Exam II Flashcards
What is your treatment and control for the Musca spp. and Stomoxys calcitrans?
Sanitation and reducing breeding places are the best treatments.
Name two muscid flies that bite cattle.
Stomoxys calcitrans (stable fly; biting housefly) and Haematobia irritans (horn fly)
Which muscid lives on its bovid host?
What are the implications of this for control?
Haematobia irritans (horn fly). It means control is easy as parasiticides can be applied directly to cattle.
What is a myiasis?
An infestation of living animals with the larvae of dipteran flies.
What is “blowfly strike”?
Refers to an animal being seriously affected by blowfly larvae. The laying of eggs by the fly being termed the “blow” and the development of the larvae (maggots) and the damage they cause the “strike”.
Where does the female New World Screwworm lay her eggs?
On fresh uninfected wounds on a host?
Eggs hatch to larvae and feed invasively on living tissue.
What is the treatment and prevention for Cochliomyia hominivorax?
Treating wounds of all infected animals.
The release of billions of sterile males succeeded in eradicating the screwworm from the US and other countries.
A sika deer that is housed in a petting zoo in New York developers acute hepatosis and dies. Necropsy reveals that the liver has been severely damaged by migrating flukes that are several centimeters long. This fluke, which usually has the white-tailed deer as its final host, is: A. Fasciola buskii B. Fascioloides magna C. Dicrocoelium dendriticum D. Clonorchis sinensis E. Alaria marcianae
Outbreaks of clinical Fasciola hepatica infection may occur during periods of drought because:
A. Sheep are forced to eat unpalatable aquatic vegetation that may be covered with infected ants.
B. Sheep are forced to eat unpalatable aquatic vegetation that may contain encysted metacercariae.
C. Sheep are forced to graze near ant hills.
D. Sheep may enter bodies of water and be penetrated by cercariae
E. Fasciola hepatica causes disease only in malnourished sheep
The larvae of Stomoxys calcitrans develope in:
A. Fresh cattle manure
B. Damp hay or similar decaying organic matter
C. Soil
D. Quiet bodies of water
E. Rapidly moving streams
Haematobia irritans lays its eggs on: A. Rapidly running streams B. Straw contaminated with urine or manure, or decaying organic matter on beaches C. Slow-moving or still bodies of water D. Soil E. Fresh cattle manure
What is common name for Musca domestica and Musca autumnalis?
The house fly and the face fly respectively.
What is the scientific name for the stable fly/biting housefly?
Stomoxys calcitrans
Haematobia irritans goes by the common name:
Horn fly
What is the common name for Hypoderma bovis and H. lineatum larvae?
The cattle grub.
What is the common name for Hypoderma bovis?
Warble fly
What is the common name for Hypoderma lineatum?
Warble fly, heel fly, ox warble
What would happen if the third stage larvae of Hypoderma lineatum were killed in the esophageal wall?
The death of the larvae may cause bloat through esophageal stricture and faulty regurgitation.
What would happen if the third stage larvae of Hypoderma bovis were killed in the spinal canal?
There would be a release of a highly toxic proteolysin, which the larvae contain, which would cause paraplegia.
What is the common name for Damalinia bovis?
Cattle biting louse.
What 3 factors are responsible for the favorable winter proliferation of Damalinia bovis?
1) Thick coats
2) Cattle are housed
3) Parthenogenesis allows numbers to add up very quickly
What 3 factors are responsible for decreased summer proliferation of Damalinia bovis?
1) thin pelage limits sheltered habitat
2) skin surface temperatures are high
3) sunlight is lethal
What is another name for lice infestation?
What are the clinical signs and pathogenesis of Damalinia bovis?
Chronic dermatitis
In large numbers, intense irritation and pruritus
May be a sign of malnutrition or chronic disease
What is the scientific name of the long nosed cattle louse?
Linognathus vituli
What type of lice would be found on the head, neck, and dewlap of cattle?
Linognathus vituli