Exam Two Flashcards
demographics of the American people & why this is important
The demographics of American, as of 2012, is that non-Hispanic white Americans are 63%, hispanics are 17%, African Americans are 13%, Asians are 6%, and Native Americans are 1%. This is important because it shows that minorities are growing at a much faster rate than the non-Hispanic white Americans.With more minorities there will be an increase in representation in politics. For Hispanics their mostly gaining political power in cities like San Antonio and Los Angeles that have elected mayors. Demographic changes are associated with political changes. States gain or lose congressional representation as their population changes, and thus power shifts as well.
political socialization, including how it happens and where/when it takes place
“the process through which an individual acquires his or her particular political orientations–his or her knowledge, feelings, and evaluations regarding his or her political world”. As people become more socialized with age, their political orientations grow firmer. Thus, governments aim their socialization efforts largely at the young. Formal socialization is like what the schools will teach, informal socialization is more important because it is picked up and absorbed. Family plays a role in socialization with time and emotional commitment. Most students take after their parents, genetics plays a factor. The mass media, plays a role because youth spends a lot of time on television, however they are less likely to follow politics. Schools are used to promote national loyalty and support of basic values.
how public opinion is measured, including what polls reveal about Americans’ political information
Polls are used to measure public opinion. Polls rely on a sample of the population, a random sample of about 1,000-5,000 people can accurately represent the “universe” of potential voters. Random sampling is the technique used so everyone has an opportunity to be selected. It helps policymakers keep in touch with changing opinions on issues. If the poll results shift, then government officials can make corresponding midcourse corrections. Polls have regularly found that less than half the public can name their representative in the House. In fact, surveys show that many Americans lack a basic awareness of the world around them. Citizens with above-average levels of political knowledge are more likely to vote and to have stable and consistent opinions on policy issues.
public opinion as it relates to trust in government
Public opinion shows a drop of trust in Government. First Vietnam and then Watergate shook people’s confidence in the federal government. The economic troubles of the Carter years and the Iran hostage crisis helped continue the slide. A drop in trust shows that the public opinion is that the government is not serving them well. The greatest impact of declining trust in government since the 60s has been to drain public support for polices that address the problems of poverty and racial inequality. Many Americans believe that big government solutions to social problems are wasteful and impractical, thereby draining public support from them.
basic major ideologies, explain when/ if Americans do or don’t think ideologically
Basic major ideologies are liberals, conservatives, and moderates. Studies (1950s) show that only 12% of people showed evidence of thinking in ideological terms, they could connect their opinions and beliefs with broad policy positions taken by parties or candidates. 42% are group benefits voters, people who think of politics mainly in terms of the groups they liked or disliked. 24% were nature of the times, where the handle on politics was limited to whether the times seemed good or bad to them.22% expressed no ideological or issue content making their political evaluations. In 2000 20% were were classified as an ideologue. These low percentages mean the the terms liberal and conservative are just not as important as they are for members of the political elite. Few people have ideologies that organize their political beliefs clearly. Small groups of liberal and conservative activist who act as if they are at war with one another have left most Americans in a position where they don’t want to be in the crossfire. **Many individuals are not ideologically consistent in their political attitudes. Often they are conservative in principle but liberal in practice; that is, they are against big government but favor more spending on a wide variety of programs
the ways in which Americans can and do participate in politics
Americans can participate in conventional participation which includes many widely accepted modes of influencing government–voting, trying to persuade others, ringing doorbells for a petition, running for office, and so on. There is also unconventional participation which includes activities that are often dramatic, such as protesting, civil disobedience, and even violence. Studies have found that citizens of higher social economic status participate more in American politics.
current nature of the mass media in the US & development over time
The key to gaining control over the political agenda is getting at the top of the daily news Politicians will carefully stage events for the media to report on. Media events and TV commercials are largely about image making. There is a diminishing audience for presidential messages, as well as for national news, means that the president now faces a harder time getting messages through to the entire public. President Reagan received a larger audience than Obama, because of narrowcasting, in which a plethora of channels appeal to specialized audiences, large audiences are increasingly rare. *Democracy depends on an informed citizenry, and the citizenry depends on the mass media for its information.
narrowcasting, the internet, and other recent trends
The press used to be seen as an extension of the government. The government would use them as a tool to get certain messages across. But with events like the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal, unquestioning acceptance soon disintegrated. People would get their news from newspapers then came radios (FCC), followed by television, then the internet. Even though newspapers give people more information, they are declining. Television only show certain things, it has become more ideologically charged in recent years.
