Exam Techniques and Questions Flashcards
Action verb: ‘Define’
Give a recognised or accepted definition
Action verb: ‘Describe’
Word Picture/Description
Action verb: ‘Explain’
Clear account of or reasons for
Action verb: ‘Give’
Give answer without explanation
Action verb: ‘Identify’
Select and name
Action verb: ‘List’
A list without explanation
Action verb: ‘Outline’
Give the most important features. Less in depth than explain or describe but more than a list
Action verb: ‘Sketch’
A simple drawing which labels most important features
Action verb: ‘State’
Less than define
Identify 4 different ways an office-based company may affect the environment (4)
- Use of energy, paper and other resources
- Waste production
- GHG emissions from energy use
- Global Warming contribution
- Excessive water use; depleting water availability
Describe 4 practical measures that an office-based company could consider to mitigate potential damage to environment (8)
- Energy efficiency measures
- Waste minimisation measures
- Water efficiency measures
- Transport issues
- Flexible working practices
- Ethical sourcing of materials
- Education/training of employees
Outline reasons why an organisation needs to manage its effects on the environment (8)
Legal; comply with law to ensure best work practice and to avoid sanctions
Moral; duty of care to protect the environment and to meet society expectations e.g. green consumerism
Economic; cost savings through reduced bills, energy and waste disposal, lower tax charges, relations with investors/stakeholders could be affected
Outline key actions to be taken to protect the environment in even of a serious fire breaking out on industrial premises (8)
- Have an emergency response plan in place which can be activated
- Control centre established to ensure effective operation in an emergency and to protect people and the environment
- Contact with emergency services, EA and local authority
- Alert neighbouring premises so they are aware
- Drainage Plans in place for fire water run off
- Action on ground to control spread of fire and water contamination
- Regular training and practice drills to ensure if worst happens that risks are mitigated
- Disposal of wastes correctly to avoid any mixing of potentially hazardous materials
Identify 4 means of generating energy other than from fossil fuels (4)
- Solar energy
- Wind turbines
- Hydroelectricity
- Geothermal
- Nuclear
- Biofuels
- Wave/tidal
Outline why alternative energy technologies need to be adopted (4)
- Need to reduce dependency on finite fossil fuels
- Reduce GHG emissions
- Reduce costs
- Energy security
- Lower pollution as opposed to fossil fuels
- New opportunities for businesses
- Job creation
Local residents are being kept awake at night due to noise emitted from ventilation fans at a nearby factory. Outline civil actions that may be available to residents (6)
- Initially complain to factory
- Take actions under tort of nuisance (private or public)
- Have to demonstrate noise is causing unreasonable interference with enjoyment of land
- If reasonable measures had not been taken to prevent reoccurrence
Local residents are being kept awake at night due to noise emitted from ventilation fans at a nearby factory. Identify 2 possible remedies that the courts could impose if the residents were successful in their action (2)
- Injunctions/abatement notices
- Damages or compensation
Outline the meaning of the term ‘Reactive Monitoring’ (2)
Monitoring undertaken in response to an incident or complaint, usually to investigate causes and impact.
Outline 3 issues that may be identified by reactive monitoring AND outline how these issues can be rectified (6)
- Lack of training; refresher training
- Inappropriate equipment; conduct regular statutory inspections
- Lack of maintenance; conduct regular maintenance inspections
- Lack of understanding of an emergency plan; regular drills to prepare for in plan needs to be activated
Outline the principles of a LCA (4)
Cradle to grave assessment of inputs and outputs and direct/indirect impacts at different stages from supply to disposal.
Addition of environmental costs or burdens at each stage and need to get results in some measure of equivalence.
