exam review Flashcards
period 4 big idea 1: political parties continued to argue about policy, the supreme court established its role in government, and the usa expanded territorial holdings
- federalists (loose contrcutionalism) and democractic republics (strict constructionalism)
- Jefferson did not always conform to DR literal interpretation, like with the Louisianna Purchase
- Lewis and Clark explored north of LP and Zebula and Pike explored south part, both engagged in diplomacy with native americans in territory
- supreme court establishes their place, power increases under influence of chief justice john marshall
- marbury v madison — supreme court gained final say over interpretation of constitution (JUDICIAL REVIEW)
period 4 big idea 2: as federal power grew, regional interests often conflicted with and opposed it
- war of 1812: fought because britain wanted americans to fight in the british navy
- signification opposition from NE federalists, met at the hartford convention and decided NE should sucede
- the rest of the coutry liked the war and decided the federalists didn’t know anything about america so the federalist party died
- Henry Clay’s American System: goal was to unify american economy
- federally funded internal improvements, protective tariffs, second bank of america
- itensely opposed by south so madison vetoed some provisions because he was from the south and didn’t want them to be too disadvantaged
- missouri applied to be a state and one congressman attached a requirement that it be a free state
- increased sectionalism bc the most importnt thing was the balance between free and slave states
- led to the missouri compromise: missouri would be slave but everything below southern border would be slave and everything above would be free
- maine was added as a state as well
period 4 big idea 3: the US sought to establish its place as an independent nation on the world stage by claiming territory and consolodating control over the western hemisphere
- canadian border established
- joint ownership of oregon between britain and US, spain gave up florida
- monroe doctrine: established western hemisphere as US sphere of influence, europe could not intervene
period 4 big idea 4: the market revolution was the linking of northern industry with western and southern farms, created by advances in technology and had significant effects on society
- cotton gin, factory textiles, interchangable parts in factories, like the assembly line
- mass production and mass consumption
- steam engines went in boats so they could go both ways on rivers
- government passed legislation that aided development of quicker and easuer transportation
- like with canals, fostered regional interdependence for trade
- many immigrants, most settled on east coast
- urban immigrants filled factory jobs and lived in very unsanitary hastily put together buildings
- created ethnic enclaves so they were able to continue cultural traditions
- growing middle class, first starting in the north, doctors, lawyers
- women: cult of domesticity, had to have kids and raise them, provide good home life
period 4 big idea 5: the demand for expanding democracy manifested itself in universal white male suffrage and the growing influence of political parties
- panic of 1819: economic crisis, irresponsible banking practice partly by politicians
- those hit the hardest were laboring men but they didn’t own land so they couldn’t hold their politicians responsible for the crisis
- calls for white male suffrage, most states did it before 1825
- election of 1824: one major party but there was a division in the democratic republicans
- national republicans, loose conservationalists, kind of federalist, became the whigs later on
- democrats, strict constitutionalists
period 4 big idea 6: president andrew jackson made profound use of federal power on issues like the national bank, tariffs, federally funded internal improvements, and the forcible removal of the indians
- whigs (henry clay) and democrats (andrew jackson)
- many conflicts between the parties, three main ones
- tariff of abomination: raised import taxes quite a bit, supportive by the north because it protects american industry. southerns hated it because they rely on imports as agricultural workers. jackson’s VP told south carolina to nullify the tariff (kentucky and virgina resolution). jackson got congress to pass the force bill, gave him federal authority to send troops to south carolina to enforce the law
- bank war: andrew jackson thought national bank benefitted the wealthy more than the poor so he vetoed the recharter of it. the federalists and whigs loved that bank
- indian removal act of 1830: they were removed from lands in the east and sent to reservations across mississippi river bc he didn’t think america would ever settle over there. some had to be forcibly removed, trail of tears
period 4 big idea 7: americans labored during this period to define a distinct american identity through language, philosophy, art, and religion
- transcendentalism: power/beauty of nature, natural created order, many feelings with little thought
- hudson river school: painted romanticised versions of land in ny and western territories
- second great awakening: moral reformation of society, preached in the wilderness - charles phinney, brought it to the cities