realities and consequences of private ownership, government regulation, and other dynamics of mass media
Privately owned media means that they are want the biggest possible audience. THis focus on audience is exacerbated by the fact that media in America today tend to be part of large conglomerates. Consider, for example, the major television networks. The Disney Corporation bought ABC, General Electric acquired NBC, Viacom (who owns many entertainment companies, like Blockbuster, Paramount Pictures, MTV) took over CBS and CNN became part of Time Warner. In the the newspaper business, chains, such as Gannet, Knight-Ridder, and Newhouse, control newspapers that together represent over 80% of the nation’s daily circulation. The FCC regulates communications via radio, television, telephone, cable, and satellite. It prevents monopolies, conducts periodic examinations of the goals and performance of stations, fair treatment rules and the right-of-reply rules. But with the development of so many TV channels via cable, this rule was seen unnecessary and was abolished. This change opened up the way for today’s highly partisan news shows, like O’Reilly Factor and the Rachel Maddow Show.
policy entrepreneurs and agenda-setting
policy agenda is the list of subjects or problems to which government officials, and people outside of government closely associated with those officials, are paying some serious attention at any given time. Political activists are often called policy entrepreneurs and they’re people who invest their political “capital” in an issue. Policy entrepreneurs’ arsenal of weapons includes press releases, press conferences, and letter writing. The civil rights groups in the 60s relied heavily on the media to tell their stories of unjust treatment. Protest groups have learned that if they can stage an interesting event that attracts the media’s attention, at least their pov will be heard. Conveying a long-term, positive image through the media is more important than gaining media coverage of a few dramatic event. Policy entrepreneurs depend on goodwill and good images Thus they turn to PR firms to improve their image and their ability to peddle their issue positions.
functions/tasks of political parties
The core function of political parties is to win elections. They are a team seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election. There are “three-headed political giants” in political parties. There is the party in the electorate, the party as an organization, and the party in government. Party in the electorate- is the largest component of an American political party. Anyone can be be member and it’s not legally binding. The party as an organization has a national office, full-time staff, rules and bylaws, and budgets. Each party maintains state and local headquarters. There are leaders and these people keep the party running between elections and makes its rules. The party in government consists of elected officials who call themselves members of the party.
The tasks of political parties used to play a much larger role in selecting candidates, organizing campaigns and so on. A century ago, they ran the show. Now, they are still an important factor, but only one of many that have an impact on these tasks. They pick candidates (party’s official endorsement is called a nomination), parties run campaigns, give cues to voters, articulate policies, coordinate policymaking.
relationship between parties and voters
Parties compete for voters’ support and produces candidates and policies for the voters. Anthony Downs created the rational-choice theory that argues that voters want to maximize the chance that policies they favor will be adopted by government and that parties want to win office. So in order to win office, parties should select policies that are widely favored. He also theorizes that parties stay fairly near the center in order to broaden their appeal because few voters are extremely liberal and few are extremely conservative. Parties also need to differentiate themselves in order to win overly loyal adherents.
“party in the electorate”
If you believe you are a Democrat or a Republican, then you are a Democrat or a Republican. So the party in the electorate consists largely of symbolic images and ideas. Most voters have a party image of each party. Like Democrats being pro-choice. Party images help shape people’s party identification, because many people routinely vote for the party they identify with. A recent trend has been that the younger one is, the more likely he or she is to be a political independent.The numbers of political independent has grown in the recent years, probably because there has been a decrease in democrats and more people may still lean towards one side but they may also just like parts of both sides.
party organization from local to national
Urban political parties used to be the main political organization in America. From the late 19th century through the New Deal of the 30s, many cities were dominated by party machines, which rewards its members. Party machines used to sell patronage jobs to the highest bidder, selling government positions to raise money for the party and to buy votes (CORRUPTION). Party machines have sharply declined in power and influence overall, and often do not exist at all in some areas. To fill the void of the decline there has been a revitalization of party organizaton at the county level. County organizations help state and local candidates. Local organization rely on personal knowledge of individuals in the neighborhood who could be persuaded to support the party. American national parties are a loose aggregation of state parties, which are themselves a fluid association of individuals, groups, and local organization. There are 50 state party systems, and no two are exactly alike. The supreme power within each of the parties is its national convention. The convention meets every four years, and its task is to write party’s platform and then nominate its candidates for President and VP. Keeping the party operating between conventions is the job of the national committee, composed of representatives from states and territories. Day-to-day activities of the national party are the responsibility of the party’s national chairperson.
the “party in government”
It’s important to note that while the influence of political parties has declined over the decades with regard to selecting candidates and running campaigns for office, their influence is significantly greater once those candidates are elected and in positions of power. For example, while a party might not be able to control which candidates are nominated under their party label to run for Congress, and while they may not be the most important force in determining who will the election, one in office that congressman/congresswoman will need to work closely within the political party structure if they are to succeed.