Exam Questions Flashcards
A homeowners association in your town has been lobbying city council members to revise the zoning ordinance to prohibit density increases in surrounding subdivisions. To respond appropriately to the association, you have been asked to write a policy brief explaining what the basic purposes of zoning are. Which statement below would you most likely NOT include in your summation? Select one: a. The purpose of zoning is to implement the comprehensive plan b. The purpose of zoning is to provide for the use of land within the municipality for residential housing of various dwelling types c. The purpose of zoning is to accommodate reasonable overall community growth d. The purpose of zoning is to provide for the highest and best use of land
The correct answer is: The purpose of zoning is to provide for the highest and best use of land Zoning ordinances are created for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare. Their purpose generally extends to provision of coordinated and practical community development and proper density of population, including providing for the use of land within the municipality for residential housing of various dwelling types. Zoning for the purpose of increasing property value or ensuring the highest and best use of land is not considered an appropriate zoning purpose.
You are developing a site plan for a new mixed-use neighborhood. The neighborhood is based on the neighborhood unit concept. You have placed a school in the center of the neighborhood. You are now working on the street network. Which of the following would be most appropriate to place adjacent to the elementary school?
Select one:
a. Collector
b. Arterial
c. Highway
d. Local
d. Local
A local street is designed to service land uses such as single family homes and public uses where young children would be.
As a planner working for the City of Belleville, you have been put in charge of updating the city’s comprehensive plan. At one of the public meetings about the plan update, the issue of homelessness is brought up and several concerned citizens voice the opinion that the comprehensive plan should tackle the problem. You explain that:
Select one:
a. The comprehensive plan touches on the issue of homelessness, but only as it relates to the number of housing units and their affordability
b. While the comprehensive plan is not the place to address homelessness, there is a mayor-appointed task force that is looking into the issue
c. It would be appropriate to include the subject of homelessness in the local comprehensive plan
d. The subject of homelessness is typically outside the scope of local comprehensive plans but can be addressed through other policy documents
C. Homelessness should be included in the Comprehensive Plan (Housing Element)
Which City was the first to ever adopt a zoning code?
San Fransisco
Which City was the first to adopt a comprehensive zoning ordinance?
New York City
Which city was the first to adopt a comprehensive plan?
Select one:
a. New York
b. Washington, D.C.
c. San Francisco
d. Cincinnati
c. San Francisco
Which of the following is not an example of a growth management program?
Select one:
a. Regional tax sharing
b. Urban growth boundary
c. Subdivision regulations
d. Development impact fees
Subdivision regulations primary purpose is for recording land and ensuring the health and safety of residents. While it can be a tool as part of growth management, it is not in and of itself a growth management tool.
The correct answer is: Subdivision regulations
You work for a large city with 100 people on your staff, split across code enforcement, development, long-range planning, environmental compliance, and neighborhood relations. You have been asked to reorganize the department, which approach would be most appropriate?
Select one:
a. Vertical
b. Matrix
c. Horizontal
d. Hybrid
A vertical organization works best where there are large and functionally complex organizations. In this case, there could be divisions based on function with a chain of command leading from the divisions to the director.
The correct answer is: Vertical
Which of the following problems would most likely be addressed by a state planner?
Select one:
a. Economic development incentives
b. Siting a new industrial park
c. Zoning regulations for Recreational Vehicles
d. Expanding an airport
State planners can be involved in economic development incentives for bringing major employers to the state. State planners would not be involved in zoning regulations and the siting of an industrial park and expansion of an airport are typically the jurisdiction of local governments.
The correct answer is: Economic development incentives
Which of the following are true concerning Right to Farm laws?
Select one:
a. Their intent is to make farming more viable
b. They exist in about half of all US States
c. Their aim is to preserve farmland from encroachment by suburban development
d. They exist for the purpose of protecting property values
All 50 states have some form of Right to Farm law, which attempts to preserve agricultural practices and make farming more viable. Right to farm laws deny nuisance lawsuits against farmers, even if their agricultural practices harm or bother adjacent property owners. Such nuisances may include noise, odors, and visual clutter. The laws aim to minimize the threat to normal farming practices, in contrast to typical farmland preservation policies which aim to preserve farmland itself.