period 4 big idea 8: the rise of democratic and individualistic beliefs and the social changes brought on by the market revolution led to a significant effort to reform american society
- temperance movement: american temoerance society, complete abstinence from alcohol, believed it caused many problems in society
- abolitionism: william lloyd garrison, anti-slavery, american anti-slavery society, achieved emancipation in the north. south was not a fan, black southerners took up the abolitionist movement, caused white plantation owners to be scared of further revolt (nat turner’s rebellion). maintained parts of identity and culture
- women’s rights: seneca falls convention, 1848, equality, suffrage, education
period 4 big idea 9: though the majority of southern white people did not own ensalved people, southern culture ensured that the institution of slavery was part of the southern way of life
- mostly independent land owners that did not need slaves
- still believed in institution of slavery and the racial codes that justified it
- many southerners began to move west
period 5 big idea 1: many americans believed it was their manifest destiny to expand their nation over the whole of the north amerian continent
- manifest destiny: americans had a god given right to control all land in north america, provided land for religious refuge, settlers could go west, thought american institutions were better so they deserved to expand
- preemption acts: made land accessible and cheap to anyone who moved there
- gold rush: huge migrations
- southerners: needed better land for agriculture so they moved west
period 5 big idea 2: the mexican american war was caused by the annexation of texas and resulted in large territorial gains for the united states
- texas: belonged to mexico but american settlers had been going there, slavery was illegal and required catholocism, texans revolted and became an independent nation. eventually wanted to become a state but mexico told US to not do it because it would lead to war. texas was annexed and there was a dispute over the southern border so there was a war. there was a provision to some congress bill saying that all territory gained from mexican american war would be free states which ended up creating a ton of conflict and was struck down. ended with treaty of guadalupe-hidalgo - established southern border as rio grande, also included mexican cession (they gave up new mexico, arizona, california)
period 5 big idea 3: further aquisition of land led to an increasingly bitter debate over the future of slavery in america, which was temporarily resolved in the compromise of 1850
- different opinions regarding what to do with the territories from the mexican cession
- south: slavery is a constitutional right so the land below the missouri compromise line should be slave states
- free soil position: northern democrats/whigs, all territory should be free
- popular sovereignty: let the people living there decide
- cali and new mexico wanted to be free states so the southern states began to threaten sucession
- solution was the compromise of 1850
- divided mexican cession territory into a few groups, they could decide for themselves
- cali wanted to enter as a free state
- slavery outlawed in DC
- stricter fugitive slave law, very much enforced - lots of contention, most northerners didn’t want to think abt slavery but now they were responsible for returning futgitive slaves and could be punished for not doing so
period 5 big idea 4: as more immigrants arrived in america, they created ethnic enclaves where they preserved their culutre and faced opposition from nativists
- most immigrants were irish (urban centers) and german (went west)
- able to keep culuture and language because they found eachother
- nativists backlash: preserving original lanuage and culutre and protecting country from immigrants
- mainly an anti-catholic movement because most irish immigrants were catholic
- know nothing party came out of nativists, built on anti immigration platform
period 5 big idea 5: tension over slavery increased because of conflicting regional ideaologies, an abolitionist movement in the north, and arguments regarding the contitutionality of slavery
- different labor ideologies: north manufacturing, paid labor, many didn’t object to slavery as immoral, but as slave labor expanded it would undermine their ability to work for wages
- free soil movement: expansion of slavery was incompatible with paid labor system
- underground railroad: series of trails/safe houses helped ppl escape to the north
- uncle tom’s cabin changed opinion of many because it made slavery appear very brutal
- south’s main argument was that the constitution didn’t mention slavery and anything not explicitly in the constitution was a power of the states
period 5 big idea 6: all attempts to compromise over slavery ultimately failed, which led to the rise of sectinoal political parties
- kansas nebraska act of 1854: nebraska territory was divided in two and it was decided that both would have popular sovereignty but they were both above the line from the missouri compromise, once again raised the issue of free v slave states and the missouri compromise was overturned. intense fighting in the territory
- dred scott deicsion 1857: essentially made slavery legal in any state in the union
- john brown wanted to raid an arsenal and arm slaves then set them free and he didn’t make it
