Exam questions Flashcards
What are example of PAMPs?
PAMPs stand for pathogen asscoiated molecular patterns and examples of them are LPS which are bacterial cell wall components, viral RNA/DNA, flagellin etc
How can the immune cells recognize PAMPs?
With their pattern recognition receptors
What are examples of DAMPs?
DAMPs stand for damage assoicated molecular patterns and are released from damage and stressed cells. Examples include DNA or cytosolic components outside of the cell.
What are the five main ways T cells regulate immune responses?
- They release anti-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-10 and TGF-B which inhibits activation and function of other T-cells
- Cell-to-Cell contact inhibition by sending signals through direct contact to cells inhibintg them
- Metabolic regulation, making the surrounding enviorment less favorable for immune cells depriving it with necessary nutrients, or alter metabolic conditiions making it harder for effector T-cells to grow and function
- Indocution of apoptosis in immune cells
- Modulation of antigen presenting cells (APCs) function so they can’t activate other immune cells like factor T cells
What are the main differences between conventional and unconventional T-cells?
Conventional T-cells like CD4+ and CD8+ recognises antigens presented on MHC molecules. Unconventional T cells recognize antigens without the requirment of MHC molecules and instead respond to broader range of signals such as metabolites, lipids, and other non peptide antigens and act as a bridge between the adaptive and innate immune system
What are 2 examples of cytosolic different PRRs?
NLRs: Are cytosolic or endosome bound receptors thar recognize intracellular pathogens and stress signals and trigger the assembly of inflammasomes that cause the release of IL-1b.
rig like receptors are cytosolic receptors that identifies viral RNA in the cytoplasm and induces interferon production to inhibit viral reproduction.
What are the activation steps of Th cells?
The activation steps of Th cells include TCR-MHC interaction where the TCR receptor binds to a compatible antigen on a MHC molecule, co-stimulation that happens between co-receptors CD28 on T-cell and B7 on APCs and cytokine signaling such as IL-12+IFN-g or TGFb-IL6 which allows for T-cell differentiation so the immune response is appropriate.
Describe the polrarization process of Th cells
Th1 polarizes from IL-12 and produces IFN-g and TNF-a. Th2 proliferates from IL-4 and produces IL-4,IL-5 and IL-13, Th17 proliferates from TGF-B and IL-6 and produces IL17 and IL-22. Tregs proliferate from TGF-B and makes TGF-B and IL-10.
What functions does the 3 most common Th cells have?
Th1 is primarily involved in intracellular pathogens such as viruses and intracellular bacteria. It activates macrophages and CD8+ cells. Th2 is associated with humoral immunity and is effective against parasites, stimulates B cells to produce antibodies especially IgE, activates eosinophils and cause mhistamin release from mast cells and basophils but can also cause allergic responses. Th17 defends against extracellular bacteria and fungi by recruiting neutrophils, stimulate epithelial cells to produce antimicrobal peptides and promotes epithelial proliferation and repair but can cause RA and lead to inflammation and joint damage.
What are the two patyhways of Cytotoxic T cell mediated cell killing?
Perforin-Granzyme pathway
-CTLs release perforin, a protein that forms pores in target cell membranes
-Perforin facilitates entry of granzymes, proteolytic enzymes, into the target cell through these pores.
-Granzymes enter the cytoplasm and activate caspases, initiating apoptosis pathways
-apoptosis leads to programed cell death, preventing release of potentially harmful contents.
Fas-fas Ligand pathway
-CTLs express FasL on their surface
-FasL bind to Fas receptors on the surface of the target cell.
-Binding of FasL activates caspases inside the target cell
-Caspase activation initiates apoptosis
Which cells respond to commensals in the gut and where are they produced?
-Th17 cells is the major group of cells that respond to commensals in the gut.
-Th17 cells are primarly induced in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT), such as Peyer’s patches and
mesenteric lymph nodes, in response to signals from commensal bacteria.
What effector function of Th17 contribute to homeostasis and how?
