Exam part 1 Flashcards
good remedy for whooping cough
remedium bonum pro pertussi
operation of the heart without complications
operatio cordis sine complicationibus
quick punction of the cyst in clinic
punctio celeris cystae in clinica
an alien body in the right bronchus
corpus alienum in broncho dextro
before surgical transplantation of the heart
ante transplantationem chirurgicam cordis
red liquid for injection
liquor ruber pro injectione
gastric cancer in the second stage
cancer gastricus in stadio secondo
the right side of the neck
latus dextrum colli
instruments for transplantation of the kidney
instrumenta pro transplantatione renis
after a serious trauma
post traumatem gravem
forms of allergic inflammation
formae inflammationis allergicae
a remedy for the hypertonic disease
remedium pro morbo hypertonico
acute inflammation of the skin with itching
inflammatio cutis acuta cum pruritu
Chronic asthma of senile
asthma chronicum senile
prevention of the respiratory disease
prophylaxis morbi respiratorii
complete lesions of the intestine
laesiones completae intestini
gangrene in the left leg(foot)
gangraena in pede sinistro
first aid before the operation
auxilium primum ante operationem
instrumental examination of abdomen (in one word) for good diagnosis
laparoscopia pro diagnosi bona
suturing of the pelvis of the kidney (in one word) with total narcosis
pyelorrhaphia cum narcosi totali
a patient of solar allergy
aegrotus allergiae solaris
treatment with good diet
therapia cum diaeta bona
pessimistic prognosis for the patient
prognosis pessima pro aegroto
a boy with yellow fever
puer cum febri flava
defects of the left hand
defectus manus sinistrae
acute pain of the lung
dolor acutus pulmonis
benign tumour of the mouth
tumor benignus oris
bad prognosis of inflammation of the liver
prognosis mala hepatitidis
allergic disease of the skin
morbus cutis allergicus
good prognosis after operation
prognosis bona post operationem
a long bone of femur
os longum femoris
signs of gastric ulcer
signa ulceris gastrici
treatment of lung cancer
therapia cancri pulmonis
healthy nails of the patient
ungues sani aegroti
external trauma of the head
trauma externum capitis
paralysis of fingers of the hand
paralysis digitorum manus
before extraction of tumour
ante extractionem tumoris
acute pain in the stomach
dolor acutus in stomacho
forms of malignant tumours
formae tumorum malignorum
clinical diagnosis of inflammation
diagnosis clinica inflammationis
an alien body in bronchi –
corpus alienum in bronchis
chronic disease of the heart
morbus chronicus cordis
after the operation of lungs
post operationem pulmonum
left and right kidney
ren sinister et dexter
traumas of the flat foot
traumata pedis plani
congenital tumour in brain
tumor congenitus in cerebro
suture of a wound of the skin
sutura vulneris cutis
treatment of postoperative ulcer
therapia ulceris postoperativi
trauma of the left knee
trauma genus sinistri
symptoms of chronic asthma
symptomata asthmatis chronici
a dynamic reflex of reaction
reflexus dynamicus reactionis
a healthy diet after poisoning of blood
diaeta sana post intoxicationem sanguinis
an open fracture of unequal bones
fractura aperta ossium imparium
hard nails of patients
ungues duri aegrotorum
a region of the right finger
regio digiti dextri
depressive patients with bad prognosis
aegroti depressivi cum prognosi mala
general functions without good signs
functiones generales sine signis bonis
a specific injection for infarction
injectio specifica pro infarctu
ulcerous lesions of lungs
laesiones ulcerosae pulmonum
medicamentous treatment after punction
therapia medicamentosa post punctionem
foreign bodies in blood vessels
corpora alieni in vasis
trauma of a bone under the skull
trauma ossis sub cranio
purulent surfaces of ligaments
facies purulentae ligamentorum
rigid canals in processes
canales rigidi in processibus
a hacking dry cough after grippe