- southern democrats vs northern repullicans (containment of slavery)
period 5 big idea 7: the election of abraham lincoln in 1860 without a single electoral vote from the south led to the secession of the southern states
- lincoln was very clear that he would not abolish slavery where it existed, but it would be contained which the south didn’t like
- preservation of institution of slavery and protection of states rights as main reasons for secession
period 5 big idea 8: even though the north and the south mobilized their entire societies to fight the civil war, the north won because of advantages in population/industry, the leadership of lincoln, and the strategy of cutting off the south from aid
- south doing well at beginning, but north had greater population so more fighters, manufacturing was on their side, and they had lincoln
- emancipation proclimation: more of a military tactic, freed slaves in southern states, changed war to a war to abolish slavery
- no one would help south once it became about slavery
- north basically trashed the south’s infrstructure
period 5 big idea 9: after the civil war, america entered a period of reconstruction which abolished slavery, amended the consitution significantly, and sought to reunify the north and south
- 13/14/15: no slavery, citizenship and equal protection of law, voting rights
- federal troops remained in the south to enforce recontruction laws
- lincoln was very lenient but wasn’t able to implement that plan
- johnson and radical republicans from congress wanted to punish the south, republican heavy congress that was not very kind
period 5 big idea 10: reconstruction ultimately failed because of northern weariness of forcing southerners into submission and southern insistence on maintaining their pre-civil war society
- southerners began sharecropping: made unfair contracts and hired former slaves, essentially a new form of slavery
- KKK terrorized black southerners into submission
- black codes: couldn’t have money or own land
- plessey v ferguson 1896: segregation was legalized, ‘separate but equal’ - it was never actually equal
- north got tired
- election of 1876 (contested) led to compromise of 1877: republican rutherford b hayes could be president as long as the federal troops were removed from the south
- no one was enforcing reconstruction laws or anti discrimination laws
period 6 big idea 1: continued westward migration and the advent of transcontinental railroad systems helped unify the nation’s economy, in favor of industrialists and at the expense of farmers
- railroads created a truly national market for goods and people who manufactured were encouraged to mass produce, people were eoncouraged to mass consume
- government offered great land grants to railroad companies
- created truly interdependent economies for north and west
- railroads were both good and bad for farmers
- good: national market for crops
- bad: railroad monopolies charged crazy prices
- national grange movement: tried to protect themselves from railroad monopolies, got a win int eh interstate commerce act of 1876
- railraod prices must be reasonable and just, but govt couldn’t fix specific prices
- small farmers were folding because there was big mecahnization of farming, larger agricultural businesses could outproduce and buy small farmers
period 6 big idea 2: americans moved westward for a variety of reasons: economic opportunity and self sufficiency but the continued push west led to bitter conflicts with indians
- easier to move west
- homestead act: land grants to people who wanted to settle a piece of land, was much cheaper
- solution to ‘indian problem’ was reservations, but none of the indians liked that because for some it went against their way of living
- sioux wars: violent resistance against americans in the west
- congress passed indian appropriation act which nullified all previous treaties and took away native american sovereignty, led to war with sioux
- assimilation movement (dawes act) wanted indians to blend in with americans and abandon their culture, broke up tribal organizations, gave them us citizenship if they would assimilate
period 6 big idea 3: despite significant efforts to create a ‘new south,’ the souther states entrenched themselves in racial segregation and a continuing adherence to agriculture
- continued racial hierarchy
- jim crow laws, segregated everything in the south
- no one was there to protect them, more violence
- hard to keep gains made during reconstruction
- ida b wells: newspapaer editor in the south, wrote about lynchings and spoke out against jim crow laws - had to move to north to protect herself
period 6 big idea 4: technological innovation created the occasion for the rise and expansion of industrial capitalism
- westward expansion - industrialists greater access to natural resources
- bessemer process: steel made stronger/higher quality and the entire manufacturing industry was basically based in steel at that point
period 6 big idea 5: large scale industrial production transformed the america economy during the gilded age
- goal to be as big as possible (a monopoly/trust)
- carnegie: vertical integration, acquired all industries required for manufacturing
- rockefeller: horizontal integration, buy out all competitors
- feirce anti regulation sentiment in government
