Exam One Flashcards
What does the clinical psych definition FOCUS ON?
INTEGRATION of science and practice, the APPLICATION of this integrated knowledge across diverse human pop., and the PURPOSE of alleviating human suffering and promoting health.
Personal Reqs. to be Clinical Psychologist
More to do with attitudes and character than with training and credentialing. MOST DISTINGUISHING FACTOR: clinical attitude/clinical approach (tendency to combine knowledge from research on human behavior and mental processes with efforts at individual assessment in order to understand and help a particular person.
Legal, Education, and Ethical Reqs
degree + state/national licence. (full license = independent)
PhD. Psychopathology, assessment, and intervention strategies, clinical research.
one to two year internships
testing of competence
licensing board exam. Examination for Professional Practice in Psych (EPPP) ; reciprocity = other states with same license
mental health literacy
accurate understanding of psych disorders and their treatments
Counseling psych diff
most similar; developmental transitions
school psych diff
scientist-practitioner model too, but more training in ed and child dev., interventions on kids, families, and school
social work
administration, pub policy, research, and comm organizing ; social/situational, not intrapersonal/interpersonal
six activities of clin. psych
assessment, treatment, research, teaching (inc. supervision), consultation, and administration
three categories of assessment
tests, interviews, observations
reasons for emphasis in research
critically evaluate research to see what is most affective; academia must often supervise/evaluate research projects conducted by students; research training valuable for administrators in evaluating effectiveness of agency’s programs; research helps evaluate own clinical work
case oriented vs program/administration oriented
case = focus on particular cinet/organizational prob; program = focus on aspects of organizational function/structure that are causing trouble
Dr. David Shakow
most influential in clin.psych development; clinical training program.
recommendations in the Shakow report (three)
a cln psych should be trained first as a psych; clin training as rigorous as for nonclinical areas of psych; prep of the clin psych should be broad and directed toward assessment, research, and therapy
greatest impact of shakow report
prescribed that special mix of scientific + professional prep that has typified most clin training programs ever since. SCIENTIST-PROFESSIONAL MODEL ; first major conference = Boulder model
vail conference
PsyD; masters = professional psych. .
salt lake city conference
in grad programs seeking accreditation, grad students must be trained in a core of psych knowledge that should include research design and mthods, stats, ethics, assessment, history and systems of psych, biosociocog bases of behavior, and individual differences
academy of psych clinical science (APCS)
richard mcfall; empirical focus (APS)
clinical scientist model
APCS approach; heavy emphasis on scientific research (university setting)
scientist practioner model
boulder model; equal research and practice. common in traditional PhD programs and some prof. schools
practitioner scholar model
Vail model; human services, less emphasis on scientific training (prof schools/PsyD)
Psych clinical science accreditation system PCSAS
developed to provide a sharper focus on research training in clinical psych doctoral programs
certification vs licensure
cert = restrict use of title psychologist … licensure = more restrictive; define practice of psych
state boards of psych two functions
determine standards for admission and administering procedures for the selection/examination of candidates AND regulate prof. practice and conducting disciplinary proceedings involving alleged violators of prof. standards
managed care
method of allocating health services to a group of ppl in order to provide the most appropriate care while still containing the overall cost of these services – employee assistance programs (EAPs), health maintenance organizations HMOs, preferred provider PPOs, integrated deliveryIDs, and independent practice IPAs.
insurance panels
list of professionals who have been approved to provide services for reimbursement ii
status of being equal (pay or status)
Lightner Witmer
first clinical psychologist and started first psych clinic ; diagnosed Charles with visual verbal amnesia (reading disorder)
5 aspects of Witmer’s new clinic
1) most of clients were children ; 2) his recommendations for helping clients were preceded by diagnostic assessment; 3) did not work alone but in a team approach collaborating on cases; 4) emphasized prevention of future probs through early diagnosis 5) clinical built on principles being discovered in scientific psych as a whole
Lightner Witmer
first clinical psychologist and started first psych clinic ; diagnosed Charles with visual verbal amnesia (reading disorder) – emprical tradition
psychometric tradition
measuring people’s physical and mental abiltilies (came from astronomy, anatomy, and biology), phrenology,
measuring individual differences in 1900s
1) Galton-Cattell sensorimotor tests (assessing inherited, relatively fixed mental STRUCTURES) 2) Binet - (mental FUNCTIONS)
Clinical tradition
mental illness could be helped not hidden
boring of holes in the skull to provide evil spirits with an exit.
landmarks of clinical tradition in clinical psych
classified psych disorders “dissociations”, used case studies ; introduced european psychogy and psychiatry to US (Principles of Psych) ; psychoanalysis
why was it difficult to find clinical training
university programs were often dominated by faculty skeptical of psychotherapy AND psychiatrists were reluctant to admit psychologist into psychoanalytic training institutes
psychodynamic approach
human behavior deried from constant struggle between desire to satisfy instincts and need to respect rules and realities ; goal = INSIGHT ;
humanistic approach
people = creative, growthful beings who realize their fullest potential ; disorders = avoidance of true self (PHENOMENOLOGICAL or EXPERIENTIAL THERAPIES) ; people/individual based honesty and acceptance.