The Th17 causes antimicrobal peptides to be produces from epithelial cells by secreting IL-17 and IL-22 and recruits neutrophils to site, IL-22 also promotes epitehlial proliferation and repair which also helps with maintaing homeostasis as it’s harder for pathogens to atatch because the tissue is constantly proliferating
What are the Principles of central and peripheral tolerance:
Central tolerance:
Definition: It’s the mechanism by which potentially self-reactive T cells and B cells are eliminated or rendered nonfunctional during their development in the thymus (T cells) or bone marrow (B cells).
Thymic selection: T cells undergo positive selection for recognition of self-antigens presented by thymic epithelial
cells. Those with strong reactivity to self-antigens undergo negative selection and are eliminated. (need to recognize
but not react(?)).
Bone marrow selection: B cells that strongly react to self-antigens during their development are eliminated or under
go BCR editing to reduce self-reactivity.
Peripheral tolerance:
Definition: Tolerance mechanism that occur in the periphery (outside thymus or bone marrow) t control and suppress
any remaining self-reactive lymphocytes that escaped the central tolerance.
Tregs: Suppress the immune responses and prevent autoimmunity by inhibiting the activation of autoreactive T cells.
Anergy (tolerance induction): Anergy refers to the functional inactivation of potentially self-reactive lymphocytes that
encounter self-antigens without co-stimulatory signals.
Describe late phase allergy “molecular and cellular level”
Late phase is then hours after exposure when eosinophils have had time to be recruited to the site of inflammation from the signaling of Th2 with IL-5. The eosinophils can release toxic proteins that cause inflammation. This can then lead to chronic inflammation with tissue damage etc.
Describe Phagocytosis of pathogens, what receptors and what are the major steps called?
Receptors typically involved in initiation of phagocytosis:
PPRs e.g., TLRs, opsonin receptors and scavenger receptors bind to PAMPs on pathogen surfaces.
Major steps:
-Recognition and attachment: PPRs bind to PAMP
Is NLPR3 part of the innate or adaptive immune response?
-This NLRP3-mediated inflammasome activation serves as a key component of the innate immune system,
How does JAK inhibitors work shortly?
-JAK inhibitors, such as , interfere with JAK activity, preventing
phosphorylation of STAT proteins
-By inhibiting JAKs, these drugs downregulate the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and other mediators
involved in immune responses.
How IgA are transported across mucosal surfaces, what consequences for the structure and function of IgA
Plasma cells in the submucosa produce dimeric IgA which are two monomers linked by their J chain. Epithelial cells can express polymeric-Ig receptor which binds to the J chain of the dimer and facilitates transport though the endothelial cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis. It’s transported in vesicles to for example the lumen in the GI tract where the poly-Ig receptor is enzymatically cleaved and IgA is released with a secretory component, that is part of the receptor still bound to it. This protects it from degradation from proteases and enhances stability and function and gives a non-inflammatory protection. IgA is important for mucosal immunity
They are first produced by antibodies as monomers, single units but become monomers when passing the mucosal tissues to work more efficiently called dimers
To get across the mucosal lining IgA binds to a receptor called pIgR found on the cells lining the tissue. They are then transported as a complex through the cells to the surface where the receptor is cut and the secretory component stays attached to IgA.
The secretory component protects IgA from being degraded and allows it to work in harsh environments like the gut.
When they form dimers they can attach better to harmful microbes and blocking these pathogens help maintain balance in gut microbiome.
Immunological Consequences of Glucocorticoid Treatment:
Glucocorticoid treatments inhibits pro-inflammatory signaling of enzymes such as IL-1, IL-6, TNF-a, it inhibits COX-2 which leads to decreased prostaglandin production, prevents leukocyte migration and lysosomal enzyme release, reduces T-cell proliferation, induces apoptosis of lymphocytes, suppresses macrophage activation and inhibits complement activation.
Difference of phagocytic receptors
Function: Phagocytic receptors are specialized in recognizing and facilitating the engulfment of particulate matter,
including pathogens, cell debris, and other foreign particles.
Location: These receptors are typically present on the surface of phagocytic cells, such as macrophages and
Recognition: Phagocytic receptors recognize specific ligands on the surface of particles targeted for engulfment. This
recognition initiates signaling cascades that lead to the formation of pseudopods, which surround and engulf the
target particle.