Outline 2 situations when a LCA study may be of benefit (4)
- For product design or manufacturing to minimise environmental impact
- Comparing product choice against each other to get most environmentally friendly
- Aspects assessment for ISO14001
Outline how a bag filter works (4)
Large particles are removed through the bag filter as the filter medium pores or smaller than particles. This traps the particles on filter and clean air passed through. Flow rate will reduce when solids build up on filter so will need replacing
Give 2 examples of pollutants which can be removed using a bag filter and identify the appropriate process industry (4)
- Wood dust in saw mills or wood processing factories
- Metal dusts in engineering works
- Cement dust in manufacturing plants
- Textile fibres in mills
Outline the main possible sources of water pollution from industrial sites (8)
- Surface water drainage contaminated by spills
- Sewage
- Effluent discharges
- Inappropriate disposal of waste
- Spillages, contaminating ground water
- Fire water
- Leaking drains
- Process water
- Cooling water
An organisation is committed to achieving a target of recycling 50% of wastes from manufacturing operations. Outline performance monitoring information that the organisation should maintain to demonstrate that is has reached it’s target (3)
- Weigh all waste produced on site and weight send to landfill or weight of waste recycled to get percentage
- Tracking waste through time to establish trends and movement to target
An organisation is committed to achieving a target of recycling 50% of wastes from manufacturing operations. Outline the steps to be taken to improve on the target (3)
- Waste segregation and treatment
- Training
- Use of incentives
- Identify markets for recycled goods
- Analysis of waste produced
An organisation is committed to achieving a target of recycling 50% of wastes from manufacturing operations. Outline why a target based on a % figure may be more appropriate than a target based on weight of waste recycled (2)
- Wastes weigh different amounts so wouldn’t be fully accurate
- Help change production volumes on total waste arising to minimise impact
- More measurable in percentage as can easily measure the difference
Identify the main ways in which contaminated land can pollute the environment (8)
- Direct contact with land
- Dust blowing
- Wildlife can be harmed from ingestion (bioaccumulation)
- Odours
- Visual impact
- Damage to buildings
Identify 4 suitable methods of noise control and outline how these prevent noise nuisance (8)
- Isolation; use of elastic element to control noise vibrations
- Absorption; porous material to absorb some of energy
- Insulation; barrier e.g. wall to control/reduce noise
- Regular maintenance; to ensure machinery as quiet as possible
- Double glazing; reduce sound
- Controlled hours of working; no disruption to sleep patterns etc.
Describe the main features of a ISO14001 EMS (10)
- Policy; ensure it is within the scope of the EMS and is implemented, maintained and communicated to all
- Documentation to describe main elements of EMS
- Implementation; ensure is it implemented correctly and maintained for continuous improvement
- Operational control; to cover all areas to ensure meet environmental policy and objectives
- Checking to ensure compliance
- Corrective actions to ensure EMS is running effectively and to mitigate any impacts
- Management review to periodically review effectiveness of EMS
Identify 5 benefits and 5 limitations of introducing an EMS based on ISO14001 into the workplace (10)
- Improved risk management
- Reduced costs
- Opportunities to minimise waste and reduce env. impacts
- Better PR and relations with stakeholders
- Provides audit trail
- Reduced insurance premiums
- Time and financial commitments to introduce and maintain them
- Possible resistance from staff
- Lack of knowledge/skills for implementation
- There is no public reporting requirement
- May not be much improvement/scale of business not feasible for EMS
A local resident has telephoned your company complaining that an oil discharge from your site is contaminating a local watercourse. It’s a large site for oil & refuelling & parking facilities.
Identify the short-term actions that should be taken by the site operator (8)
- Gather info and details like:
- Location and time of observation
- Inspections of watercourse and discharge points
- EA and water company should be advised
- Emergency response contacted and emergency plan activated
- Taking samples of discharges and analyse them
A large high street chain store selling clothes, household goods and food wants to reduce its environmental impact. Identify 4 potential significant aspects(4)
- Transportation
- Packaging
- Energy use
- Waste production
- Use of natural resources
A large high street chain store selling clothes, household goods and food wants to reduce its environmental impact.
Outline 4 ways to reduce associated environmental impacts of one of the aspects identified 4)
- Transportation; improve route systems, look at hybrid vehicles
- Packaging; keep to a minimum, recycle/reuse materials
- Energy use; turning off lights, heating on thermostat
- Natural resources; look at alternatives/renewables.
A construction company is tendering a contract to demolish some existing workshops and replace them with a new office and vehicle parking area. Client wants proposal to demonstrate good environmental practice. Identify the main environmental issues to be considered in preparing the tender (8)
(Consider demolition and construction)
Demolition: - waste management (recycling etc.), possible hazardous materials e.g. asbestos, potential nuisance (noise), possible land contamination.