psychodynamic approach
human behavior deried from constant struggle between desire to satisfy instincts and need to respect rules and realities ; goal = INSIGHT ; Therapist = “archaeologist”
humanistic approach
people = creative, growthful beings who realize their fullest potential ; disorders = avoidance of true self (PHENOMENOLOGICAL or EXPERIENTIAL THERAPIES) ; people/individual based honesty and acceptance. therapist = “mirror”
behavioral approach
behavior learned thru conditioning and observation; psych probs = learned and specific to situations ; behavior therapy = changing variables that maintain situation-specific learned maladaptive responses ; derived from empirical research and stresses collection of data to evaluate treatment effectiveness. therapist = “coach”
cognitive approach
behavior = learned connections but from how individuals CONSTRUE or THINK about the event; individuals have their own belief systems; psych problems = when peoples beliefs contribute to the things they most fear ; therapists offer alternate beliefs ; (ABC) therapist = “scientist” (identify, challenge, and replace habitual maladaptve thoughts)
group, family, marital, and related systems and approaches
human bheavior developed in social contexts; roles, beliefs, behaviors, and feedback mechanisms; therapists focus on patterns of interaction and exchange that have significance for individuals in the system ; “social planner” help group members make changes in roles, intergroup relations, and communcation patterns
presence of some kind of biological defect (biochemical or anatomical problem in brain), the autonomic nervous system, or the endocrine system. set of defects inherited but also trauma.
diathesis-stress view of schizo
biolical, psycho, and environmental causes. a) vulnerability of schizo is mainly biological; b) diff people have differing degrees of vulnerability; c) vulnerability transmitted partly thru genetics and partly through neurodevelopmental abnormalities associated with birth/prenatal; d) psych components such as exposure to poor environments and failure to develop coping skills = when schizo appears and how severe
the collection and synthesis of info to reach a judgment.
DSM general history
DSM1 and 2 = uniform terminology for describing and diagnosing abnormal behavior, but no clear rules to guide diagnostic decisions. DSM3 = set of crtera for diagnostic label; mainly to specific symptoms and symptom durations (not causes) DSM3R = multiaxial diagnoses, clinicals describe along diff dimensions or axes (full picture of factors) DMS4 and DSM4TR reliabilty. DSM5 = categories
Predicting dangerousness
base rate (freq. with which dangerous acts is usually very low); clinicians = level of risk rather than will/wont.
True positive
if clinician predicts dangerousness and the person does behave dangerously
true negative
clinical predicts no danger and person does not behave dangerously
false positive
clinician predicts danger, no danger occurs
false negative
clinician predicts no danger but danger occurs
clinical intuition
clinicans have special inferential abilities
illusory correlations
draw false inferences from assessment data
anchoring bias
establish views of a client more on the basis of the first few pieces of assssment info than on any subsequent info ; also let assessment info coming from certain sources outweigh others
confirmation bias
tendency to interpret new info in line with existing beliefs
clinical vs statistical prediction
stat prediction = inferences based on probability data and formal procedures for combining info (derived from research); clincal = inferences based on practioner’s training, assumptions, and professional experiences; sta is superior
psychometric properties of assessment instruments
clinical judgments depend on the soudess of the measures used to help make those judgements (asssessment instruments)
consistency in measurement or to agreement among diff judges or raters – test-retest / internal consistency / interrater reliability (compare to other diagnoses)
degree to which it measures what it is supposed to measure ;; content validity/ predictive validity [both CRITERION validity = how strongly an ass. result correlates with important criteria) (predict events) when two agree = concurrent validity. ; Construct validity = systematically related to the construct it is supposed to be measuring.
designers of the test have given it to a large, representative sample of persons and analyzed the score. average score is in a population. variance of scores on individual items or subtests.
bandwidth fidelity
greater bandwidth associated with lower fidelity in broadcasting; the more they explore a clients behavior, the less intensive each aspect of that exploration becomes (and vice versa) ; breadth of assessment device = bandwidth/depth or exhaustiveness of the device = fidelity
bandwidth fidelity
greater bandwidth associated with lower fidelity in broadcasting; the more they explore a clients behavior, the less intensive each aspect of that exploration becomes (and vice versa) ; breadth of assessment device = bandwidth/depth or exhaustiveness of the device = fidelity
intake interviews
establish the nature of the problem. asked for a classification or assessment of the problem in the form of a DSM diagnosis, also develop broader descriptions of clients and the environmental context in which their behavior occurs
problem referral interviews
client referred in order to answer a specific question; the referral question determines the type of assessment conducted
orientation interviews
to make new experiences less mysterious and more comfortable, conduct special interviews to acquaint the client with the assessment, treatment, or research procedures to come. beneficial in at least two ways: (client encouraged to ask questions/make comments AND understand upcoming assessment/treatment procedures)