an example of:
automatic negative reinforcement
The manipulation of antecedent stimuli to increase the probability of desirable behavior and decrease the probability of competing behavior is referred to as:
antecedent control procedures
The presence of an establishing operation makes the consequence of a behavior ____________, and the presence of an abolishing operation makes the consequence of a behavior ____________.
more reinforcing; less reinforcing
Nicole wants to increase the amount of exercise that she gets. Nicole purchases a treadmill so that she will not have to drive all the way across town to exercise at the health club. Having a treadmill in her home so that she exercises more often is an example of:
decreasing response effort
Bill wants to increase the amount of water that he drinks each day, but is having difficulty because he drinks too much pop instead. Bill gets rid of all the pop in his apartment and no longer goes down the pop aisle in the supermarket. Removing the pop and avoiding the pop aisle in the supermarket is an example of ____________ for his competing behavior.
removing the discriminative stimulus and cues
Removing the SD, arranging abolishing operations, and increasing response effort are ways to:
make a behavior less likely
DRA involves using ____________ for desirable behaviors and ___________ for undesirable behaviors.
reinforcement; extinction
An individual with mental retardation frequently engages in aggressive behavior when he wants a break from a task at work. When he engages in aggressive behavior, he is required to continue working on the task, but if he asks for a break his behavior is reinforced with a break from the task. Which variation of DRA is being used in this example?
Functional communication training
Differential reinforcement of a low probability behavior with the opportunity to engage in a high probability behavior is referred to as:
the Premack principle
A parent is trying to decrease a child’s swearing behavior. For every hour that the child goes without swearing, the parent reinforces the absence of swearing by reading to the child. If the child swears, the parent does not give the child attention and the child has to wait another hour for a story. Which differential reinforcement procedure is the parent using?
Nicole’s parents are trying to decrease the number of phone calls that she makes in a day. If Nicole makes fewer than 5 calls in a day, she is allowed to have a friend over the next day. In which DRL variation is the reinforcer delivered if the number of responses that occur in a period of time is less than a specified level.
full-session DRL
Whenever Amy sees a dog, she experiences unpleasant bodily responses (rapid heart beat, upset stomach, and sweaty hands) and engages in escape behavior (runs away). In behavior modification, Amy’s operant and respondent behavior is referred to as:
Which of the following behaviors may function as an establishing operation in fear and anxiety problems?
respondent behavior
Whenever Cindy sees a mouse, she experiences rapid heart rate, sweaty hands, and an upset stomach. The presence of the mouse is a(an) ____________, and the unpleasant bodily response is a(an) ____________.
conditioned stimulus; conditioned response
The respondent behavior in fear and anxiety problems involves ____________, and the operant behavior involves ____________.
autonomic nervous system arousal; escape or avoidance behavior
The key to systematic desensitization is to:
maintain relaxation while imagining the fear-producing stimulus