Exam III: Inflammation Part III Flashcards
Acute Phase Response
Associated with cytokine-induced systemic reactions
Example: severe bout of a viral illness (influenza)
Cytokines (stimulated by bacterial products such as LPS)
TNF, IL-1, and IL-6 are important mediators of the acute-phase reaction
Type I interferons (also contribute)
Acute Phase Response: Clinical and Pathology Changes
- Fever from pyrogens
- Prostaglandins that increase in body temperature
Produced in the vascular and perivascular cells of the hypothalamus
Exogenous pyrogens stimulate leukocytes to release cytokines (endogenous pyrogens)
Increase the enzymes (cyclooxygenases) that convert AA into prostaglandins
In hypothalamus….PGE2 stimulates the production of neurotransmitters that reset temp set point higher
Acute Phase Proteins
Plasma proteins (liver) Plasma concentrations may increase several hundred-fold
Types of proteins: C-reactive protein (CRP), Fibrinogen, and Serum amyloid A (SAA) protein
Many acute-phase proteins (CRP and SAA)
Bind to microbial cell walls—may act as opsonins and fix complement
Bind chromatin—possibly aiding in clearing necrotic cell nuclei
Binds to red cells
Forms stacks (rouleaux)
Sediment more rapidly at unit gravity than do individual red cells
Increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate
Production is increased
Iron-regulating peptide
Chronically elevated plasma concentrations reduce availability of iron
Responsible for theanemia associated with chronic inflammation
Acute Phase Response: Repair
Injury to cells—series of damaging events—initiation of healing process
Regeneration: complete restitution of lost or damaged tissue
Repair: may restore some original structures, but can cause structural derangements
Healthy tissues
Healing (regeneration/repair): occurs after any insult that causes tissue destruction and essential for the survival of the organism
Repair of Superficial and Severe Injury
Normal epidermis- see a couple lymphocytes and macrophages just waiting
Superficial injury: just a small layer of tissue is damaged
Severe Injury: epidermis and dermis damaged (deeper) injury that causes bleeding = scar tissue
Regeneration: General Information
Proliferation of cells and tissues to replace lost structures
Growth of an amputated limb in amphibians
Mammalian whole organs and complex tissues rarely regenerate after injury
Applied to liver growth after partial resection or necrosis
Compensatory growth rather than true regeneration
Regeneration: Hematopoietic System, Skin, and GI Tract
Hematopoietic system, skin, GI tract
High proliferative capacity
Renew themselves continuously
Regenerate after injury
Regeneration in the liver, somewhat in the kidney, and in the skin
Hemeopoietic system: regenerates from bone marrow
GI tract: when you eat, as the food goes down it takes cells with it and those cells are replaced
Combination of regeneration and scar formation
Deposition of collagen
Contribution of regeneration and scarring:
Ability of the tissue to regenerate
Extent of the injury
Example: superficial skin wound heals through the regeneration of the surface epithelium
Regeneration vs. Repair
Regeneration = fixes with the same cell type
Repair: fixes with a different type of cell like collagen
Injury to ECM and Cells
Injury to hepatocytes = regeneration of the liver = functional tissue
If the cells and ECM are injured, there is no structure whatsoever so the cells will not regenerate properly in a nice pattern like before because no scaffolding for cells = non-functional tissue
Repair of Chronic Inflammation
Accompanies persistent injury
Stimulates scar formation
Local production of growth factors and cytokines
Promote fibroblast proliferation and collagen synthesis
Extensive deposition of collagen: starts as loose deposit, then over time becomes hardened
Extracellular matrix (ECM): components are essential for wound healing because it provides the framework for cell migration
Maintain the correct cell polarity for the re-assembly of multilayer structures
Participate in angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels)
ECM: fibroblasts, macrophages, and others produce growth factors, cytokines, and chemokines critical for regeneration and repair
Normal Cell Proliferation
Adult tissues
Size of cell populations determined by rate of cell proliferation, differentiation, and death
Increased cell numbers may result in increased proliferation and decreased cell death
Apoptosis: physiologic process required for tissue homeostasis induced by a variety of pathologic stimuli
Terminally Differentiated Cells
Differentiated cells incapable of replication
Impact of differentiation
Depends on the tissue under which it occurs
Differentiated cells are not replaced
Differentiated cells die but are continuously replaced by new cells generated from stem cells
Physiologic Proliferation
Proliferation of endometrial cells under estrogen stimulation during the menstrual cycle
Thyroid-stimulating hormone-mediated replication of cells of the thyroid that enlarges the gland
Stimuli may become excessive, creating pathologic conditions
Pathologic Proliferation
Nodular prostatic hyperplasia
Dihydrotestosterone stimulation= BPH
Nodular goiters in the thyroid
Increased serum levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone
3 Types of Tissues Within the Body
Basis of the proliferative activity of their cells
- Labile tissues (Continuously dividing)
- Stable tissues (Quiescent)
- Permanent tissues (Nondividing)
Labile Tissues
Cells proliferate throughout life aka continuous
Replaces destroyed cells
Surface epithelia: stratified squamous epithelia of the skin, oral cavity, vagina, and cervix, lining mucosa of all the excretory ducts of the glands of the body
Salivary glands, pancreas, biliary tract
Columnar epithelium of the GI tract and uterus
Transitional epithelium of the urinary tract
Cells of the bone marrow and hematopoietic tissues
Mature cells are derived from adult stem cells, which have a tremendous capacity to proliferate
Quiescent Tissues
Low level of replication
Cells from these tissues undergo rapid division in response to stimuli
Capable of reconstituting the tissue of origin
Parenchymal cells of liver, kidneys, and pancreas
