Exam technique and vocabulary Flashcards
Describing tonality
- Major
- Minor
- Modal
- Atonal or no key
- Any modulations: does it go from major to minor?
- Indian Classical- raga
- Middle Eastern- maqam
Describing melodies
- Stepwise or leaping
- Comment on range (wide/narrow)
- Ornamented? Mordents, turns etc
- Any motifs, repeats or sequences
- Lyrical or fragmented (short or long phrases)
- Countermelodies?
- Legato or staccato
- Syncopated or regular
- Fast or slow notes
- Cadence at end (perfect, imperfect, plagal or interrupted)
- Do different instruments take over the melody?
Describing singing
- Syllabic or melisma
- Timbre e.g. Harsh or smooth
- Soprano, alto, tenor or bass
- Solo or soli
- Backing vocals in harmony or unison
- Ornamentation e.g. scoops or grace notes, slides
- Use of vibrato
- Scatting (jazz)
- Falsetto
Describing metre
- X beats per bar
- Simple or compound
- Duple, triple or quadruple
- Regular (e.g. 4 4) or irregular (e.g. 7 8)
- No beat: free rhythm or tempo rubato
Describing harmony
- Block or broken chords
- Diatonic, primary, dissonant or chromatic?
-Is the harmony rich (usually Romantic) - Polyphonic or homophonic
- Comment on differences in dynamics between the solo and accompaniment
- Chord progressions
Describing technology
- Reverb, echo, delay
- Panning
- Mixing
- Multi-tracking
- Synthesisers and electric instruments
- Auto tune
- Sampling
- Microphone
Describing rhythms
- Syncopated
- Cross rhythms and polyrhythms
- Ostinatos
- Triplets (NOT an ornament!)
- Dotted rhythms
- Anacrusis (upbeat) at the beginning
- Rubato
- Hemiola: When music moves briefly from triple time to duple time without changing the time signature. The effect is one of speeding up, despite the tempo being the same.
Describing structure
- Intro and Outro/coda
- Verse chorus
- Bridges and middle eights
- 12 bar blues (1950s)
Describing texture
- Thick or thin
- Monophonic, homophonic or polyphonic/contrapuntal
- The use of melody and an accompaniment
Describing timbre
- Mellow
- Wooden
- Brassy
- Warm
- Smooth
- Tinny
- Metallic
- Harsh
Describing tempo
Largo: very slow
Andante: Walking pace
Presto: very fast
Ritardando/Rallentando: slowing down
Accelerando: speeding up
Rubato: flexible tempo
BPM or MM=
Describing how soloists interact with the orchestra
- Soloist starts unaccompanied or the orchestra plays an intro
- Is the soloist at the same pitch, higher pitch, or lower pitch than the orchestra?
- Orchestra tutti sections without soloist
- Orchestra may play chords
- Differences in dynamics–> orchestra may play quieter during solos.
Single line, unaccompanied
Different instrument play different notes but in the same rhythm- everything moves in blocks.
Different interweaving melodies. AKA contrapuntal
All instruments play the same notes and rhythms, but may be in octaves