Exam prep 2 Flashcards
Know these Piagetian terms:
* Equilibrium
* Assimilation
* Accommodation
* Schemes
* Operations
Equilibrium: responding to changes in the environment in order to maintain a state of cognitive balance
Assimilation: interpreting new information in terms of what you already know
Accommodation: changing what you do or think to adapt to something new in the environment
Schemes: the basic action of knowing, including physical actions and mental action
Operations: actions performed mentally that have the property of being reversible
Approximate age ranges of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development theory
Sensorimotor: birth to age 2
Preoperational: 2 to 6/7 year olds
Concrete operations: 6/7 to 11 year olds
Formal operations: 11 year olds and up
Main abilities (2), limitations (2) and main accomplishment of sensorimotor stage
- Learn about the world through senses and motor activity
- Combine different reflexes and abilities to form coordinated movements
- Can’t form mental representations (mental symbols) of things
- Object permanence develops gradually over this stage
Main accomplishment: mental representation of objects, people, ideas, language, words
Main ability (1), limitations (3) and main accomplishment of the preoperational stage
Abilities: Can think using symbols and mental images
- They are not good at thinking and using mental images
- “Egocentric” (pay attention to one attribute of a situation at a time)
- Unsystematic and illogical in their thinking
Main accomplishment: decentration (the gradual progression of a child away from egocentrism toward a reality shared with others)
Main abilities (2), limitation (1) and main accomplishment of concrete operations
- Can do tasks that preoperational children could not (conservation, seriation)
- Can think systematically but only about concrete (reality-based) objects or activities
Limitations: Difficulty reasoning about hypothetical situations in a systematic fashion (cannot think abstractly)
Main accomplishment: Being able to think abstractly
Main abilities of formal operations
- Can think systematically about abstract, hypothetical possibilities
- Can think like a scientist
3 different types of logic
- Inductive logic: creating general rules based on experience; reasoning from the particular to the general
- Deductive logic: taking a general rule and applying it to specific situations; reasoning from the general to the particular (ex: All pumpkins are orange. I am holding a pumpkin. Therefore, I am holding something orange)
- Hypothetico-deductive logic: using deductive logic in order to consider hypothetical possibilities
5 Characteristics of stages
Global, structure changes, change is gradual, ages are approximate, invariant sequence
3 Criticisms of Piaget:
Underestimation of young children, overestimation of older children/adults and Vygotsky’s theory
3 Evidence contrary to Piaget’s theory
Goal-directed action at 2 months of age
Object permanence at 3 and a half months of age
Non-egocentric thought at 3 and a half months of age.
3 Criticisms of Piaget’s Formal Operations Stage
This stage of thought is used mostly in the domain-specific areas.
Does not always use systematic reasoning.
Does not always think abstractly.
Tell what you saw in the video (Piaget’s theory)
First period: he studied children’s language, their conceptions of the physical world and the evolution of their moral judgments.
Children are egocentric and cannot see from the other’s person perspective. (children talk at, not to each other)
Later on, children become sociocentric.
The parents ask if whatever object is their friend. (way to interact with the child and help them learn the language)
Hidden side of the child’s mind
Second period: beginnings of intelligence and the construction of the world as it emerged in the young infant (he had 3 kids by that time)
Non-verbal tests
6-7 months: infants understand that objects continue to exist
Conservation of liquid
Vygotsky’s 4 stages of development
- Primitive stage: preintellectual speech and preverbal thought, at the level of “behaviour.
- Naïve psychology stage: the child’s experience with his/her own body and of objects and the use of tools; increasingly correct use of language structures without the understanding of their logical meaning
- Egocentric speech stage: the use of external signs as aids in the solution of internal problems, counting on the fingers; egocentric speech becomes more and more curtailed and “esoteric”
- Ingrowth stage: when external operations turn inward, counting in the head, logical memory, soundless speech. Inner speech in turn becomes more and more abbreviated (e.g. predication, in which the sentences lack a subject, since the subject “is known to the speaker”)
Vygotskian terms
Scaffolding: When a cognitively-advanced other is sensitive to the limitations of a child and tailors their interactions so that the child works close to the limits of their Zone of Proximal Development
Zone of Proximal development: the difference between a child’s actual development level and the development level that he/she can reach with the help of a cognitively advanced other.
3 stages of information processing
encoding, storage and retrieval
Define these terms:
- Executive functioning
- Automatic process
- Metamemory
- Metacognitive knowledge
Executive functioning: A mechanism of growth that includes inhibitory processes, planning, and cognitive flexibility.
Automatic process: A mechanism of growth that includes inhibitory processes, planning, and cognitive flexibility.
Metamemory: a person’s informal understanding of memory; includes the ability to diagnose memory problems accurately and to monitor the effectiveness of memory strategies.
Metacognitive knowledge: A person’s knowledge and awareness of cognitive processes.
The store model
You sense information which goes in the sensory memory. Then the information selected for processing passes to short term memory. The information can then be stored permanently in the long term memory. The information stored in the long term memory can be brought back to short term memory to comprehend new information through techniques.
4 memory strategies
rehearsal: repetition of rehearsing something to remember
organization: in a structure
elaboration: remembering the spelling of something
chunking: organizing items into one meaningful group
Difference between mental age and intelligence
Mental age: the level of performance on a test which is associated with a particular chronological age
Intelligence: the ability to think, to learn from experience, to solve problems, and to adapt to new situations
What are the 4 assessment tests shown in class?
- Bayley Scales of Infant Development
- Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC-V)
- Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC)
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT)
Bayley Scales of Infant Development
- one of the most common for testing infants
- Do not measure IQ
- Track an object with their eyes
- DQ scores is what they use to measure
Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC-V)
- on the fifth version
- most common one in clinical practice and research studies
- upsides: various domains
what are the 5 ways to score in the Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children (WISC-V)?
- Verbal comprehension
- Visual-spatial
- Fluid reasoning
- Working memory
- Processing speed
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (KABC)
- different ways of scoring that relies less on verbal responses (helpful for non-English native speakers)
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT)
- those who score high on IQ tests usually do good on this test
- not considered to be an IQ test
- 4-6 years old is the lowest age to test on.
Fluid v. Crystallized intelligence
Fluid intelligence: the ability to process new information, learn, and solve problems
Crystallized intelligence: stored knowledge, accumulated over the years