Exam I: Pathology II Flashcards
Causes of Cell Injury
Oxygen deprivation Physical agents Chemical agents and drugs Infectious agents Immunologic reactions Genetic derangements Nutritional imbalances
O2 Deprivation
Hypoxia- deficiency of oxygen, and reduces aerobic oxidative respiration
Causes: reduced blood flow (ischemia), inadequate oxygenation of the blood leading to cardiorespiratory failure, decreased oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood (anemia), carbon monoxide poisoning, severe blood loss
Depending on the severity cells may adapt, undergo injury, or die
Physical Agents
Mechanical trauma
Extremes of temperature (burns and deep cold)
Sudden changes in atmospheric pressure
Radiation- UV or chemoradiation
Electric shock- thermal
Atmospheric pressure- scuba diving ascend too rapidly or climbing a mountain
Chemical Agents and Drugs
Chemicals (too many to list) Glucose or salt- hypertonic concentrations Oxygen- high concentrations Trace amounts of poisons Environmental and air pollutants Insecticides, herbicides Industrial and occupational hazards- CO and asbestos Recreational drugs (alcohol) Therapeutic drugs
Infectious Agents
Submicroscopic viruses to the large tapeworms Rickettsiae Bacteria Fungi Higher forms of parasites
Immunologic Reactions
Injurious reactions to endogenous self-antigens- several autoimmune diseases
Immune reactions to external agents like microbes and environmental substances; hypersensitivity reactions
Genetic Derangements
Severe defects: congenital malformations associated with Down syndrome= chromosomal anomaly
Subtle defects: decreased life span of red blood cells (single amino acid substitution in hemoglobin in sickle cell anemia)
Variations in the genetic makeup which influence the susceptibility of cells by chemicals and other environmental insults
Nutritional Imbalances
Protein-calorie deficiencies in underprivileged populations
Deficiencies of specific vitamins (scurvy/vitamin C)
Self-imposed problems like anorexia nervosa
Nutritional excesses: cholesterol and obesity
Effects of Duration of Injury
The first thing that happens during injury is biochemical alterations, then you see ultrastructural changes (electron microscopy), and then you notice bigger changes under a light microscope, and then you will gross changes
Morphologic Alterations
Sequential morphologic changes in cell injury
Reversible injury:
Generalized swelling of the cell and its organelles
Blebbing of the plasma membrane
Detachment of ribosomes from the ER
Clumping of nuclear chromatin
Associations: decreased generation of ATP, loss of cell membrane integrity, defects in protein synthesis, cytoskeletal damage, and DNA damage
Reversible Injury
Two features of reversible cell injury
- Cellular swelling: result of failure of energy-dependent ion pumps in the plasma membrane; Na+ in, which pulls H2O in, K+ out; Ca2+ in as well
- Fatty change: hypoxic injury (mostly liver and heart), various forms of toxic or metabolic injury; manifested by the appearance of lipid vacuoles in the cytoplasm (bubble like)
Morphology of Reversible Injury
Cellular swelling: difficult to appreciate with the light microscope, but more apparent at the level of the whole organ
Pallor, increased turgor, and increase in weight of the organ
Microscopic examination: small clear cytoplasmic vacuoles (distended and pinched-off ER) aka hydropic change or vacuolar degeneration
Cells may show increased eosinophilic staining
Reversible Injury: Ultrastructural Changes
Plasma membrane alterations: blebbing, blunting, loss of microvilli
Mitochondrial changes: swelling and small amorphous densities
Dilation of the ER: detachment of polysomes and intracytoplasmic myelin figures
Nuclear alterations: disaggregation of granular and fibrillar elements
Irreversible Cell Injury
Continuous damage: the cell injury becomes irreversible and the cell cannot recover and it dies
Two principal types of cell death: apoptosis and necrosis
Apoptotic bodies are attractive to the phagocyte because they are tagged with phosphatidylserine
See this only in electron microscopy; contents of the cell do not leak out
Necrosis: always a pathologic process; severe membrane damage; lysosomal enzymes enter the cytoplasm and digest the cell and cellular contents leak out
Renal Cell Changes: Reversible vs. Irreversible
Reversible injury; cells are more pink/eosinophilic, but see that each cell has a nucleus but not as well maintained
Irreversible: cells are missing, nuclei gone, irreversible injury especially due to nuclei loss (breakdown)
Morphologic appearance: result of denaturation of intracellular proteins and enzymatic digestion of lethally injured cell
May take hours to develop- if not = sudden cardiac death
Necrotic cells: unable to maintain membrane integrity, so contents leak, which elicits inflammation in the surrounding tissue
Characteristics of Necrosis
Necrotic cells
Increased eosinophilia in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stain due to loss of cytoplasmic RNA (binds the blue dye, hematoxylin) and denatured cytoplasmic proteins (binds the red dye, eosin)
Glassy homogeneous appearance- loss of glycogen particles
Digestion of cytoplasmic organelles- vacuolated cytoplasm (moth-eaten)
Dead cells are replaced by large, whorled phospholipid masses (myelin figures) derived from damaged cell membranes
Phospholipid precipitates are phagocytosed by other cells and further degraded into fatty acids