What does the RCVS Code of Professional Conduct set out?
….Veterinary Nurses professional responsibilities and standards of professional practice.
RVN’s have a professional responsibility to…..
- animals
- clients
- the profession
- the team
- the RCVS
- the public
Principles of practice are the ____________ and ____________ expected of an RVN.
Qualities & Characteristics
List the 5 principles of practice:
- Professional competence
- Honesty & Integrity
- Independence & Impartiality
- Client Confidence & Trust
- Professional Accountability
CPD stands for?
Continual Professional Development
What are the Mandatory CPD requirements an RVN must adhere to?
- 15hrs per year
- planned, recorded & reflected
The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 includes…..
The code of professional conduct and schedule 3 procedures.
The Animal Welfare Act 2006 states….
That we must make animal welfare our first priority.
List some relevant legislation:
- Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
- The Veterinary Medicines Regulations 2013
- The Misuse of Drugs Act 1971
- The Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001
- COSHH 2002
- Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005
- The Equality Act 2010
The Equality Act 2010 provides…
a legal framework to protect the rights of individuals and advance the equality of opportunity for all.
How many characteristics are protected under The Equality Act 2010?
What are the 9 protected characteristics under The Equality Act 2010?
age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, sexual orientation, marriage & civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity.
Define: Misconduct
When a professional person behaves in an improper, inappropriate or unacceptable way. Such as:
- stealing/theft, under influence of alcohol/drugs at work, doing more than allowed.
FACT: Breaching the code of conduct = misconduct
Define: Negligence
This is usually done without intent, the opposite to Misconduct. Such as……
- burning injuries from heating devices, trauma from inadequate bandaging, accidental administration of a drug at an incorrect dosage.
Outline the 3 stages of the disciplinary procedure:
- Investigating and Assessment
- Preliminary Investigation Committee
- Disciplinary Comittee
What happens at stage 1 of the disciplinary procedure?
a case manager is assigned to gather info. Examiner in case group makes decision based on fitness to practice.
What happens at stage 2 of the disciplinary procedure?
investigation committee meet privately to assess fitness to practice. consider mitigating factors (CPD & Insurance). Concerns re mental health and dealt with here too. Case can be closed here.
What happens at stage 3 of the disciplinary procedure?
formal public hearing, may end in suspension or removal from the register. only serious cases reach this stage.
How can you support a client during euthanasia?
- keep noise to a minimum where possible (use a dedicated room)
- make staff aware
- provide tissues
- light a memory candle
- home visits if requested by the client
- treat tub for the owner to give to the animal.
- ask for payment before procedure
- condolence cards and mementos (paw prints etc…)
Suggest some examples of one-way communication:
Brochures, flyers, leaflets & advertisements.
Words must be clear.
Proofread (SPAG)
Suggest some examples of two-way communication:
Emails, face-to-face, phone calls, video calls…
Spoken words, body language, tone of voice.
Able to check/clarify, ask questions…
Suggest some barriers for two-way communication:
Languages, cultural, disabilities, time…
Face-to-face communication can be fulfilled through consults and video calls. What are some issues with this?
- time consuming
- not accessible to all
- hard for some to understand (use of face masks etc..)