Examples: Fc receptors and complement receptors are examples of phagocytic receptors.
In summary, the main difference lies in their primary functions and the types of patterns they recognize. Endocytic
PRRs focus on the recognition of PAMPs to internalize a wide range of pathogens, while phagocytic receptors are
specialized in the recognition and engulfment of particulate matter, including pathogens and other foreign particles.
A1. what the drug consists of and the presumed main mechanism (2p)
Adalimumab (Humira):
B1. why this leads to improvement in a particular immune-mediated disease (2p)
C1. one principal side effect (1p)
- Composition and Mechanism:
- Adalimumab is a monoclonal antibody.
- It targets tumor necrosis factor (TNF), a pro-inflammatory cytokine.
- Mechanism: Adalimumab binds to soluble and membrane-bound TNF, preventing its interaction with TNF
receptors and inhibiting the inflammatory cascade. - Example Disease: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): - TNF is a key mediator of inflammation in RA. - By inhibiting TNF,
adalimumab reduces inflammation, joint damage, and alleviates symptoms in RA patients.
Increased Risk of Infections: - Inhibiting TNF may compromise the immune response against infections. - Patients on
adalimumab are monitored for signs of infections, and precautions are taken to minimize the risk.
A2. what the drug consists of and the presumed main mechanism (2p)
Rituximab (Rituxan):
B2. why this leads to improvement in a particular immune-mediated disease (2p)
C2. one principal side effect (1p)
- Composition and Mechanism:
- Rituximab is a chimeric monoclonal antibody.
- It targets CD20, a protein on the surface of B cells.
- Mechanism: Rituximab binds to CD20, leading to B cell depletion through antibody-dependent cellular
cytotoxicity and complement-mediated lysis
Example Disease: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: - B cells play a role in the pathogenesis
of RA and lymphoma. - Rituximab depletes B cells, reducing autoantibody production in RA and targeting malignant B
cells in lymphoma.
Increased Risk of Infections: - B cell depletion may compromise the immune response, increasing susceptibility to
infections. - Precautions are taken to monitor and manage infections in patients receiving rituximab.
Which is the most abundant immune cell in the brain and what functions does it have under basal states and
during inflammation?
the most abundant immune cell in the brain is the microglia.
Functions under Basal States:
1. Surveillance and Maintenance:
Microglia continuously survey the brain environment, monitoring for abnormalities or potential threats.
They play a crucial role in maintaining the overall health and homeostasis of the central nervous system (CNS).
2. Phagocytosis of Cellular Debris:
Microglia actively engage in phagocytosis, clearing cellular debris, dead neurons, and other waste products to
support tissue maintenance.
3. Neuronal Support:
Microglia contribute to the maintenance of neuronal circuits by providing support and regulating synaptic
Functions during Inflammation:
1. Immune Response Activation:
In response to injury, infection, or inflammation in the brain, microglia become activated.
They undergo morphological changes and release pro-inflammatory cytokines to initiate and regulate the immune
2. Phagocytosis of Pathogens:
Activated microglia enhance their phagocytic activity to engulf and eliminate pathogens, infected cells, or debris
associated with inflammation.
3. Antigen Presentation:
Microglia can present antigens to T cells, contributing to the adaptive immune response in the brain during
4. Regulation of Inflammatory Responses:
Microglia play a role in modulating the intensity and duration of inflammatory responses in the brain to prevent
excessive damage to healthy tissues.
While microglia are essential for immune surveillance and response in the brain, dysregulation of their activities can
contribute to neuroinflammatory disorders and neurodegenerative diseases.
Question 2 (10 points): T helper (Th) cells are important regulators of immune reactions. They are polarized by
cytokines, and act by secreting cytokines that will lead to activation of other effector cells. Read all questions (a-d)
before you start to write your answer!
d) For one of the three Th subsets, give one example of a cytokine that
* Cytokine to Block: Interleukin-17 (IL-17)
* Disease Setting: Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
Rationale: In rheumatoid arthritis, there is excessive inflammation and joint damage. Th17 cells, which produce IL17, play a significant role in promoting inflammation and recruiting immune cells to the joints. Blocking IL-17 or
inhibiting its signaling pathways can be beneficial in RA treatment by reducing the pro-inflammatory response and
mitigating joint destruction. Several therapeutic agents targeting IL-17 or its receptor are used in clinical practice to
manage rheumatoid arthritis and related autoimmune conditions.
