Exam Review Flashcards
Indian Act 1876
Federal Law in Canada that governed the rights of indigenous people and stripped them away from their basic necessities.
First Battle of Ypres
Major battle in ww1 between October 19 till November 22 of 1914. Canada suffered a great loss, with more than 6,000 casualties in the first 48 Hours.
James S. Woodsworth
Canadian politician who founded the CCF during the Great Depression which later became the NDP. He advocated for worker’s rights, and unemployment insurance.
Avro Arrow
Jet fighter in the 1950s that was made for the Royal Canadian Airforce, but it was cancelled in 1959 before it could be used. It caused friction between the US and Canada.
D Day
Code name for the invasion of France by the Allied Forces on June 6 1944. It involved over 156,000 troops and was the largest sea invasion in history. But it helped release Europe from the Nazis.
Wilson’s 14 Points
Peace negotiation made by Woodrow Wilson at the end of WW1 to help protect the peace and avoid another war.
Cold War
Military conflict between 1940s till 1990s after WW2 which involved the Western Powers and Soviet Union to engage in espionage and such activities.
Baby Boom
Increased birth rates after WW2 due to the fact that many soldiers were getting married and starting families. This also helped economic growth and stability.
Halifax Explosion
On December 6 1917, two ships containing weapons for WW1 collided and a lot of people gathered to watch. 20 minutes later a huge explosion erupted with over 2000 deaths.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Political and Military stand off in 1962-during the cold war where the US discovered Soviet missiles containing deadly nuclear weapons docked in Cuba. The quarrel lasted 13 days until the US and the Soviet Union negotiated their ways.
Edwin Alonzo Boyd
Canadian Bank Robber and leader of the Boyd Gang who committed high profile robberies in the 1950s. When he was caught, he served 11 years in prison but then was paroled in 1966. He changed his life around and became an artist. He died in 2002.
League of Nations
International group developed in the 1920s, after WW1 in hopes to create pro founding peace and avoid another war. It was inspired by Wilsons’ 14 points.
Treaty of Versailles
Treaty that was signed in 1919 that officially ended WW1. It also imposed harsh penalties on Germany since they were not even invited, which lead to planting the seeds of WW2.
Dust Bowl Conditions
Period of bad agricultural practices in the 1930s that seriously affected the economy. It was a mix of bad weather and drought which lead farmers unable to produce crops to sell. It affected many people and their lifestyles, leaving people in poverty and unable to sustain their families.
Right for women to vote in electoral campaigns. It was a movement in the early 20th century which gained a lot of success in Canada, and later lead on to women voicing out their work place rights.
Schleiffen Plan
The plan was for France to invade Germany in WW1 by accessing through Belgium, however Belgium put up a good fight, delaying the invasion
Emily Carr
First Female Canadian Artist who rejected societal norms and was extremely successful in the 20th century. She now has a university of art named after her.
Beer Hall Putsch
Unsuccessful attempt by Adolf Hitler to take control of the government in order to gain political power in 1923 for the Nazi Party. He was sent to prison.
Neville Chamberlain
Leader of the UK who tried to avoid WW2 and protect the peace by exchanging a peace of UK’s land for peace. This didn’t work well and Germany decided to invade another country.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, which is a military alliance that was created to defeat the Soviet Union. Unfortunately, they are not as peaceful as they claim to be.
Vimy Ridge
Battle in 1917 between Canadian and German Troops in Northern France. It is a very significant moment in Canadian History because of how successful it was.
Banting and Best
Canadian Scientists who discovered and invented insulin to treat diabetes. It was a huge breakthrough in medical sciences and they were awarded the Nobel Prize in 1923 for their work.
Duncan C Scott
Canadian Poet and Civil servant who was worked for the government for years. He implemented a lot of policies that harmed many indigenous cultures. and families.
Billy Bishop
Canadian Fighter pilot in WW1 who shot down 72 enemy aircrafts. He was known for his bravery and courage throughout all his military career and is known as one of Canada’s best military heroes.
Battle of Jutland
Big Naval battle in 1916, WW1 between Germany and Britain. No one won and they both suffered heavy losses.