Construction: -minimise non-renewable sources and materials, sustainable drainage, local materials and labour, good management and maintenance, provide habitat space for wildlife.
Identify 2 GHGs (2)
Any out of:
- CO2
- Methane
- VOCs and HCFCs
Identify 2 typical sources of GHGs (2)
Any out of:
- Landfill gas
- Leaks
- Natural Gas
- Industrial
- Use of solvents and refrigerants
- Transportation
Outline how emissions of GHGs may contribute to climate change (4)
- Prevent the re-radiation of solar energy back into space, being trapped in Earth
- Global air temperature increase
- Global warming
- Water vapour increase
Outline the main internal documentation which may be reviewed during an externally led audit of the environmental performance of a manufacturing plant (8)
- Previous audits
- Records of emission monitoring
- Energy and raw material use
- Complaint data
- Any enforcement notices
- Accident and incident reports
- Company policy & procedures
- Any consents and permits
- Maintenance logs
- Compliance evidence
- Staff training records
- Minutes from management reviews
Give the meaning of the term ecosystem (2)
The flora, fauna and microbes that live in a defined area and the physical environment which they live and interact.
Describe ways in which air pollution can impact upon an ecosystem (6)
- Human health effects e.g. asthma
- Acid rain damages plants/wildlife
- Pollutants building up on food chain; bioaccumulation
- Affect the biodiversity in the ecosystem
- Poisoning
Outline the principles of the following control measures, giving an example of a type of pollutant that can be removed using each of them:
a) Electrostatic precipitator (4)
b) Wet scrubber (4)
a) Rely on particles in an air stream gaining a charge as they pass between wires carrying high voltage. Charged particles attracted to oppositely charged plates where they collect, allowing cleaned gas to be discharged. Plates cleaned via shaking/vibrating and particles fall into trap. Can be used to remove dust, grit or fume. Can’t include those which may form explosive mix.
b) Rely on contaminated air flowing upwards against a cascade of water or an acid/alkaline solution. Soluble gases and particles removed and cleaned air flows out of top. Horizontal plates give large surface area to improve efficiency. Contaminated solution removed from base and treated separately. Can be used to remove vapours and gases e.g. SO2, dust etc. Can include those which may form explosive mix.
Identify 4 atmospheric pollutants that may be released from a coal fired power station (4)
Any of:
- CO2
- CO
- Sulphur & nitrogen oxides
- Smoke
- Dust
- Soot
Outline the control hierarchy for reducing air pollution emissions (4)
1- Elimination or prevention by ceasing or changing process/materials
2-Minimise emissions or reduce them to lowest practicable level using control devices, process management.
3-Render discharge harmless by use of filter
Outline the potential environmental effects that may arise from contaminated land (8)
- Ground water & surface water pollution due to leaching
- Human health via direct contact of soil, ingestion or inhalation
- Risk of fire/explosions
- Radiation risk
- Loss of amenity value
- Restrictions on future land use
Identify 5 sources of environmental noise (5)
- Transport/road traffic
- Neighbours
- Pubs and clubs
- Construction
- Vehicle alarms
- Factories
Identify the possible effects of environmental noise on the community (3)
- Disruption to wildlife
- Loss of sleep
- Stress
- Hearing damage
- Causing public or private nuisance
Give the meaning of the term ‘aspects’ in context of introducing an EMS (2)
An element of an organisation’s products, services or activities that can interact with the environment
Identify types of environmental aspects that a company would review when implementing an EMS (10)
- Raw materials used
- Source of raw materials
- By-products
- Emissions to air and water
- Energy and water used
- Waste produced
- Product packaging
- Product disposal
- Transport issues
- Hazards from materials
Outline the circumstances which would require a company to review any previous assessments of its aspects (8)
- Addition of new raw material sources
- Change of products
- New/change of processes
- Changes in location
- Recycling opportunities
- New legislation
- Market and public pressure
- As an outcome of audits
- From annual reviews/management review meetings
Explain why energy efficiency is important (4)
- Driven be need to reduce emissions that caus GW
- To conserve non-renewable, finite resources
- Legal requirements e.g. carbon trading
- A need to reduce costs
- Few incidents of pollution
Give 4 examples of how energy efficiency in an office can be improved without large capital expenditure (4)
- Improve lighting; use of LEDs, low energy bulbs, motion sensors etc.