- got involved in labor disputes and took the side of the companies
- social darwinism: survival of the fittest in business
- gospel of wealth: rich have moral obligation to better society with their money
period 6 big idea 6: while some american’s standard of living improved, many in the labor sector found their lives unsustainable and fought for better treatment
- middle class was gaining in strength
- needed middle management - white collar work
- rise of labor unions: wanted better treatment and pay because of dangerous conditions
- knights of labor: main union but declined after haymarket suqare incident
- american federation of labor
- both wanted better wages, shorter workday, safer working conditions
period 6 big idea 7: the industrial workforce expanded and became more diverse thrugh internal and international migration
- migration: people within are moving around
- many immigrants, china, germany, ireland, scandanavia
- many settled in urban areas and created ethnic enclaves
- exoduster movement: mass migration of black people in the south to the midwest, treid to establish homesteads
period 6 big idea 8: as immigration increased during the gilded age, immigratns faced opposition from nativists and labor unions, but found help through private welfare programs like settlement houses
- labor unions didn’t like immigrants because they would work for very cheap so there was no room for strikes
- american protective association and chinese exclusion acts (1882)
- social darwinism: believed irish immigratns would degrade the country
- jane aadams: established houses to help immigrants assimilate into society
period 6 big idea 9: various groups sought to reform american society and economics into a more equitable reality
- social gospel: christains who thought religion should be applied to society, wanted middle class to solve urban poverty
- increase want for socialism because of the grave financial harships
- eugene v debbs: founded american socialist party and frequently rn for president
- populaist party; mainly famrers, correct concentration of enconomic, direct election of senators, referendum, initiative, coinage of silver
- big push for women’s suffrage and had involvement in temperance
period 6 big idea 10: politics in the gilded age continued to resemble party divisions lingering from the civil war and they contended on the proper place of government in american life
- democrats and republicans
- large amounts of corruption and they were mostly indifferent
- political patronage: spoil system, corrected in pendleton act of 1881
- gold standard: government wouldn’t print more paper money than could be backed by gold
- farmers wanted silver and more paper money
- tariffs, still high, only north liked them
- urban political machines: basically community organizers that would only help if people voted for them
period 1 big idea 1: Native American populations in the Americas were diverse peoples with differing ways of life shaped by the environment in which they lived
- coastal regions in pacific north west: permanent settlements/villages, small game, fish, regional trade networks
- great basin region: nomadic, hunter gatherers, large tracts of land to hunt buffalo, move around based on buffalo, famrers (pueblo)
- mississippi river valley: farmers because of rich soil, trade up and down mississippi river, some had crnetalized governments
- north east: farmers, long houses, communal living, timber
period 1 big idea 2: europeans came to americas for various reasons
- political unification in europe, growing upper class that wanted goods from asia but couldn’t rade on own terms so they wanted their own coean based trade
- new maritime technology: astronomical charts, new sials, easier to travel by sea
- spain: wanted to sail west for new access to asian markets, reconquista of iberian peninsula, movitatevd to spread christianity
- found wealth in americas, led to fierce competition in americas
period 1 big idea 3: the colombian exchange resulted in massive changes in europe and the americas
- transfer of people, animals, plants, diseases, ideas from new world to old world
- greatly altered economy and society
- potatos and corn went to europe, wheat and rice came to americas
- made healthier diets and lived longer
- cattle came to americas
- small pox came to americas and wiped out basically all natives
- gold came to europe from americas, changed europe to capitalism, joint stock companies on the rise,
period 1 big idea 4: the arrival of the spanish fundamentally changed the social and economic makeup of the americas
- encomienda system: ensalved native americans to work planations and mine gold
- they all died and many escaped so they were replaced by africans
- africans wouldn’t die from small pox and they didn’t know the land so they couldn’t really escape
- casta system: people in americas were categorized by race and ancestry
period 1 big idea 5: as a result of their interactino with each other, europeans and native americans understanding of each other changed over time
- europeans viewed land as a commodity but native americans had more of a spiritual connection
- europeans were christian NA were other
- NA tought egnlish how to hunt and grow maize, englhs gave NA tools
- some poeple argued that native americans wer sub human that benefitted form salvery
- bartolemes de las casas: argued that native americans were people that deserved respect and dignitity