Question 5 (4 points): During recent decades, it has become apparent that the brain and the immune system are
not separate entities but can influence each other.
Which are the main routes by which the brain can affect immune cells in the periphery? Shortly describe two such
routes/pathways, including major signaling molecules, and describe how they affect the function of immune cells.
The inflammatory reflex regulated the immune response and prevents excessive inflammation through interactions between the vagus nerve, splenic nerve and immune cells. When cytokines, PAMPs and DAMPs are present in peripheral tissues the molecules activate the vagus nerve that send signals to the brainstem. The brain stem has a reflex response that causes the vagus nerve to transmit signals to the celiac ganglion which communicates to the splenic nerve. The splenic nerve is adrenergic and releases norepinephrine onto specialized cholinergic T cells in the spleen. This causes the cholinergic T cells to release acetylcholine which binds to receptors on macrophages and inhibits the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-a, IL-1B and IL-18.
The HPA axis in the hypothalamus is activated during stress and releases CRH and CRF into the pituitary gland circulation. This causes the pituitary gland to secrete ACTH into the blood stream that acts on the adrenal cortex in the kidneys and cause production and release of cortisol. The peripheral tissue has glucocorticoid receptors that the cortisol acts on. Cortisol suppresses the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-1B and IL-6 from macrophages, T cells and dendritic cells. It suppresses T cell proliferation and differentiation, promotes Tregs and reduces activity of innate immune cell. It causes leukocytes to migrate from bloodstream to lymphoid tissues. However during acute stress the immune system is enhanced due to norepinephrine and adrenaline also being released when activating the sympathetic nervous system. Immune cells migrate from bone marrow to peripheral tissue, NK becomes more cytotoxic and pro-inflammatory cytokines are being released.
Describe 2. Autonomic Nervous System (ANS) Pathway - Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS):
signalling pathways and effect
In response to stress the sympathetic nervous system will become more activated and cause SNS fibers to release norepinephrine which acts locally on immune organs such as lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow etc, The adrenal medulla will also release epinephrine into the blood stream which can binds to adrenergic receptors on immune cells. This causes under acute stress increased mobilization of the neutrophils, monocytes and NK cells to the peripheral tissues and bloodstream. It also enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages and neutrophils and cause secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Chronic stress however generally makes it less responsive and causes more anti-inflammatory macrophages secreting IL-10, a bias toward Th2 polarization of Th cells, decreased proliferation of CD8+ cells etc.
Question 7 (4 points): Breast-fed infants seem to be protected against SARS-CoV-2 infection, as compared to
nonbreast-fed babies. Explain on a cellular and molecular level how the mucosae of breast-fed infants are
protected against the viral infection. (4p)
IgA is present in breast milk due to it’s secretory component making it able to migrate across tissues and have longer half life and thus more stable. Other immune cells such as macrophages, dendritic cells and T cells as well as a more diverse microbiome in breastfed infants gives them a better protection against infections.
Question 1 (7 points): The innate immune system is the first line of defense against microbes. Innate immune cells
react to potential threats upon sensing through innate immune receptors. (7p)
b. Explain why innate immune receptors are located at different sites within the cells. (1p)
c. Describe how innate immunity can shape the subsequent adaptive response and give at least one example. (1p)
Specialization of Recognition:
* Different locations allow innate immune receptors to specialize in recognizing distinct types of pathogens or
danger signals.
* Receptors at the cell surface primarily recognize extracellular pathogens, while those in endosomes and
cytoplasm detect intracellular threats.
How Innate Immunity Shapes the Subsequent Adaptive Response and Example (1p):
* Adaptive Immune Priming:
* Innate immune responses provide signals and cytokines that shape the activation and differentiation of
adaptive immune cells.
* Dendritic cells, activated by innate signals, present antigens to T cells, initiating adaptive immune responses.