tussis ferina sicca post grippum
red glands in cavities
adenes rubri in cavitatibus
dry extremities (in Latin 3rd decl.) of the patient
extremitates siccae aegroti
serious traumas in the side
traumata gravia in latere
an artificial tooth for the girl
dens artificialis pro puella
white stones in the urinary bladder
lapides albi in vesica urinaria
sharp instruments for incision
instrumenta acria pro incisione
a healthy state after childbirth
status sanus post partum
ulcer of an unknown cause
ulcus causae incertae
fatty pus in the bronchus
pus adiposum in broncho
walls of round hernia
parietes herniae rotundae
serious (in Latin 3rd decl.) complications after the grippe –
complicationes graves post grippum
signs of gastric cancer
signa cancri gastrici
allergy in acute form
allergia in forma acuta
itching of the right hand
pruritus manus dextrae
acquired anomaly of nails
anomalia acquisita unguium
malignant tumours of lungs
tumores maligni pulmonum
yellow pus in the wound
pus flavum in vulnere
treatment before operation of pancreas
therapia ante operationem pancreatis
gangrene of right big toe
gangraena hallucis dextri
transfusion of blood after transplantation
transfusio sanguinis post transplantationem
cause of acute hepatitis
causa hepatitis acutae
round (in Latin 2nd decl.) ulcer in the stomach (in Latin 3rd decl.) –
ulcus rotundum in gastre
central nervous system
systema nervosum centrale
acquired tremor after trauma of head
tremor acquisitus post traumate capitis
medicinal ether for narcosis
aether medicinalis pro narcosi
radical excision of adenoma
excisio radicalis adenomatis
abscess of the brain after otitis
abscessus cerebri post otitidem
functions of liver and spleen
functiones hepatis et splenis
medicaments for internal use
medicamenta pro usu interno
experiment in the black test tube
experimentum in vitro nigro
sugar in red blood –
saccharum in sanguine rubro
good reflex of the left knee
reflexus bonus genus sinistri
hypertonic disease without pain
morbus hypertonicus sine dolore
partial luxation of the tooth
luxatio partialis dentis
defect of skin after infection
defectus cutis post infectionem
specific treatment after transplantation of the kidney
therapia specifica post transplantationem renis
open fracture of flat bones
fractura aperta ossium planorum
scars of the patient after traumas
cicatrices aegroti post traumata
the reflex of the hand of a small infant
reflexus manus infantis parvi
a paralytic patient with cold sweat
aegrotus paralyticus cum sudore frigido
temporal punction without pain
punctio temporalis sine dolore
a double dose of injection for tremor
dosis duplex injectionis pro tremore
viral progressive infection of lungs
infectio viralis progressiva pulmonum
general treatment before a radical operation
therapia generalis ante operationem radicalem
a good function of healthy blood vessels
functio bona vasorum sanorum
itching of the skin under feet
pruritus cutis sub pedibus
twisted knees of uncertain causes
genua valga causarum incertarum
a first vaccine for infectious disease
vaccinum primum pro morbo infectioso
typical dry cough before grippe
- tussis typica sicca ante grippum
hard glands (3rd decl.) in the nasal cavity (3rd decl.)
adenes duri in cavitate nasali
cold extremities of rheumatic patients
extremitates frigidae aegrotorum rheumaticorum
bad pain in the left side
dolor malus in latere sinistro
false teeth of a senile patient
dentes spurii aegroti senilis
black stones in the urinary bladder
lapides nigri in vesica urinaria
a sharp instrument for incision
instrumentum acre pro incisione
a septic state after childbirth
status septicus post partum
purulent ulcers in stomachs (2nd decl.)
ulcera purulenta in stomachis
foreign bodies in the round bronchus
corpora aliena in broncho rotundo
clean surfaces of internal walls
facies purae parietum internorum
secondary signs of infection
signa secundaria infectionis