The correct answer is: Their intent is to make farming more viable
The City of Plannersville is developing a downtown plan. Over the last 20 years, the downtown has experienced significant disinvestment. The plan calls for one activity node to be focused on downtown housing with a park in the center. Which of the following would be the most effective method for financing the park?
Select one:
a. General Obligation Bond
b. Special Assessment
c. Tax Increment Financing
d. Revenue Bond
TIFs are best used in blighted areas that have the potential for an increased tax base. A TIF is used to finance public improvements through the increase in tax value on the surrounding property. A GO bond and special assessment could be used, but a TIF would be the most effective and politically feasible option.
The correct answer is: Tax Increment Financing
You are calculating the floor area ratio of a proposed development project in downtown to make sure it is code compliant. Which of the following is not part of the calculation?
Select one:
a. Calculate the total lot area minus all accessory units
b. Calculate the total area of the building on all floors
c. Divide the total area of the building by the total lot area
d. Divide building square footage by lot area
To calculate the floor area ratio, the total area of the building is divided by the total area.
The correct answer is: Calculate the total lot area minus all accessory units
This form of development includes a building that is sited on one or more lot lines with no yard, the intent of which is to allow a more flexible site design and to increase the amount of usable open space. This is known as which of the following?
Select one:
a. Conservation subdivision
b. Planned Unit Development
c. Zero lot line
d. Zero Based Budget
structure located on a lot that comes up to or very near to the edge of the property line. Rowhouses, garden homes, patio homes and townhomes are all types of properties that may be zero-lot-line homes.
The correct answer is: Zero lot line
The Wagner-Steagall Act (Housing Act of 1937) was the first act to link public housing with slum clearance. What rule in the act continued segregation practices in the new housing?
Select one:
a. Status Quo Rule
b. Consistent Distribution Rule
c. Caucasian Priority Rule
d. Golden Rule
e. Neighborhood Composition Rule
The Wagner-Steagall Act of 1937 created a two-tiered policy of providing mortgage insurance to promote home ownership for the middle class, while creating public housing for the poor. The neighborhood composition rule created a class and race segregation. This means that public housing in white neighborhoods was reserved for white families
The correct answer is: Neighborhood Composition Rule
You are a senior planner for a Midwestern county. You recently completed an inventory of vegetative resources within the county. As part of the inventory you discovered that the county has three endangered plant species. Which of the following techniques is best suited for protecting these endangered species from development?
Select one:
a. Overlay zoning
b. Agricultural Preservation zoning
c. Urban Growth Boundary
d. Down zoning
A UGB is the most effective method for preventing development in specified geographic areas.
The correct answer is: Urban Growth Boundary
As a planner in a growing county, you are concerned with the effects of increasing urbanization on stormwater runoff. Which of the following would NOT help to minimize the degree of stormwater runoff?
Select one:
a. Channelization
b. Restrict floodplain development
c. Limited impervious surface creation
d. Require on-site retention of all stormwater
Channelization straightens and increases the volume of water delivered to streams.
The correct answer is: Channelization
You have been hired to reorganize the development functions of the city and have been asked to create a new department. To guide these efforts which of the following would be most helpful?
Select one:
a. Strategic Plan
b. Performance Management Plan
c. Capital Plan
d. Visioning Plan
A strategic plan sets priorities to strengthen the operations of an organization and would be most appropriate in guiding a reorganization of functions. A performance management plan would guide the performance of individual staff members. A capital plan guides infrastructure investment and visioning sets the broader vision for the community.
The correct answer is: Strategic Plan
The Council Board of Commissioners has appointed a ten member steering committee on the environment. You are the planner assigned to oversee the committee. Which of the following should you do?
Select one:
a. Advise the committee to select a chairperson
b. Just correspond with the chair to make sure everything is running smoothly
c. Tell the committee the expected outcomes
d. Serve as the chair of the committee
You should advise the committee to select a chairperson. A steering committee should be led by a committee member rather than a staff member. A staff member typically supports the work of the committee.
The correct answer is: Advise the committee to select a chairperson
You have received a development application that requires a variance for an upscale apartment complex in a neighborhood experiencing gentrification. The proposed development would require the demolition of an existing Section 8 housing complex, and existing residents would be displaced. The required hearing before the Board of Zoning Adjustment has been placed in a newspaper with wide circulation. What additional actions would be most effective to engage the public?
I. Post information about the application on the planning department website
II. Notify neighborhood leaders
III. Post a sign at the current apartment complex
IV. Contact a reporter about the development application
Select one:
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. II and III only
d. I, II, III, and IV
The most effective way to notify area residents is through posting a sign at the complex, as residents would be aware of the development proposal and through notifying neighborhood leaders.
An important term here is “most effective.” The set-up is all about the potential negative impact on a very specific group of residents, so “most effective” is going to be an approach that targets that group specifically. Notifying neighborhood leaders and posting a sign directly in the complex would be very targeted and effective approaches.
I think the fact that the question specifically states that a newspaper publication “with wide circulation” is already involved is a signal that further media involvement would not be considered “most effective”. And of course, posting on the planning website would be particularly ineffective. While information about the application would be helpful, residents are unlikely to visit the website on their own and this would be a place for secondary information that people may visit after learning about it from the sign or neighborhood leader.
The correct answer is: II and III only
A group of university students is interested in demonstrating how an abandoned commercial corridor can be turned around. Which would be the best way to illustrate a design concept creating excitement around potential permanent changes?
Select one:
a. Economic Incentive Program
b. Design Charrette
c. Facade Improvement Program
d. Tactical Urbanism
Tactical urbanism represents an activist approach to engaging the community in the possibilities of transforming a space. Tactical urbanism focuses on making an immediate impact in a community.
The correct answer is: Tactical Urbanism
As the planner for a former industrial city you have watched the population decline over the last thirty years. The Mayor has asked for a plan that will embrace the population decline rather than be concerned with trying to grow the city. You have envisioned the city as one with more green space, reduced infrastructure, and revitalization of underutilized sites. What phrase best describes the City’s plan?
Select one:
a. Sprawl Busting
b. Smart Growth
c. Smart Decline
d. Infill Redevelopment
The simple phrase “Smart Decline” best describes the city’s plan. Smart decline is a strategy that can be used in shrinking cities to plan for decline.
The correct answer is: Smart Decline
Which of the following would you include in the drafting of a zoning ordinance?
I. Minimum lot sizes
II. Maximum building heights
III. Procedures for changes in zoning
IV. Placement of infrastructure
Select one:
a. I only
b. I and II only
c. I, II, and III only
d. I, II, III, and IV
A zoning ordinance would include information on lot sizes, building heights and procedures. It would not include information on placement of infrastructure, which is more likely to appear in subdivision regulations.
The correct answer is: I, II, and III only
Which of the following elements is NOT a common part of determining a proposal for a site plan?
Select one:
a. Prepare a financial pro forma, or forecast of the eventual financial balance sheet of the project.
b. Discuss relevant precedents with the client(s).
c. Conducting a market analysis to determine current demand for specific types of spaces.
d. Deciding on specific materials to use in construction.
Materials for construction are not included at the site planning stage.
The correct answer is: Deciding on specific materials to use in construction.
You are organizing a committee to consider the future renovation needs of schools throughout the school district. What would be the optimal committee size?
Select one:
a. 5 or fewer
b. 6 to 8
c. 9 to 15
d. 16 or more
Agreement can become more difficult with a large number of members. Having at least 9 members ensures that all personality types are represented with a diversity of voices. A small committee can at times not bring a broad enough set of interests to the table. In this case you would want a mix of stakeholders, such as parents, neighbors, teachers, staff, administrators etc.
The correct answer is: 9 to 15
A developer has constructed a mixed use development, including the construction of all buildings and infrastructure. The developer is now selling the project to a buyer in a ready to occupy condition. This is known as:
Select one:
a. Turn-key project
b. Lease-Purchase project
c. Rent-to-Own project
d. Tax Increment Financing
A turn-key project is one where the developer provides a product that is ready to use to the buyer.
The correct answer is: Turn-key project
This Appalachian Regional Commission covers 420 counties and 8 cities. This is an example of which of the following spatial areas of practice?
Select one:
a. State
b. Multi-State
c. Regional
d. National
This multi-state commission covers West Virginia, Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. This is a planning, research, advocacy, and funding organization.
The correct answer is: Multi-State
With regard to takings, the U.S. Supreme Court has said that where a regulation is intended merely to prevent a[n] ____________, it should not be considered a taking.
Select one:
a. Impact fee
b. Nuisance
c. Rational nexus
d. Fiscal impact
With regard to takings, the U.S. Supreme Court has said that where a regulation is intended merely to prevent a nuisance, it should not be considered a taking.
The correct answer is: Nuisance
You are drafting a sustainable energy policy for the county. Which of the following would have the highest albedo?
Select one:
a. Snow
b. White roof
c. Asphalt
d. Shingled Roof
Snow would have the highest albedo. Albedo is the portion of solar energy reflected from the Earth back into space, measuring the reflectivity of the earth’s surface. Ice and snow has a high albedo with most of the sunlight hitting the surface bounces back towards space.
The correct answer is: Snow
You work for an Affordable Housing Corporation that is building a 22-unit rowhouse development in an area consisting mostly of single-family homes. The 7.3 acre site was approved by the City and building permits were issued. Because the property was zoned to allow for multifamily housing there were no public hearings.
However, once the construction began and neighbors realized the development was subsidized housing, they started a petition drive asking the City Council to revoke the building permit. You are preparing a presentation to the City Council in opposition of the downzoning of the property. Which of the following legal issues should you raise?
Select one:
a. The neighbors have a reasonable case because their due process rights were violated when they were not given proper notice of the development and would not even have known about the project had they not seen construction beginning.
b. The Affordable Housing Corporation has a vested right to complete the project that is underway based on the City’s existing ordinance. If the City were to rezone the property that would interfere with the Corporation’s investment expectations of the property.
c. The City’s action to rezone amounts to a “downzoning”; a downzoning is an unconstitutional taking.
d. The action by the City is likely an unconstitutional “taking” without payment of just compensation because the Affordable Housing Corporation would be deprived of all reasonable use of the property by the City’s proposed action.
B) The Affordable Housing Corporation has a vested right to complete the project that is underway based on the City’s existing ordinance. If the City were to rezone the property that would interfere with the Corporation’s investment expectations of the property. A vested right has occurred because the building permit was issued for the project and the property was zoned for the use which is being constructed.
A public hearing is not required for all new developments.
Urban design is best described as including which of the following:
Select one:
a. Transportation focused
b. Access
c. District focus
d. Aesthetics of buildings
Urban design typically works at a district level. While aesthetics are part of urban design, the district focus is the most accurate.
The correct answer is: District focus
A developer is pushing for rezoning of a property to allow for a mixed use development that would include 500 housing units, 50,000 square feet of retail and 20,000 square feet of office. While the development concept is sound, the city’s infrastructure is at maximum capacity. In the staff report, which of the following would best present the case:
Select one:
a. At the present time, the City lacks any parkland within one mile of the development and the road nearest to the development has a level of service D making this an inappropriate site for this development.
b. At the present time, water pressure is inadequate to support this number of housing units.
c. At the present time, the City does not have a stormwater management system that could handle the increase in stormwater runoff.
d. At the present time, the city’s sewer system does not extend to this area and the road infrastructure is inadequate to handle the anticipated traffic from this development.
Deficiencies in sewer and roads significantly constrain land development, making the site unsuitable for substantial development at the present time. While lack of parks, stormwater and water pressure are all relevant, the most significant constraint on land development is sewer service and roads.
The correct answer is: At the present time, the city’s sewer system does not extend to this area and the road infrastructure is inadequate to handle the anticipated traffic from this development.
Which of the following is true about moonlighting?
Select one:
a. Engaging in cases for a consulting firm is not moonlighting if the consulting firm is explicitly made aware of your outside employment.
b. Working at a bookstore on weekends is an example of an acceptable moonlighting position.
c. Moonlighting is not a term that is used in the AICP Code of Ethics.
d. You do not need permission from your employer to engage in moonlighting.
The AICP Code of Ethics states “We shall not, as salaried employees, undertake other employment in planning or a related profession, whether or not for pay, without having made full written disclosure to the employer who furnishes our salary and having received subsequent written permission to undertake additional employment, unless our employer has a written policy which expressly dispenses with a need to obtain such consent.” Moonlighting is acceptable, but it should be in a position that does not conflict with your primary employment and permission is needed from your employer.
The correct answer is: Working at a bookstore on weekends is an example of an acceptable moonlighting position.
Which of the following is most likely NOT considered a quasi-judicial process?
Select one:
a. Amendment of the Master Plan
b. Consideration of a conditional use permit
c. Adoption of a comprehensive revision to the zoning ordinance
d. Consideration of a variance request
The best answer is: Adoption of a comprehensive revision to the zoning ordinance, as it is clearly a legislative action by the governing board; the others are usually quasi-judicial functions, with the caveat that a master plan amendment can be considered legislative in some states.
The correct answer is: Adoption of a comprehensive revision to the zoning ordinance
The idea of “Plural Planning” is associated with which planning theory?
Select one:
a. Communicative
b. Incrementalism
c. Advocacy
d. Mixed Scanning
The idea of Plural Planning is associated with advocacy planning theory, opposed to the unitary plan made by one body for the whole community.
The correct answer is: Advocacy
A ___________ is one that is difficult to solve because of incomplete, contradictory, and changing requirements that can be difficult to understand.
Select one:
a. Perplexing problem
b. Puzzling problem
c. Evil problem
d. Wicked problem
Planning is filled with wicked problems. For example, poverty is not the result of a single factor and there is not a simple or easily understood solution.
The correct answer is: Wicked problem
As a rural county planner you want to engage the public in planning for the future of the county. You have decided that you want to not only get information from the public, but also have them analyze the information that would be used in the plan. The educational level of the community is relatively low, so you need to use techniques that will work for a non-literate group. Which of the following is most appropriate?
Select one:
a. Participatory Rural Appraisal
b. Plebiscite
c. Participatory Television
d. Samoan Circle
Participatory Rural Appraisal is a group of techniques that allow for the provision and analysis of information by the public. These are typically highly visual including creation of maps or picture cards.
The correct answer is: Participatory Rural Appraisal
General Motors has announced that it will be closing a plant in your town, laying off 600 workers. The mayor is in a panic and wants to know what this will mean to the local economy. You have been asked to calculate an employment multiplier to estimate the total job loss for your community. Which of the following sources would you use?
Select one:
a. Regional input-output modeling system
b. Shift-share analysis
c. Location quotient
d. North American Industry Classification System
The Regional input-output modeling system provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis provides employment multipliers based on the North American Industrial Classification System which can be used to calculate a location quotient. A shift share analysis provides information on the region’s share of employment in an industry compared to the national share, which is not what the Mayor is looking for.
The correct answer is: Regional input-output modeling system
Over time, land was subdivided in Franklin County. The result is that a landowner became landlocked and has no access to her property. Which of the following would allow a landlocked property owner the ability to obtain an easement?
Select one:
a. Access easement
b. Necessity
c. Inverse condemnation
d. Squatting
According to the common law doctrine, an easement by necessity is used to allow a landlocked landowner to access a public roadway over another’s private land when no other relief is feasible.
The correct answer is: Necessity