* Example:
* Activation of TLRs on dendritic cells by microbial components leads to the upregulation of co-stimulatory
molecules and cytokines.
* This primes naïve T cells and promotes their differentiation into effector T cells, shaping the adaptive immune
Conclusion: Innate immune receptors, including TLRs, NLRs, RLRs, CLRs, and scavenger receptors, play crucial roles in
detecting pathogens and danger signals. Their strategic locations within cells allow for specialized recognition, and
the signals they generate influence the subsequent activation and differentiation of adaptive immune responses, as
exemplified by dendritic cell activation through TLRs.
Anakinra (Kineret) is a recombinant version of the human IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) protein. Describe theraputic applications and considerations
Therapeutic Applications:
* Used in conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and autoinflammatory disorders.
* Alleviates symptoms by mitigating excessive IL-1 activity.
* May increase infection risk; monitoring for infections is essential during treatment.
Question 5 (4 points): During the recent decades, it has become apparent that the brain and the immune
system are not separate entities but can influence each other. Briefly describe the pathways and consequences
when the activated immune system signals to the brain to induce brainmediated inflammatory symptoms.
Immune cells release pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1B, IL-6 and TNF-a. These cytokines can either cross the blood brain barrier or act on peripheral nerves such as the vagus nerve to reach the brain stem. In response to this signaling the brain endothelium express COX-2 which makes prostaglandins by conversion into we get OGE2 which crosses the brain tissue and acts on neurons in the hypothalamus. PGE2 binds to EP receptors in the hypothalamus regulating the bodies temperature to induce a fever. It can also interact with other parts of the brain to induce fatigue, anorexia, social withdrawal.
Describe 3 complement pathways:
The classical pathway is activated through antigen-antibody complexes. It initiates with IgG binding to antigens, forming a C1 complex, and through cleaves we get C3b that opsonizes pathogens, C3a that initiates inflammation and C5b forming the MAC which creates pores and disrupts integrity of the pathogen causing it to lysis. Alternative pathway is through spontaneous hydrolysis of C3 and the lectin pathway mannose-binding lectins binding to carbohydrates on pathogens surface activating the same pathway.
Why mainly IgG transported through the placenta to the baby:?
Neonatal FcR, active transport, IgG has a half-life of 3 weeks. After birth IgA through the milk. IgM babies can make.
Why? IgG is potent and important.
- Is rheumatoid arthritis a type 3 or type 4 hypersensitivity reaction?
Most autoimmune diseases are a bit of 2-4. Some even type 1.
Both Type 3 and 4
Describe the Fas-fas Ligand pathway
-CTLs express FasL on their surface
-FasL bind to Fas receptors on the surface of the target cell.
-Binding of FasL activates caspases inside the target cell
-Caspase activation initiates apoptosis
Mechanisms that “turns of” innate immune responses
Feedback inhibition: Downstream products of immune activating signals inhibits the initial signaling pathway to
prevent overstimulation.
Decoy receptors: These receptors compete with functional immune receptors for ligand binding which reduces the
overall signaling strength.
Anti-inflammatory cytokines: For instance, IL-10 released by Tregs will suppress the pro-inflammatory response and
promote resolution of the inflammation.
Negative regulators: Proteins such as SOCS act as breaks on signaling cascades which limits the duration and
intensity of the immune response.
What FcRs are:
-FcRs are cell surface receptors that specifically bind the Fc portion of antibodies.
- Various immune cells, such as macrophages, neutrophils, mast cells, NK cells etc express FcRs, but also red blood
cells which are important for the clearance of ICs.
-The ligands for FcRs are the Fc region of antibodies.
The function/biological role of Fc receptots:
Phagocytosis and clearance:
-FcRs on phagocytic cells such as macrophages and neutrophils bind the Fc region of antibodies attached to
pathogens or target cells.
-This interaction enhances the recognition and engulfment of the opsonized particles, facilitating their clearance
from the body.
Antibody-Dependent Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity (ADCC):
- FcRs on e.g., NK cells bind to the Fc region of antibodies attached to target cells marked for destruction.
-The binding triggers the release of cytotoxic substances by the NK cells, leading to the lysis of the target cell. This is
important for defense against infected cells and cancer cells.