Mesenchymal cells: fibroblasts and smooth muscle
Vascular endothelial cells
Lymphocytes and other leukocytes
Example: ability of liver to regenerate, partial hepatectomy or acute chemical injury
Quiescent Tissue Cell Types
Fibroblasts, endothelial cells, smooth muscle cells, chondrocytes, and osteocytes
Quiescent in adult mammals
Proliferate in response to injury
Fibroblasts proliferate extensively
Non-Dividing Tissues
Contain cells that have left the cell cycle
Cannot undergo mitotic division in postnatal life
Skeletal muscle cells
Cardiac muscle cells
Neurons in the central nervous system (CNS): destruction of cells are replaced by the proliferation of the CNS-supportive elements like glial cells
Mature Skeletal Muscle and Cardiac Muscle: Repair
Nondividing tissues
Mature skeletal muscle: cells do not divide
Regenerative capacity through the differentiation of the satellite cells attached to the endomysial sheaths
Cardiac muscle: very limited regenerative capacity
Large injury to the heart muscle like myocardial infarction followed by scar formation
Stem Cells
Characterized by: self-renewal properties and capacity to generate differentiated cell lineages
Need to be maintained during the life of the organism
Achieved by two mechanisms:
1. Obligatory asymmetric replication: with each stem cell division, one of the daughter cells retains its self-renewing capacity while the other enters a differentiation pathway
2. Stochastic differentiation: stem cell population maintained by the balance between stem cell divisions that generate either two self-renewing stem cells or two cells that will differentiate
Locations of Stem Cells
Bone marrow Skin Gut Liver Brain Muscle Cornea
Bone Marrow
Contains hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)
Contains stromal cells aka multipotent stromal cells, mesenchymal stem cells or MSCs
Hematopoietic Stem Cells: generate all of the blood cell lineages, reconstitute the bone marrow after depletion caused by disease or irradiation
Hematopoietic Stem Cells
Widely used for the treatment of hematologic diseases
Collected directly from:
Bone marrow
Umbilical cord blood
Peripheral blood of individuals receiving cytokines: granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor, which mobilize HSCs; make the person have a fever and sick because the body is trying to produce all the cells to donate to someone else
Marrow Stromal Cells (MSCs)
Potentially important therapeutic applications: generate chondrocytes, osteoblasts, adipocytes, myoblasts, and endothelial cell precursors
Depends on the tissue to which they migrate
Migrate to injured tissues
Generate stromal cells or other cell lineages
Do not participate in normal tissue homeostasis
Liver Regeneration
Contains stem cells/progenitor cells in the canals of Hering: junction between the biliary ductular system and parenchymal hepatocytes
Give rise to a population of precursor cells: oval cells, which are bipotential progenitors capable of differentiating into hepatocytes and biliary cells
Oval Cells
Cells of the liver
Function as a secondary or reserve compartment, which are activated only when hepatocyte proliferation is blocked
Proliferation and differentiation during fulminant (sudden onset) hepatic failure, liver tumorigenesis, and chronic hepatitis and advanced liver cirrhosis
Brain Regeneration
Neurogenesis from neural stem cells (NSCs)
Occurs in the brain of adult rodents and humans
AKA neural precursor cells
Capable of generating neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes
Identified in two areas of adult brains:
Subventricular zone (SVZ)
Dentate gyrus of the hippocampus
Compensatory Growth
Even this process is not one of true regeneration
Resection of tissue does not cause new growth of liver
Triggers a process of compensatory hyperplasia in the remaining parts of the organ
Other organs capable of compensatory growth
Kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, thyroid, and the lungs of very young animals
Display it in less dramatic form than the liver
Kidney Regeneration
New nephrons cannot be generated in the adult kidney
Growth of the contralateral kidney after unilateral nephrectomy
Involves nephron hypertrophy
Replication of proximal tubule cells
In kidney, you take out one kidney, and the other side you will get nephron hypertrophy to increase function and handle the body enough
Process like there were two but in one tissue
Pancreas Regeneration
Limited capacity to regenerate exocrine components and islets
Regeneration of pancreatic beta cells
Beta-cell replication
Transdifferentiation of ductal cells
Differentiation of putative stem cells
Human Liver
Remarkable capacity to regenerate demonstrated by its growth after partial hepatectomy
Tumor resection or for living-donor hepatic transplantation
Resection of approximately 60% of the liver in living donors
Doubling of the liver remnant in about one month
Portions of the liver that remain after partial hepatectomy constitute an intact “mini-liver” rapidly expands and reaches the mass of the original liver
Restoration of liver mass achieved without regrowth of resected lobes
Growth occurs by enlargement of the lobes that remain after the operation= compensatory growth or compensatory hyperplasia
End point of liver regeneration after partial hepatectomy
Restitution of functional mass rather than the reconstitution of the original
Hepatocytes in the Cell Cycle
Hepatocytes are quiescent cells G0 phase, but several hours to enter the cell cycle after a partial hepatectomy
Progress through G1 and reach the S phase of DNA replication
Wave of hepatocyte replication is synchronized followed by synchronous replication of nonparenchymal cells
Kupffer cells, endothelial cells, and stellate cells
Replication of non-paraenchymal cells to make ECM
Restriction Points for Hepatocyte Replication
Two major restriction points for hepatocyte replication:
- G0/G1 transition that bring quiescent hepatocytes into the cell cycle
- G1/S transition needed for passage through the late G1 restriction point
Gene expression in the regenerating liver proceeds in phases
Starts with the immediate early gene response
Transient response that corresponds to the G0/G1 transition