- Improve efficiency of heating and insulation
- Switching off equipment when not in use
- Use of natural ventilation, not AC
- Regular staff training
Outline the measures that should be taken by a producer of waste to reduce the risk during storage prior to its collection for disposal elsewhere (8)
- Segregation of waste
- Containment to prevent escape/spills
- Bunding arrangements to avoid leaks/spills
- Secure sites away from potential areas that could be contaminated/damaged
- Emergency plans in place
- Proper labelling of waste
- Effective site management; record keeping, supervision and site inspections
Outline the control hierarchy for air pollution emissions and give 2 suitable examples for each (8)
1) Eliminate/prevent pollution by ceasing/changing process or materials (e.g. aqueous paint instead of solvent-based and renewables instead of non-renewables)
2) Minimise/reduce emissions using control devices e.g. boiler controls, regular maintenance and use of filters.
3) Render any remaining emissions harmless by reducing polluting content or by dilution e.g. use of scrubbers, catalytic converters)
Outline how the common law ‘Tort of negligence’ may apply to environmental pollution (6)
It would need to be shown that a duty of care was owed and the this duty was breached and harm or loss occurred. Owed to neighbours and others who may suffer as a result of negligence. Negligence can include acts or emissions.
Identify 2 possible remedies that the courts could impose when tort of negligence is proven (2)
- Damages/compensation
- Injunction to stop/restrict activity
- Notices to restore and remediate circumstances back to what they were before incident.
Give the meaning of the term ‘safe drinking water’ (2)
Water of sufficient high quality that meets national/international standards for drinking water to be available to consume without immediate or long term harm
Give the meaning of the following water quality indicators
a) COD (2)
b) BOD (2)
c) TOD (2)
a) Result of chemical test which measures amount of O2 consumed by material in water oxidised under controlled conditions. O2 consumed by organic substances mainly and used to monitor purposes.
b) Result of a biochemical test which measures amount of O2 to oxidise material under prescribed conditions. Mainly due to organic, biodegradable substances and ammonia. Use to influence microorganisms present and their metabolic rate. Mainly used for environmental samples.
c) Oxidises all possible using pure oxygen (presence of catalyst) to vaporise sample at high temp. Gives highest measure of O2 consumed but doesn’t equal sum of BOD and COD.
Outline the powers available to inspectors under the EPA other than serving notices (8)
- Can enter premises at any reasonable time if believe there is immediate risks to environment
- May be accompanied by other authorised persons on police constable
- Can take any equipment required to exercise powers
- Can make examinations and inspections necessary
- Can take samples, photos, copies of documents
- Articles and substances may be taken and examined
Identify reasons for carrying out EIA(3)
- Legal requirement in some planning applications
- Essential part in implementing an EMS where can help identify impacts and control measures to minimise risk
Identify 5 types of environmental impacts which should be considered when doing an EIA (5)
- Impacts on ecosystems
- Local communities
- Loss of amenity
- Impact of transport
- Pollution of water courses
- Pollution of land
- Air pollution
- Noise
A manufacturing company operates at a site near to a stream. Explain why the preparation of an environmental emergency response plan would be advisable in this situation (8)
- Plans required as part of EMS under ISO14001 and legal requirement under COMAH
- Moral or ethical reasons
- Practical reasons that deliver business benefits
- Plan helps meet prompt action needed to protect people & environment
- Reduces risk of prosecution and clean up costs
- Near a stream so risk of watercourse contamination; good plan should help prevent pollution and other catastrophe
A construction project is being undertaken on a large construction site adjacent to residential houses. Outline the typical effects of noise during the construction work (4)
- Disruption to sleep
- Stress
- Wildlife disturbed
- Nuisance
- Interfering with enjoyment of land
A construction project is being undertaken on a large construction site adjacent to residential houses. Identify the factors which determine whether noise from the construction site is likely to constitute a nuisance (4)
- Frequency
- Loudness
- Duration
- Time of day
- Proximity to habitats
- Background noise levels
Outline the factors which should be taken into account when evaluating the significance of environmental impacts (8)
- Evaluation of the significance of environmental impacts
- Size of impact
- Frequency of occurrence
- The nature e.g. toxic?