period 2 big idea 1: the spanish, english, dutch, and french projects of colonialization were motivated by different goals
- god goald and glory
- spanish: extraction of wealth (gold and cash crops - sugar cane) and spread of christianity
- subjugation of native populations
- french and dutch: trade partnerships like fur, more alliances, few permanent settlements mainly trading posts, not trying to convert NA
- british: needed to fix economy, not a lot of land, religious persecution
- wanted social mobility, economic prosperity, and religious freedom
period 2 big idea 2: the british colonies in north america differed from each other in their goals, population makeup, and society
- colonies all up and down east coast
- chesapeake: first settlement, wanted money, single men/indentured servants, bacons rebellion, slavery, tobacco
- new england: economic prosperity, settled for puritan community and farming land, family grousp
- middle colonies: ny and nj, trade hubs, export economy, more diversity
- southern atlantic colonies: tobacco, slavery
- british west indies: cash crops, tobacco and sugar, slavery
- governmenance: mainly self-governing, democratic, large distance between britain and colonies
- mayflower compact: self-governing curch congregation
- house of burgesses: virginia, representative assembly
period 2 big idea 3: the great wealth being generated by the transatlantic tradekept colonization viable
- triangle trade: rum to africa, slaves to caribean, sugar to colonies
- mercantilism: export more thn import, needed colonies for the raw materials to produce mantufactured goods, got new markets to sell goods, navigation acts - merchants could only trade with colonies, entire system was controlled
period 2 big idea 4: as european colonies because more established, european powers maintained differing policies in their interactions with NAtive american peoples, which often led to conflcit
- wars and alliances with native americans
- king phillips war: war with british because they didn’t want continued british expansion
- pueblo revolts: against spain, resistance to land grabs and conversion to christianity
period 2 big idea 5: all british colonies depended more or less on enslaved african laborers, but some ensalved people actively rebelled against the systmem
- reliance wasn’t equal, as it got more south, more reliance
- because southern was more based on agriculture and cash crops
- africans thought of as property
- covert rebellion: keeping culutre and beliefs, broke tools, faked illnesses,
- overt rebellion: taking up arms and resisting
- stoneowe rebellion: south caroline 1739, small group marched down a river, burned planations, killed white people
period 2 big idea 6: colonial society btoh resembled english society and developed its own character
- englightenment: natural rights, social contract, led to weakening of religious authorityies
- group of clergy preched against this
- frist great awakening: jonathan edwards and george whitfield, needed a clergy to practice religion, national movement that united the colonies
period 2 big idea 7: british colonial policies led to an increasing mistrust in the american colonies
- more english like
- autonomous political sturcture
- growing frustrations: impressment - british navy forced american men to serve in royal navy which americans did not like because they lost their rights
- led to three days of rioting
- colonists growing tired of natural righs violations
period 3 big idea 1: the french and indian war led to increased land for the american colonies and a greater burden of taxation
- causes of french and indian war: mutual conflict between french and british, british won, had many colonists fighting
- british gained a lot of land, basically doubled territory
- americans decided to move west which increased conflicts with native americans
- parliament passed the proclimation line in 1773, line down apalacian moutnains that marked where the colonists had to stop expanding, felt they were owed the land
- british had a ton of debt so they raised taxes on the colonies
period 3 big idea 2: british colonial policies, specifically taxation without colonial representation in parliament, led to the revolutionary war
- salutary neglect ended, and colonists were being cracked down upon
- portering act: imperial troops remained in colonies to enforce laws and they stayed in their houses
- stamp acts: paper products, argument was taking taxes without consent, no represention
- created formal petition to reppeal stamp acts, no one wanted independence yet
- boycott of british goods
- boston massacre, tensions reached a head
- boston tea party: british responded with coercive acts and people started to think about independence
period 3 big idea 3: englightenment ideals exhibited a major influence on the american independence movememnt, especially exhibited in thomas paine’s common sense and the declaration of independence
- natural rihgts: people have rights of life, liberty, and property given to them by god so the govt cant take them away
- social contract: power to rule is in the hands of the people and the ppl give govt some power to portect their natural rights but if the givt doesn’t do a good job their power can be taken away
- separatino of powers in govt
- common sense: idea that we should have independence from britain