The human major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is located in chromosome 6p21 and contains the human
leukocyte antigen (HLA) genes. A strong association between the HLA region and autoimmune disease has been
established for over fifty years. How can this HLA/MHC-association be of importance for development of
autoimmune diseases? Explain at the molecular and cellular level. (2p)
Normal immune tolerance means the body can distinguish from self and non self, however in certain HLA variants the antigen precenting cells present self-antigens and activates T cells towards the bodies own tissue causing autoimmune diseases. This is due to the HLA molecules having peptide binding specificities and certain alleles have specificity towards self peptides. When the T cells are activated toward self antigens they cause B cells to produce autoantibodies leading to inflammation and damage.
Explain at a molecular and cellular level how oral immunotherapy can reduce symptoms of peanut allergy.
When a patient is gradually over time exposed to the antigen the Th2 response shifts towards a Treg response. The Tregs suppress functions of the other effector Th cells, cause induction of IgG4 B cell antibodies and suppresses IgE antibodies production, it suppresses the effector Th cells ability to migrate to tissues and suppresses inflammatory dendritic cells and promote IL-10 producing dendritic cells. It also causes suppression of basophils, eosinophils and mast cells.
Normal Role for Immune Complexes:
Immune complexes play a crucial role in the clearance of pathogens and debris by facilitating their recognition and
removal by immune cells.
Clearance Mechanisms:
Phagocytosis by Macrophages: Immune complexes are recognized by Fc receptors on macrophages, leading to their
phagocytosis and subsequent degradation.
Renal Clearance: Small immune complexes may undergo filtration in the kidneys and be excreted in the urine.
Erythrocyte Immune Complex Clearance: Immune complexes can associate with erythrocytes, which carry them to
the liver for phagocytosis by Kupffer cells, contributing to clearance.
Two mechanisms by which IgG immune complexes together with complement may result in harm to tissues.
IgG immune complexes can activate the complement system, leading to the generation of anaphylatoxins such as C3a
and C5a.
Anaphylatoxins attract and activate inflammatory cells, particularly neutrophils, causing an inflammatory response at
the site of immune complex deposition.
Excessive or chronic inflammation can result in tissue damage, especially in organs where immune complexes
accumulate, such as the kidneys in conditions like immune complex glomerulonephritis.
Complement-Mediated Tissue Damage:
Immune complexes can activate the classical pathway of the complement system, leading to the formation of the
membrane attack complex (MAC).
MAC formation results in the formation of pores in cell membranes, leading to cell lysis.
In tissues where immune complexes deposit, such as blood vessel walls in conditions like systemic lupus
erythematosus (SLE), complement activation and MAC formation can cause damage to endothelial cells, leading to
vasculitis and tissue injury.
Tissue Destruction:
Immune complexes can deposit in tissues, triggering inflammation and recruiting immune cells.
Activation of complement and inflammatory responses can lead to tissue damage.
Autoimmune Pathogenesis:
In autoimmune diseases, the immune system may mistakenly target self-antigens.
Persistent formation of immune complexes against self-antigens can contribute to chronic inflammation and tissue
Blocking immune complex-Fc receptor interactions to improve autoimmune diseases
Blocking Fc Receptor Activation:
Mechanism: Inhibiting Fc receptor activation prevents immune cell activation in response to immune complexes.
Therapeutic Approach: Monoclonal antibodies targeting Fc receptors or Fc portions of antibodies can interfere with
immune complex binding and subsequent inflammatory responses.
Complement Inhibition:
Mechanism: Immune complexes often activate complement, leading to inflammation.
Therapeutic Approach: Complement inhibitors, such as anti-C5 antibodies or complement regulatory proteins, can
be used to prevent complement activation and tissue damage mediated by immune complexes.
What is an example of a PRR that facilitates phagocytosis?
C-type lectin receptors bind to carbohydrates on pathogens which facilitate phagocytosis and activation of immune responses.
What is an example of a PRR that activates a pro-inflammatory signalling cascade?
TLRs: Which stand for toll like receptors, they are membrane bound and recognize microbial components such as LPS. When activated it leads to a pro-inflammatory signaling cascade.