- Duration
- Likelihood of impact
- Severity of consequences
- Legal requirements
- Sensitivity of receiving environment
Outline reasons for producing a report on environmental performance (6)
- May be a requirement of EMS and/or regulatory bodies
- Help raise company profile to external stakeholders by demonstrating compliance with env. policy
- Help identify risks, look at trends and improvement areas
- Could be used to look at where cost savings may be made
Identify information that can be gathered to review environmental performance (10)
- Emissions data
- Compliance with standards
- Energy and waste management info
- Incident records and follow-up action
- Training delivered to employees
- Targets achieved/set
Identify 4 different types of external reports containing environmental performance (4)
- Annual environmental report
- CSR report
- Company annual report and accounts
- Environmental permit through IPPC permit
An organisation operates under an Environmental Permit (IPPC) which sets emission limit values for releases to air and to a surface water stream. In order to ensure compliance with emission limit values, outline the measures that need to be put in place for:
a) Active Monitoring (6)
b) Reactive Monitoring (2)
- Sampling and analysis of discharges to air & water
- Inspection, maintenance and calibration of relevant equipment to ensure valid data
- Training of staff on sample methods
- Site inspections of site and treatment plans.
b) Data on incidents, enforcement actions and complaints
Give the meaning of each of following terms:
a) Environment(2)
b) Global Warming (2)
c) Fossil Fuels (2)
d) Sustainable Development (2)
a) The air, water, land, natural resources and flora and fauna that interrelates and interacts with the environment
b) The average increase in global temp over time due to natural variability or human activity. Caused also by GHGs trapping infra-red radiation in atmosphere
c) Finite resources that form over thousands of years from fossilised remains of plants & animals e.g. coal
d) Meeting the development needs of the present without compromising those needs for future generations. Balance all issues in order to produce best outcome
Give meaning of term ‘ecosystem’ (2)
Defined area where animals, plants and microbes interrelate and interact with one another
Describe different ways in which contaminated land can impact upon any ecosystem (6)
-Direct contact; absorption into plants or leaching into water can affect wildlife and vegetation. Toxins can cause direct damage to food chain and disrupt balance of species in ecosystem
Outline what a company could expect to achieve by conducting an environmental audit (4)
- Checking compliance with legal requirements and targets
- Adequacy of company policy
- Effectiveness of controls and procedures
- Identify areas for improvement
- Raise awareness to employees
- Can help verify credentials to external stakeholder
Outline the issues that should be considered during an environmental audit (4)
- Auditor would need to investigate operation of EMS
- Compliance with regulator requirements for waste, emissions and energy efficiency
- Resource usage
- Costs
- Complaints
- Staff training & knowledge
Outline the control hierarchy for air pollution emissions and give 2 suitable examples for each stage (8)
1) Eliminate/prevent by changing process/use of materials e.g. renewables instead of non-renewable, using aqueous solutions instead of solvent-based
2) Minimise/reduce emissions e.g. waste segregation/recycling to reduce landfill gas, regular maintenance of equipment to assess efficiency
3) Render harmless by reducing polluting content or dilution e.g. wet scrubbers, filtration
Outline the main ways in which water pollution can harm wildlife (8)
- Direct toxic effects of pollutants
- Raised temp consequences
- Depleted O2 concentrations
- Impact on crops
- Bioaccumulation in food chain
- Impact of oil, solids etc. on wildlife and vegetation
- Reproductive cycle of wildlife could be affected
Outline 4 potential barriers that may inhibit an organisation re-using or recycling its waste and outline how these barriers may be overcome (8)
- Cost; see if any incentives?
- Storage space; find space away from site
- Lack of staff/management commitment; training and awareness refreshers
- Frequency of collection; seek advice from regulatory bodies e.g. WRAP
Most hospitals use mains gas & elec to provide heating & power. It’s essential that patient areas are maintained at reasonable temps. Outline practical steps the hospital could take to reduce energy use (8)
- Heating & boiler maintenance; use thermostat to reduce heat waste
- Closing doors and windows
- Apply insulation to avoid heat loss
- Use low energy light bulbs and motion sensors
- Any equipment not needed should be switched off
- Appointment of ‘champions’
- Incentive schemes to contribute to energy efficiency