Exam Three Flashcards
What is Eternal Sonship? (Part 1 of the Issue of Generation)
In eternity past, he was the Son
What is Incarnational Sonship? (Part 2 of the Issue of Generation)
Bound to the incarnation; Son when He takes on flesh
Only Begotten; One of a kind-One of a Class
EMPHASIS on uniqueness
First Born; EMPHASIS on primacy and priority; the highest, most important
What is Christology?
The study of the second person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ our Lord
What shows the Diety of Christ?
He is known as the Son of Man and the Son of God
What importance does the term Son of God have?
Confessional importance
Christ’s sonship was central to Peter’s confession- focusing on Jesus’ messiahship and His deity
What is the Trilema?
When Jesus claims to be God…
It is True- He is the Lord
It is False-
(Knew it was False) Liar
(Thought it was True) Lunatic
What is the Incarnation of Jesus Christ?
The act of the Second Person of the Trinity whereby He took upon Himself the form of man and became flesh, the God-Man
Christ having both a perfect and complete human nature as well as a perfect and complete divine nature
What is Procreation versus Incarnation?
A new being vs. an existing being
What is the Definition of Kenosis?
The kenosis of Christ was the relinquishing of the utilization of equal state with the Godhead and taking the real nature of man
What passage has the kenosis?
Philippians 2
What are the central concepts of kenosis?
Condescension - higher to lower status
Humiliation- exalted to mundane status
Subjugation - ruler to servant
The Hypostatic Union of Christ
The unique combination of true humanity and undiminished deity that has existed since the incarnation. These two natures (divine and human) existed without confusion or loss of separate identity and they were inseparably united without transfer of attributes
What is the orthodox position on the nature of Christ?
In one person Jesus Christ there are two natures, a human nature and a divine nature, each in its completeness and integrity, and these two natures are organically and indissolubly united yet so that no third nature is formed thereby.
What are the offices of Christ?
- Prophet
- Diety: can reveal God directly to humanity
- Humanity: can communicate effectively - Priest
- D: can offer the ultimate eternal sacrifice
- H: has the capacity to die physically - King
- D: has the capacity and absolute power to reign
H: Has the capacity to physically fulfill promises of David
What is the Position of Impeccability?
Christ was not able to sin–emphasis on the deity of Christ / God cannot sin
What is the Position of Peccability?
Christ was able not to sin–emphasis on the humanity of Jesus Christ
Definition of Impeccability
A will that is so mighty in its self-determination to do good that it cannot be conquered by any temptation to evil, no matter how great.
Definition of Peccability
The quality or aspect of being peccable (liable or prone to sin; prone to temptation); capable of sinning
Christ as Prophet
Nature of the Prophetic Office-
1. Fore-telling: Prediction of the future
2. Forth-telling: Proclamation of revelation
Two-fold work of His Incarnation
- to offer Himself as the anticipated King of Israel (Eschatological)
- to offer Himself as the “Lamb of God” who takes away the sin of the world (Soteriological)
What were the OT Predictions about the death of Christ?
- Pierced
- Suffered
- Rejected
Death as a concept
1. Physical death (separates material from immaterial)
2. Spiritual death (separates humanity from God)
3. Eternal death (separates sinful humanity from God permanently and eternally)
What was the manner of Christ’s death?
What is the Jewish Burial process?
- Primary Burial
- Secondary Burial
What is Primary Burial?
Initial care and respect for the body-washing, wrapping, treating-placement on a burial bench or in a burial niche
What is Secondary Burial?
Allowing adequate time for the flesh to decompose (18m to 2yrs), a family member would re-enter the tomb and collect the bones. These would be placed in an ossuary and relocated to another part of the tomb, freeing the burial benches for later use
The Swoon Theory/Hypothesis
Any number of ideas that aim to explain the resurrection of Jesus, proposing that Jesus did not die on the cross, but merely fell unconscious, and was later revived in the tomb in the same mortal body