Exam practice Flashcards
the movement of oxygen and carbon dioxide between the alveoli and the red blood cells
ability to produce disease
incubation period
interval between entrance of pathogen into body and appearance of first symptoms
prodromal stage
interval from onset of nonspecific signs and symptoms to more specific symptoms
illness stage
interval when patient manifest signs and symptoms specific to type of infection
interval when acute symptoms of infection disappear
provides barrier to microorganisms and antibacterial activity
develops when braod-spectrum antibiotics eliminate a wide range of normal flora organisms, not just those causing infection
clear, like plasma fluid
containing blood
containing WBCs and bacteria, yellow to green
granulation tissue
granulation tissue is not as strong as tissue collagen and assumes the form of scar tissue
iatrogenic infections
type of HAI from a diagnostic or therapeutic procedure. such as a bronchchoscopy and treatment with broad[spectrum antibiotics increase risk for certain infections
exogenous infection
comes from microorganisms found outside the individual
endogenous infection
occurs when part of th patients flra becomes altered and an overgrowth results, can happen after broad specturum antibiotic is given
immune senescence
age-related immune system decreases
after 70 older adults are more likely to form autoantibodies that
attack their own body instead of infections
wound specimen collection
clean site with sterile water or saline before wound specimen collected. use cotton-tipped swab or syringe to collect fluid
blood specimen
perform a venipuncture at two different sites at two different times, 15 to 30 mins apart, to decrease lilkielhood of both specimens being contaminated with skin flora
stool specimen
use a tongue blade to collect a small amount from pts bed pan, do not touch surface of cup when transferring stool
urine specimen
use sterile cup to collect 1 to 5 ml of urine
chemical name
provides an exact desiption of its composition and molecular structure
generic name
example acetaminophen is for Tylenol, becomes the official name for publications
medication classification
indicates the effect of the medication on a body system, the symptoms the medication relieves, or its desired effect