Exam II Flashcards
What type of exercises were used to treat spinal stenosis that biased flexion of the spine?
-Williams exercises
What was an issue with williams exercises?
-they lead to disc herniations
What exercises were used to treat radicular symptoms that emphasized extension of the spine?
-Mckenzie exercises
what was an issue with mckenzie exrcises?
-the did not treat the deep stabilizers of the spine
What was used to teach proper posture, body mechanics, posture and sleeping postures?
-Back schools
what was an issue with back schools?
-They were too general
What is neutral spine?
-A position of ROM of the spine that is defined by the patients signs and symptoms, pathology and restrictions
What is muscular fusion?
-utilizing co-contractions of the deep abdominals, and multifidus to hold the spine in nuetral
Where is all movement centered?
-The lumbopelvic hip complex
Why is spine stabilization surgery important?
-Important for posture and balance, increases force production, increase neuromuscular efficiency, and to treat and prevent LBP
What muscles are crucial in providing lumbar spine stabilization?
-Multifidi, internal obliques and transverse abdominis
What muscles dominate and attempt to stabilize the spine when there is dysfunction?
-Erector Spinae
Why is it an issue when the erector spinae attempt to stabilize the spine?
-the are not tonic muscle and not designed to be active all of the time, guarding bound to occur
Why aren’t global muscle efficient?
-They do not provide segmental stability
What happens if you do not train local muscles?
-They will be shut down because of the use of global muscles
What is the action of the lumbar multifidus?
- Back extension when they fire bilaterally
- contralateral rotation when they fire unilaterally
What are the first muscles to become weak?
How else can the multifidi be affected by back dysfunction?
-They can have delayed activation, atrophy (have fatty infiltration) and hange from type I to type II fibers
To maintain posture how to the multifidi fire?
What is the deepest abdominal muscle?
-Transverse abdominis
What is the action of the transverse abdominis?
-compression, protection and support the abdomen
What is the first muscle to be activated when there is an unexpected loading of the spine?
-transverse abdominis
How are the transverse abdominis affected by low back pain?
-they are no longer recruited first, and global muscle will be recruited first
What muscle is just superficial to the transverse abdominis?
-internal obliques