- doi: enlgitment thought, social contract, consent of the governed
period 3 big idea 4: despite britains miltiary and financial advantages, the american patriots won the revolutionary war and gained indpendence
- loyalists and patriots
- leadership of george washington, turning point of the war was battle of saratoga bc it convinced france to side with america against britain
- ends at battle of yorktown
period 3 big idea 5: the articles of confederation was the first constitution of the united states of america and it failed largely because the federal government was too weak
- states had assembled own constitutions and governments before the articles of confederation
- 1781, all federal power went into congress, they didn’t really have any power
- northwest ordinance of 1787: planned how states could become part of the union, abolished slavery in northwest territories
- shay’s rebellion: farmers in western mass, shed light on issues with articles because no military or main leader
period 3 big idea 6: the consitutional convention was clalled to draft a new constitution to rectify the weakness of the articles of confederation
- purpose was to revise articles, but became clear that a whole new thing was needed
- federalists vs anti-federalists
- federalists: strong central govt
- anti-federalists: state’s rights, weak central govt, liked articles
- virgina plan: represenation by population
- new jersey plan: representation by every state gets one vote
- great compromise: two houses, one with proportional representation, one with equal representation
- 3/5 compromise: each slave is 3/5 of a person to count towards population
- ratification in states led to fight between federalists and anti-federalists
- bill of rights was added to constitution
period 3 big idea 7: the constituion of the united states created a new central government defined by federalism and the separation of powers
- federalism: sharing of power between central and state govts
- separation of powers: three branches of government, checks and balance
period 3 big idea 8: the ideals of the american revolution affected society in america in terms of gender roles and debates about slavery, while they also inspired revolutions in france and haiti
- renewed debate about slavery, some emancipation in northern states
- republican motherhood: women had to raise children and educate them to be good people
- french revolution: right of the people to consent to government
- haitian revolution: liberty, equality, overthrew france, modern successful slave rebellion
period 3 big idea 9: the presedencies of george washington and john adams set precedents for the way america would behave regarding the relationship betwee the federal government and state government
- federalists and democratic republicans
- whiskey rebellion in 1794: state tax on whiskey negatively affected poor farmers, they rose up against it and washington assembled federal troops to squash the rebellion
- alexander hamilton’s national bank: federalist, gained national bank and binded states together
- xyz affair: french were taking american trade ships, john adams bribed the french delegates to talk to americans
- alien and sedition acts: easy to deport any non-citizan, illegal to criticize federal govt publicly - getting rid of first amendment rights
- virgina and kentucky resoltion: if federal govt passes clearly unconstitutional law, states can nullify it
period 3 big idea 10: ideas about american identity found expression in art, literature, and architecture, and there was also strong regional representations
- charles wilson peal, john trumble: historical paintings, romaticised
- poor richard’s almanac: random syaings, hard working american people
- style of architecture
period 7 big idea 1: once the western frontier was settled, the united states debated whether it should expand into territories beyond its borders
- fronteir thesis: westward movement was in the dna of americans and it was a good things bc hope of better future and pressure vvalve for urban tensions
- 1890: westward expansino was over bc everywherhe was settled
- imperialists: manifest destiny, superiority
- anti-imperialists: self-determination, restricting rights of others, no international conflicts, non-involvement in foreign affairs
period 7 big idea 2: the united states victory in the spanish american war led to further land acquisitions, and transformed american into a proper empire
- causes: cuba was a point of contention, us battleship exploded in havana harbor, spanishwere blamed, war was declared
- effects: us got cuba, philippenes, puerto rico, hawaii
- those places were not very happy about it and there was another war in the philippenes
period 7 big idea 3: the progressives wanted strong goernment intervention to reorm society on issues like political corruption, social injustice, and economic inequality
- muckrakers: exposing corruptooin
- upton saint clare: meat packing plants
- ida tarbell: rockefeller
- told public about corruption and created occasion for reform
- voter participation: secret ballot, direct election of senators, initiative, referandum, recall
- efficiency in government, srutize govt waste
- civil rights, mainly black progressives, booker t washington and web dubois - mainly cities
- trust busting: tr and taft, getting rid of monopolies
- conservationism
