Exam II Flashcards
Sounds are produced with:
- Place:
- Manner:
- Voicing:
- Place: specific location, dental, bilabial etc.
- Manner: stop, fricative, nasal, etc.
- Voicing: voiced, unvoiced
The skull serves as framework for: 1. 2. 3. 4.
- articulation
- mastication
- pragmatics (facial expressions)
- sensory organs
Number of bones in skull: _________
22 bones in skull
Two parts of skull:
- cranium- houses brain
2. facial skeleton
Mandibular Landmarks:
1. Corpus
- Corpus: anterior and lateral portions
Mandible Composition: Functions: 1. 2.
1 bone, 2 halves
- point of attachment for muscles of articulation
- houses teeth for articulation
Composition: 2 bones
1. forms roof of mouth/floor of nasal cavity, lateral walls of nasal cavity
2. Houses upper articulators (teeth)
Maxillae Landmarks:
1. Frontal Process:
Along side of nose, attaches to zygoma
What is the hard palate composed of:
- Maxillae
2. Palatine bones
Palatine bones location:
posterior to palatine process of maxilla ( 2 of them)
Palatine Bones Function:
Form part of hard palate (roof of mouth, floor of nasal cavity)
Which bones compose the cheekbone?
Zygomatic arch and temporal process
Mandibular Landmarks
2. Mental Symphysis:
Midpoint of mandible
Mandibular Landmarks:
3. Mental prominences/protuberances:
Elevations at chin
Mandibular Landmarks:
4. Alveolar arch:
Superior margin of mandible
Mandibular Landmarks:
5. Ramus:
Superior projection
Mandibular Landmarks:
6. Angle:
Transition between ramus and corpus
Mandibular Landmarks:
7. Coronoid Process:
Anterior projection
Mandibular Landmarks:
8. Condylar Process:
Posterior projection
Mandibular Landmarks:
9. Mandibular Notch:
Between condyle and coronoid processes
Mandibular Landmarks:
10. Mylohyoid Line:
Interior surface below molars
Maxillae Landmarks:
2. Zygomatic Process:
Joins maxilla and zygoma
Maxillae Landmarks:
3. Alveolar Arch/Alveolar process
Houses dentitionf
Maxillae Landmarks:
4. Palatine Process:
Only viewed from inferior, 2 of them, form anterior 2/3 of hard palate
Zygomatic Arch Landmarks:
1. Temporal Process:
Where zygoma meets temporal bone
Zygomatic Arch Function:
Forms cheekbone, point of attachment for muscles of articulation and mastication
Ethmoid Bone
Location: posterior/inside nasal cavity at base of cranium
Function: separates nasal cavity from cranial cavity
Frontal Bone
Location: Most Anterior/Superior bone
Landmarks: Zygomatic Processes on either side
Parietal Bone
Location: 2, 1 on each side of superior and lateral portions of skull
Occipital Bone
Forms base of skull
Very large, lower/posterior portion of cranium
Temporal Bone
Location: located on lateral surface of cranium, forms lateral walls
Temporal Bone
1. Zygomatic Process:
Where temporal bone meets zygomatic arch
Temporal Bone Landmarks:
2. Styloid Process:
Sharp inferior projection of temporal bone
Temporal Bone Landmarks:
3. Mastoid Process:
Inferior rounded projection of temporal bone
Temporal Bone Landmarks:
4. External and Internal Auditory Meatus
External: Opening to outer ear
Internal: Border between outer ear and middle ear
Temporal Bone Landmarks:
5. Mandibular Fossa
Where condylar process of mandible sits - TMJ joint
Spendoid Bone
Butterfly shaped bone anterior to foramen magnum and deep to facial skeleton
Sphenoid Bone Landmarks:
1. Wings:
2 greater wings, lateral borders
2 lesser wings, medial to greater wings
Sphenoid Bone Landmarks:
2. Corpus:
body of sphenoid
Sphenoid Bone Landmarks:
3. Ethmoid Spine:
Spine on superior surface of body of sphenoid bone
Sphenoid Bone Landmarks:
4. Pterygoid Processes:
4 total, medial and lateral pterygoid plates on inferior portion of sphenoid
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
Buccal Cavity:
4, between teeth and cheeks
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
Oral Cavity:
Inside teeth; where tongue is
bordered superiorly by hard palate, inferiorly floor of mouth, anteriorly by teeth and alveolar processes, and posteriorly by palatalglossal arch
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
Pharyngeal Cavity:
Back of throat
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
most superior of pharyngeal cavities, above soft palate at posterior nasal cavity
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
posterior to oral cavity, bordered superiorly by soft palate, inferiorly by hyoid bone
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
Superior border hyoid, inferior border entrance to esophagus
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
Nasal Cavity:
Vocal Tract Cavities/Spaces:
Oropharyngeal Isthmus:
portal where 3 cavities meet, oral, laryngeal, and nasal
oro-, laryngo, naso- pharynx