Describe the sentisization process in allergies
Allergens especially in combination with environmental factors for example cigarette smoke and pollution in combination with genetic predisposition can cause dendritic cells to take up the allergen antigen and present to naïve T cells that proliferates into Th2 cells. The Th2 cells then bind to B cells and excrete IL-4 and IL-13 which causes B cells to produce IgE. The IgE antibodies cross links to mast cells by binding their Fc receptor to it and causes the mast cell to release histamine inducing an allergic response to the allergen.
Describe early phase allergy response on molecular and cellular level
When a person has become allergic they have developed Th2 and IgE antibodies against certain allergens. These B cells and T cells circulate in the body and when exposed to the allergen again the Th2 cells produce IL-4, IL-5 and IL-13. IL-4 causes B cells to produce IgE antibodies and IgE antibodies binds to mast cells and basophils through their Fc receptors. This cross link triggers mast cells and basophils to release histamine and prostaglandins which gives symptoms as vasodilation, bronchoconstriction, increased mucus secretion, itchiness etc.
What happens in the engulfment step in phagocytosis?
-Engulfment: The phagocyte extends pseudopods to engulf the pathogen, forms the phagosome.
What is is formed when the phagocyte has endocytosis the pathogen and what components does it contain to degrade the phagocyte?
Mechanisms inside the phagolysosome
- ROSs are produced and causes oxidative stress in microbial cells.
- NO produced by iNOS has antimicrobial effects
-Enzymes in the phagolysosome, such as lysozyme and proteases degrade microbial components.
- pH Acidification: Acidification of the phagolysosome creates an inhospitable environment for pathogens.
What is NLPR3 and what does it do?
It’s an intracellular receptor that when activated upon exposure to PAMP or DAMP initiated signalling event cause conformational changes and it forms into NLRP3 inflammaosme
What does the inflammasome consist of and what does it do?
It consists of NLPR3, the adaptor protein ASC and pro-caspasase-1 and facilitates cleavage and activation of caspasase-1
What does caspasase-1 do?
Activates pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1B and IL-18 and cause them to be released from the cell which contributes to inflammatory responses and activation of immune cells through pyroptosis which is a form of apoptosis where it releases it’s inflammatory contents.
Describe shortly step by step what JAK signalling does
The general MoA of works like this:
1. Cytokines binds their respective receptors on the cell surface.
2. Receptor associated JAKs are activated.
3. The activated JAKs phosphorylate the receptor, creating docking sites for STAT proteins.
4. Phosphorylated STAT proteins (also phosphorylated by JAKs) bind the receptor and forms dimers that
translocate to the nucleus.
5. In the nucleus STAT dimers regulate gene expression of genes involved in inflammation and other immune
What are some examples of names of JAK inhibitors
upadacitinib, baricitinib, and tofacitinib
What are some side effects of JAK inhibitors
Side effects:
- JAK inhibitors can suppress the immune response, increasing the risk of infections. Especially herpes zoster.
- Changes in blood cell counts, including anemia, neutropenia, and lymphopenia, may occur.
-May elevate liver enzymes
- There is a potential increased risk of blood clots.
- Rare cases of gastrointestinal perforations have been reported.
Glucocorticoids definition
Definition: Glucocorticoids are synthetic drugs designed to emulate the actions of natural corticosteroid hormones.
Glucocorticoids purpouse
Purpose: Widely employed for their potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive properties, contributing to
their use in conditions such as allergy and rheumatology.
What receptor does glucocorticoids work on?
Receptor Interaction: Glucocorticoids enter cells and bind to cytoplasmic glucocorticoid receptors (GRs).
Transcriptional Control of glucocorticoids?
Glucocorticoid receptors are found on almost all cell types and when glucocorticoids binds to GR the complex translocate to the nucleus to modulate gene expression by inhibiting pro-inflammatory cytokine gene expression and promoting anti-inflammatory genes.
Describe endocytic PPRs
Function: PRRs are primarily responsible for recognizing specific molecular patterns associated with pathogens,
known as pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). These patterns are typically conserved structures
present in various microorganisms.