- 17/18/19 amendement: direct election of senators, prohibtion, womens suffrage
period 7 big idea 4: although the us begain in a position of isolationism regarding wwi, mounting pressure brought them into the war and the us entry turned the war for the allies
- unrestrcted submarine warfare by germans and zimmerman telegram made it hard for us to stay neutral
- entered war to make world safe for democracy
- ended with treaty of versailles, wilson pushed for the league of nations to prevent another world war
- congress did not allow for league of nations
period 7 big idea 5: us involvement in wwi meant leveraging all its assets at home. additionally, it created the occasion for the suppression of civil liberties, nativism, and significatn migrations
- total war: new wartime agencies, centralized control over pries and production of wartime materials, urbanization, revitalized economy
- espionage act: no speaking out against government and the war
- sedition act of 1918: cant publicaly critize govt
- red scare, palmers raids, no socialism, radicals, or communism
- great migration: black americans moving to north and west to imrpove economic opportinuty
period 7 big idea 6: in the 1920s, new technologies focused the US eocnomy on the production of consumer goods, which improved standards of living and spread national cutlure
- business was booming
- increased productivity: assmebly line, scientifci management, mass production and mass consumption
- energy helps economy
- government stops regulatino and offers corporate tax cuts
- new communication tech: radios and movies, everyone could see/hear centralizaed message
period 7 big idea 7: the urbanization of america granted new opportunities for women and immigrants, gave rise to new forms of art, and emphasized regional differences
- more than half of americans lived in cities
- women could work in factories, nursing, teaching
- immigration to america going crazy, introduced quotas, hard for eastern european and asian immigrants to come
- f scott fitzgerald and ernest hemigway
- harlem renaissance: jazz, writers, poets, celebration of black culutre
- relgious conflicts between modernists and fundamentalists so the changing culutre did not sit well with fundamentalists
- moderist pricipals won
period 7 big idea 8: the great depression caused policy makers to transform the united states into a kimited welfare state with the new deal and further refined the goals of modern american liberalism
- stock market crash of 1929
- fdr strongly believed in govt intervention
- created the new deal for relief, recovery, and reform
- regulatin of banks, insurance of banks
- social secutiy act of 1935 to pay for retirement
period 7 big idea 9: before entering wwii, the us publicaly maintained its isolationism while simultaneously aiding the allied efforts, but entered the war after pearl harbor
- clear where loyalties lay
- cash and carry program
- lend lease act, britain got arms on credit
period 7 big idea 10: the required mobilization for the us entry into wwii transformed american society economically, while creating the occasoin for violations of civil liberties
- many new people entered the work force
- cured great depression
- govt took over private factories
- japanese americans on the west coast were put into camps even though they were citizens and this was a giant violation but the supreme court supported it
period 7 big idea 11: once the us committed to the war, americans saw the war as a fight for the curvival of democracy and freedom against facist totalitarianism
- this was jsutified because of all the atrocities that came to light
- d day invasion - turning point of war, took france back from germany
- us forces enagged in island hopping campaign, was very successful
- atomic bombs ended war in japan
period 7 big idea 12: the poor condition of asia and europe, and the dominatn us role in the allied victory and postwar peace settlements, allowed the us to emerge from the war as the most powerful nation in the world
- they basically comandeered the peace settlements and what would happen to the axis powers
period 8 big idea 1: the us and soviet union enaged in a decades-long cold war. the united states’ main goal was the containment of communism
- rivalry of democracy and communism, much distrust between us and su
- mainly bc it was deicded that eastern european nations would have free elctions after the war but stalin decided to meddle and make them all communist as a buffer zone for the soviet union
- iron curtain in europe
- truman doctrine: us would intervene to keep communist only in the soviet union and their satellite states
- marshall plan gave tons of money to nations threatened by communism
- nato: alliance defending against communist
- arms race: nuclear weapons
- Korean war: north and south, soviet and us, armies left but north invaded south, ends in stalemate
period 8 big idea 2: americans debated policies designed to expose suspected communists within the united states even as both parties supported the broader strategy of containing communism
- second red scare, mccarthyism, witch hunt, just about everything could be considered communist
period 8 big idea 3: the us economy grew significantly in the 1950s, creating the occasion for the baby boom, cultural conformity, and an increase in migration
- many babies
- housing construction in suburbs, levittown
