Exam III Liver / Gall Bladder II Flashcards
Liver and Gallbladder diseases PT II
Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
Carcinoma of gallbladder
NAFLD represents a spectrum of disorders that have in common the presence of hepatic steatosis in individuals who do not consume alcohol
- NAFL: nonalcoholic fatty liver: hepatic steatosis is present without evidence of inflammation.
- NASH: nonalcoholic steatohepatitis may progress to cirrhosis
Natural HX of NAFLD
Cirrhosis - Develops when simple steatosis progresses to steatohepatitis and then fibrosis.
Clinical Significance - PTs with simple steatosis on biopsy are at low risk for developing significant fibrosis, whereas those with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis are at higher risk
Some PTs with fibrosis show regression of their disease
Pathogenesis of Inflammation in NAFLD
Free Cholesterol accumulation leads to liver injury in NASH/NAFLD through the activation of:
Kupffer Cells
<em>Secretion of pro-inflammatory mediators and pro-fibrotic factors</em>
Stellate Cells
<em>Increased liver fibrogenesis</em>
- Hepatocytes*
- Induces itself lipid peroxidation and lipotoxicity -> cellular dysfunction and death*
Free Cholesterol accumulation in the mitochondria causes:
Mitochondrial dysfunction and induces an increase in ROS
Insulin Resistance in NAFLD
Insulin resistance causes hepatic steatosis:
Increased release of free fatty acids (FFA) from adipose tissue
Increased fatty acids in Liver-> accumulation of triglyceride and steatosis, over-secretion of VLDL and increased glucose production
Increased fatty acids in muscle-> decreased glucose uptake
The net result of increased glucose production and decreased glucose uptake:
<strong><span>Hyper</span>glycemia and <span>hyper</span>insulinemia </strong>further increase hepatic de novo <strong>lipogenesis</strong>
Clinical Features of NAFLD/NASH
Individuals with steatosis are generally asymptomatic
Clinical presentation is often related to insulin resistance or diabetes mellitus
Serum AST and ALT are elevated in about 90% of PTs with NASH
Because of the association between NASH and the metabolic syndrome, cardiovascular disease is a frequent cause of death in PTs with NASH
Recap of NAFLD
The main factors that contribute to the initiation/perpetuation of hepatic injury
Insulin resistance
Chronic inflammatory state
Cholestatic Liver Disease
A decrease in Bile flow
<strong>Hepatocellular</strong>: an impairment of bile formation
<strong>Obstructive:</strong> abnormal bile flow occurs after it is formed
Tissue deposition of bile becomes clinically evident as:
Yellow discoloration of the skin: <strong>Jaundice</strong>
Sclera: <strong>Icterus</strong> due to retention of bilirubin
Pathogenesis of Pruritis in Cholestatic Disease
Symptoms associated with cholestasis:
Pruritis (itching), which can range in severity from mild, to moderate, to extreme.
Pruritogens act on itch receptors:
- Bile acids and its metabolites*
- Histamine*
- Cytokines*
Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC)
It is most common primary malignancy of the liver and occurs predominantly in PTs with underlying chronic liver disease with or without cirrhosis.
Tumors progress with local expansion, intrahepatic spread and distant metastases
Risk Factors of HCC
Cirrhosis of almost any cause:
Inflammation, necrosis, fibrosis, and ongoing regeneration of the cirrhotic liver can contribute to HCC
HBV infection:
Viral Load
High serum levels of HBV DNA -> greater risk
Active Replication:
HBeAG positivity, which indicates active replication
HCV Infection:
In the setting of rapid cellular turnover and the chronic inflammatory state
Hereditary Hemochromatosis:
Free Iron -> rapid formation of ROS metabolites -> DNA damage, abnormal protein synthesis, and cell proliferation -> cell injury and fibrosis
HCC Pathogenesis
Chronic exposure to liver Injury -> repeated hepatocyte damage -> sets up a vicious cycle of cell death and regeneration which eventually results in cirrhosis -> genomic instability -> initiation of HCC
Stepwise accumulation of multiple genetic events -> tumor progression and metastases
The Gallbladder
Stores and concentrates bile 5 to 20-fold
Most abundant solute in bile is bile salts
Fate emulsification and absorption
Medium for excretion of bilirubin and cholesterol
Bile Salts:
Amphipathic nature enables bile salts to:
Emulsification of lipids: Detergent action -> digested effectively
<strong>Transport of lipids: </strong> Bile salts carry lipids (monoglycerides, fatty acids, cholesterol, others) to intestinal wall in the form of micelles
Gallbladder Physiology
Cholelithiasis (Gallstones)
The Presence of Gallstones within the Common Bile Duct
There are 3 general classes of Gallstones:
<strong>Pure cholesterol stones</strong> containing at least 90% cholesterol
<strong>Pigment stones</strong> composed predominantly of bilirubin
<strong>Mixed composition stones</strong> varying proportions of cholesterol, bilirubin, as calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate
The Major Risk Factors are:
<strong>Age and sex. </strong>Age 40 appears to represent the cutoff between relatively low and high rates of cholecystectomies
<strong>Environmental Factors. </strong>Estrogen exposure
<strong>Acquired disorders.</strong> Gallbladder stasis
<strong>Hereditary factors. </strong>Genes encoding transporters that carry biliary lipids