Location: PRRs are commonly found on the surface of immune cells, such as macrophages and dendritic cells, as well
as on epithelial cells.
Recognition: PRRs recognize a broad range of pathogens based on their PAMPs, triggering internalization of the
pathogen for further processing and immune response activation.
Examples: Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) are examples of endocytic PRRs.
Question 2 (10 points): T helper (Th) cells are important regulators of immune reactions. They are polarized by
cytokines, and act by secreting cytokines that will lead to activation of other effector cells. Read all questions (a-d)
before you start to write your answer!
a) Which major pro-inflammatory Th subset is mainly needed for clearance (elimination) of:
-Intracellular bacteria
- Viruses Th1 cells
- Fungi Th17 cells
- Parasites Th2 cells
- Intracellular bacteria Th1 cells
Question 2 (10 points): T helper (Th) cells are important regulators of immune reactions. They are polarized by
cytokines, and act by secreting cytokines that will lead to activation of other effector cells. Read all questions (a-d)
before you start to write your answer!
b) The third signal required for the activation of a naïve Th cell is cytokines. Which specific cytokines are required
for polarization of the naïve Th cells into each of the three major pro-inflammatory Th subsets? (3p)
Th1 polarizes from IL-12
Th2 proliferates from IL-4
Th17 proliferates from TGF-B and IL-6
Tregs proliferate from TGF-B
Question 2 (10 points): T helper (Th) cells are important regulators of immune reactions. They are polarized by
cytokines, and act by secreting cytokines that will lead to activation of other effector cells. Read all questions (a-d)
before you start to write your answer!
c) For each of the three pro-inflammatory Th subsets, state at least one cytokine that it secreted upon activation,
and explain briefly what target cell(s) this cytokine activates. (3p)
Th1 IFN-g and TNF-a. Activates macrophages and CD8+ cells.
Th2 produces IL-4,IL-5 and IL-13 causes B cells to produce IgE antibodies, degrnulation of mast cells and recruits eosinophils to release toxic proteins.
Th17 produces IL17 and IL-22 promotes epithelial proliferation and repair, cause epithelial cells to produce antimicrobal peptides and recruit neutrophils.
Tregs makes TGF-B and IL-10. Inhibit other T cells, cause macrophages to become more anti-inflammatory etc.
Anakinra (Kineret) is a recombinant version of the human IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) protein. Describe their mechanism of action
Mechanism of Action:
* Anakinra is a recombinant IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra).
* It competitively inhibits IL-1α and IL-1β from binding to IL-1 receptors, primarily IL-1R1.
Molecular Effects:
* Competitive inhibition prevents IL-1-mediated signaling.
* Blocks inflammatory pathways, reducing production of proinflammatory molecules.
Question 5 (4 points): During the recent decades, it has become apparent that the brain and the immune
system are not separate entities but can influence each other. Describe what cytokines are involved in immune and brain interaction
Immune cells release pro-inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1B, IL-6 and TNF-a. These cytokines can either cross the blood brain barrier or act on peripheral nerves such as the vagus nerve to reach the brain stem. In response to this signaling the brain endothelium express COX-2 which makes prostaglandins by conversion into we get OGE2 which crosses the brain tissue and acts on neurons in the hypothalamus. PGE2 binds to EP receptors in the hypothalamus regulating the bodies temperature to induce a fever. It can also interact with other parts of the brain to induce fatigue, anorexia, social withdrawal.
Question 5 (4 points): During the recent decades, it has become apparent that the brain and the immune
system are not separate entities but can influence each other. How does the brain and body interact with each other on a more systemic way?
The body and brain interact through the nervous system, endocrine system and immune system. The vagus nerve stimulates the inflammatory reflex, hypothalamus release hormones form the pituitary glad that acts on the HPA axis, and cytokines act both on peripheral nerves and the blood brain barrier.
Example disease where FcRs are involved (RA):
Antibodies form ICs with autoantigens in the joints. These ICs activate FcRs on immune cells in the synovium of the
joints. This leads to the activation of pro-inflammatory recponses such as cytokine release and recruitment of more
inflammatory cells. During clearance of the antibodies surrounding cells will be “caught in the crossfire”.