- peopl were moving for jobs in industry
- television created mass culutre and everyone was very similar and everyone conformed
- artists rebelled against the conformity
period 8 big idea 4: gains were made for civil rights in the 1940s and 50s which set the stage for further gains in the 1960s
- 1950s segregation was still going strong in the south but the glaring racial inequality emerged
- brown v board of education: no segregation in schools, integration was very difficult because of resistance from white people
- montgomery bus boycott in 1965: rosa parks and mlk jr led boycott of buses to show need for equality and civil rights
period 8 big idea 5: building on the progress made in the 40s and 50s, the civil rights movement won major victories in the 1960s with significant legislation outlawing racial discrimination
- non violence and boycotts sparked mass arrests
- march on washington for civil rights
- civil rights act of 1964 and voting rights act of 1965
- non violent resistance was difficult to keep up and malcolm x was big advocate of violence and keeping african american communities separate
period 8 big idea 6: worldwide postwar decolonization was the occasion for increasing cold war involvement for both the soviet union and the united states
- africa, asia, latin america they needed aid
- guatemala 1954, US troops led a coup against soviet union
- iran: overthrew socialist govt
- vietnam war: french left, north established communist govt and south was democratic, thought it would be dominoes if south fell
period 8 big idea 7: the vietnam war was fought under the rubric of communist containment, and it created deep divisions among americans about americas proper place in the world
- gulf of tonkin resolution: johnson could do whatever he wanted with military power, war was kinda sketchy bc no congressional authorization
- foot in the door persuasion with military and getting troops there
- americans were not pleased bc not a real war but ppl were dying
- mcuh secrecy and misinformation so public had no idea what was really going on, loss of trust in govt.
period 8 big idea 8: lyndon johnson’s great society carried on the legacies of the new deal and is considered the high mark of american liberalism
- wanted to expand medicare and ssa
- war on poverty and drugs, congress was democratc so he could do what he wanted
- lots of education reform, medicaid
- immigration act: got rid of quotas from 1920s
period 8 big idea 9: the civil rights movement expanded to include latinos, american indians, asian americans, women, and gay americans
- ceasar chavez, rights for mexican farmers on west coast
- indians wanted tribes back and culutral freedom, and traditions, also wanted self-determination, got what they wanted
- illegal to be gay so eventually people got sick of that and then being gay wasn’t a mental illness anymore
- women’s movement: more in workforce, less being home and raising kids, equal opportunity pay and jobs
period 8 big idea 10: youth culutrue of the 1960s was dfined by a rejection of social, political, and economic norms of their parents’ generation
- counter culutre
- hippies
- trying to get rid of restraint, rebellion
- complete rejection of cultural norm
- drugs
period 8 big idea 11: a growing concern over environmental degradation led to the rise of the environmental movement
- silent spring, expose pesticides
- oil crisis in ocean
- new regulatroy agency to protect environment
period 8 big idea 12: public trust in the government rapidly declined during this period, and that led to growing classhes between liberals and conservatives over the role of the federal government
- economic turmoil, recession with stagflation
- watergate, nixon super sketchy, coverups galore
- battle between liberalism and conservatism in supreme court, roe v wade for the win,
period 9 big idea 1: the election of ronald reagan amrked a significant shift in americna politics from liberalism to conservatism
- reaganomics: supply side, economic growth came from less regulation and lower taxes
- promised to reduce government spending, only on welfare programs but massively increased on military
- deregulation of industry and conservative judges
- no more affirmative action
period 9 big idea 2: ronald reagan helped bring an end to the cold war through speeches, diplomatic efforts, and military buildup
- iran contra: secretly selling arms to iran, used money illegally to aid nicaragua
- buildup of nuclear weapons
- diplomatic (start 1 treaty) agreements to reduce arms
period 9 big idea 3: the us economy underwent signfiicant changes in the 1990s due to the advent of new technological innovations like the computer and the transition to a service based economy
- bush: largest peace time economic group
- world wide economic opportunities and increased productivity
- mobile tech and rise of social networks
- manufacturing outsources
period 9 big idea 4: after 1980, migration and immigration affect us culutre and economics significantly
- immigration boom - reofrm and control act
period 9 big idea 5: the attcks of 9/11 marked the beginning of the war of terrorism and some americans registered a growing concern over climate chage
- us troops went to afghanistan, had to find leader in wilderness
- americans accepted less prviacy to protect them from terrorists
- fossil fuel kills america
- climate change became a concern