British Passenger ship that was sunk by Germany in WW1. A thousand people died and it sunk in 18 minutes. It is a huge significant moment of History.
Conscription Crisis
Political and Social conflict during WW1 where men were forced to fight for a war they did not want to partake in. People like Bertrand Russel, those who refused got charged and arrested.
Spanish Flu
Global Pandemic after ww1 that killed between 50-100 million people worldwide.
On Big Union
Labour Movement during WW1 that united a;; worker regardless of their trades or skill. It was unsuccessful in achieving its goals.
Francisco Franco
Spanish Dictator who came to power after winning the SPANISH CIVIL WAR. He played a huge role in WW2.
Enigma Machine
Encryption code device by the German Military during WW2. It was how they communicated an was thought to be unbreakable. However, a group of codebreakers in England were able to crack it.
Dwight E. Eisenhower
US Army Genera. who was also the 34th president of the US. He was a key leader in WW2 and helped establish NATO.
The US dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima killing almost 140,000 people. It had a devastating impact on the city and its people.
Pope Benedict XV
Pope at the start of WW1 and he promoted peace and ending the conflict. Woodrow Wilson stole his peace plan.
City in Germany that was heavily impacted by WW2 because of how much it was bombed by the Allied Forced.
Manhattan Project
Research Project by the US government where they tested out nuclear weapons for WW2. They dropped their weapons on Japan in order to test them.
Pugwash Movement
International organization that brought together scientists and important figured to address global security regarding nuclear weapons. It was founded in 1957 by Bertrand Russel
Ronald Reagan
40th President of the US and he was known for economic growth and the ability to communicate well with the American People
Shoah is the Hebrew/Jewish word of the Holocaust. it is one of the most tragic moments in history and is remembered as the dangers of intolerance.
Komagata Maru
Japanese steamship that carried Sikh immigrants from India to Canada in 1914. They were denied entry and is a huge significant moment to Canadian history and racism.
Used in nuclear weapons and highly toxic
Red Scare 1920s
A time where many Americans were afraid of communists. The government increased surveillance because they arrested and deported many people who supported communism.
Mikhail Gorbachev
Soviet Politician who tried to reform the Soviet Union’s political and economic systems. His policies lead to economic and political freedom.
Conditions of Treaty of Versailles
- Germany was forced to accept full responsibility of the War
- Germany was required to disarm and reduce its military.
3, Germany was forced to give up some land.
What immigrants did Canada desire at the turn of the century?
They wanted more European immigrants because they fit into the culture well, but when they got immigrants of Asian decent, they were severely mistreated.
Treatment of Indigenous people
Forced to be removed of their ancestral land, forced to attend residential schools, denied education and health care, denied water, cut down their home lands…
3 Pros and Cons of the Prohibition in Canada in 1918
-Reduced alcohol consumption helped reduce public safety hazards and people became healthier.
-Reduced crime rates, such as drunk driving, and domestic violence.
-Increased government revenue by taxing other goods that were in higher demand such as tobacco and gasoline.
-Increase in organized crimes and people would smuggle alcohol illegally.
-Corruption among law enforcement who were bribed by conmen and illegal smugglers.
-The prohibition created a black marker for alcohol which had often poor quality and imposed health risks.
3 Reasons for the Winnipeg General Strike:
- Poor working conditions
2.Post War economic instability
3.Labour unrest and demanding higher wages
3 Programs that Tommy Douglas, JS Woodsworth and William Aberhart brought in:
- Universal Healthcare- Healthcare to all Canadians regarding their economic status.
2.Social Security- Financial Stability to those who were struggling - Social Credit- 25$ monthly credit
3 Reasons for a peace movement in Canada
1.Global Conflict and tensions
2.Environmental concerns
3.Mental Health and Well-being
All Wars Canada has been involved in since 1914
-WW1 1914-1918
-WW2 1939-1945
-Korean War 1950-1953
-Gulf War 1990-1991
-War in Afghanistan 2001-2014
-Iraq War 2003-2011
-War on Terror (9/11) 2001-Present
Essay Question: