Exam Preparation Flashcards
What is leadership
It refers to the influence one has on others to obtain common goals
What is management
It refers to the control of a group of individuals in order to achieve commons goals
What is an habits
An habits refers to the daily routine has to do over and over
What are three types of habits
1 knowledge
It refers to the ability of knowing what to do and why
2 Skills
It refers to the ability where you ate required to know how to do it
3 Desire
It refers to the motivation you can have to do something
What are the seven effective habits private and public vortories
1 Private Votories
> Proactive
It refers to the ability of being able to take accountability for the influence others have on you
> Begin with an end mind
It refers to the ability where you can take the current situation and turn it into a win or make a difference
> Determine your priorities
It refers to the importance matters that must be dealt with it
Public Votories
> Win/Win combinations
Applies to the process whereby one has to accept the mutual benefit of taking a risks
> The other point of view
It whereby people have different views and difference based on they language background
> Syengry
It refers to the ability to work with two or more people to achieve a common goal
> personal motivation
It refers to the ability to motivate yourself to achieve your goals
What are the four personal motivation
1 physical
2 mental
3 Spritual
4 social emotions
What are the four types of resources a manager must have
1 Human Resources
Ability to work with workers
2 Financial Resources
Investment and cash flows
3 Physical Resources
Building and Equipment
4 Technology
Production process and the internet
What are the four factors to ensure all the objectives by the manager
1 Planning
Process whereby all the activities of the organization mainly goals and objectives
2 Organisation
This process is whereby it deals with the established effectiveness by organizing the workers and equipment
3 leadership
Inrerefence of the ability to influence a group of people and guide them to achieve goals
4 Controlling
Focus on the process whereby they is comparing of actual results within the organization plan to keep control
What are the types of skills required for a Manger
1 Technical skills
Refers to the process whereby the individual has skills on the specific position and must be an expert in the field
2 Human Skills
Refers to the ability whereby the manager can interact well with the people within the workplace and has great communication girls
Conceptual Skills
Whereby the manager must obtain the ability to apply and adapt to the existing methods and techniques
The different types of levels in management
1 Top Level Management
2 Middle level Management
3 Lower level Management
What is environmental scanning
It refers to whereby it is the process of gathering information about the factors that effect the buisness internally and externally
What are the indirect and direct environment
Indirect environment
What are the business functions
1 finance
2 marketing
3 production
4 personnel
What are the internal business environment
1 Formal organization
The buisness at which it structured to achieve the goals it includes allocated tasks and dividing people
2 Informal organization
The business at which it develops as a results of the employment needs that are fulfilled by the formal business
3 external organization
A distinction drained between the direct external environment and indirect external
Types of decisions
1 personal vs buisness decisions
> personal is your own decisions during your own personal time away from the business decisions
2 strategic vs operational decisions
>Strategic is made for future purposes and the operational is made for daily activities
3 structure vs unstructured decisions
> decisions taken according to the buisness policy
4 decisions making styles
> refers to way the decisions is made
5 centralized decisions
> decisions made by the top level management
6 decentralized decisions
> theses decisions are made at the lowest level in the business
7 participative decisions
> whereby they is a small group of individuals making decisions making progress
What are the personal influences
1 impulsive
2 over caution
3 ego defensive
4 intelligence
Decision making process 8 steps
1 Diagnose or define the problem
2 gather information about the problem at hand
3 Put it in writing
4 Established the decision making process
5 develop the alternative
6 Determine possible results
7 Decision take action
8 make follow up
What are the types of techniques used used to stimulate alternative solutions
1 Generation of alternative
They is no right or wring in this process mainly because it looks at one problem in different ways
2 Reverse Methods
Takes things as they are and turn them upside and down and inside or outside
3 Brainstorming
This is the most familiar mainly involves all individual laying out problems with ideas
4 Challanging assumptions
It refers to the arrangement of the ideas but to ideas themselves are assumed
5 Suspended judgement
Theses problem solving techniques allows you to use arrangement of information which might invalid in themselves
6 Fractioning
Refers to have generative of alternative ideas of problems solving but dividing them into one problem
Refers to the moral principles or set of values held by an individual of groups
Styles of ethical management 3 types
1 Immoral management
This ethics us used on buisness people who are motivated by selfish reas4ons which may be their personal gains
2 Amoral management
The primary goal for the manager is profit
3 Moral management
The ethical code of conduct it strives for success
What do ethics do within the business
Ethics provides guidance within the individual for the workplace
What do ethics do within the business
Ethics provides guidance within the individual for the workplace
What does social responsibility do for the business
It refers to the ethical concept at which a person works and cooperates with other people
Or an organization for the benefit of the community