exam skills Flashcards
using case studies
case studies use realistic situations and contexts such as members of one family where you might gradually find out details about each person such as age, relationships, lifestyle choices, their environment and life events. you might also find out more relating to one more relating to one member of the family in an extended case study, always read case studies carefully so that you can apply knowledge and understanding about:
- key features of development across the life stages
- factors that impact on human growth and development
- theories that help to explain human growth and development
- life events that can impact on human growth and development
- the effects of ageing for the individual and for society
short answer questions
- which
- identify
- outline
- describe
- explain
- discuss
- justify
- evaluate
- to what extent
long answer questions
consider how your response to long answer questions might include the following qualities:
- demonstrate accurate and thorough knowledge
- apply knowledge to the context of the question
- be well structured and balanced, showing competing viewpoints
- use specialist language consistently and fluently
- be well structured, with a supported conclusion
applying theories
these help to explain human development, shows that you understand the theories that are in unit 1 and apply your knowledge to the subject of the case study
discuss questions
show a clear understanding of the topic
- consider all aspects of the topic and balance in an argument
- make connections between different aspects
- discuss the extent or importance of features
evaluate questions
- strengths and weaknesses
- advantages and disadvantages
- relevance or significance eg a theory, factor or a life event