Exam I - Cardiac II Flashcards
What factor changes the slope on a venous return curve?
Resistance to Venous Return (RVR)
What is the body’s primary mechanism to increase cardiac output?
Constriction of the veins
Just a small increase in venous constriction increases Psf and dramatically increases venous return
What drug increases venous return?
How does it work?
- Phenylephrine
- Constricts veins more than arteries increasing Psf and therefore venous return
Why is maximal sympathetic stimulation alone not enough to raise CO significantly?
Because when the heart is working very hard, RAP decreases which causes veins to collapse and max out CO around 6 L/min
Without an increase in venous return, sympathetic stimulation is not very effective
Green dot represents max SNS with no change in venous return
What pressure changes in the right heart would you expect in patients with cardiac dysfunction?
- ↑ RAP, ↑ CVP, ↑ Psf
- This occurs because the body compensates for the low CO by greatly increasing volume/pressure in order to maintain a normal CO.
Psf increased to +20 and RAP increased to +13 to keep normal CO
Describe the compensation differences between acute and chronic cardiac dysfunction?
- Acute: catecholamines increase to quickly bring up venous return and CO
- Chronic: catecholamines cause fluid retention by the kidneys which expands circulating volume to increase CO, allowing catecholamine levels to be reduced
Squeeze replaced by volume
What do we need to be cautious of in patients with heart failure who undergo GETA?
GETA relaxes the veins and drops Psf
Because HF patients are reliant on high filling pressures to maintain their CO, undergoing anesthesia can drop their CO dramatically
What drug increases tissue metabolism?
What determines our cardiac output?
Metabolic demand of tissues
↑ Metabolic demand = ↑ CO
↓ Metabolic demand = ↓ CO
What happens to the arteries and veins under increased and decreased metabolic demands?
↑ Metabolic demands = Arteries dilate, veins constrict
↓ Metabolic demands = Arteries constrict, veins dilate
What is the relationship between CO and peripheral vascular resistance (SVR)?
The higher the SVR, the lower the CO (inversely related)
Increased SVR (constriction of arterioles) decreases blood flow to tissues - requiring a lower CO
Decreased SVR (dilation of arterioles) increases blood flow to tissues - requiring an increased CO
Can also be thought of as dilation of arterioles decreases arterial pressure so CO increases to maintain normal MAP
What conditions decrease metabolism and therefore cardiac output?
- Hypothyroidsim
- Loss of limbs
What conditions cause hypermetabolic states?
- Berberi; vitamin B1 (thiamine) defiecency causing cells to be less energy efficent
- Hyperthyroidsim
- AV shunt - adds an additional pathway for blood to take which reduces PVR and increases CO
What would occur if metabolic rate increased dramatically, but the nervous system was not functioning?
Arterioles would dilate, but the veins would be unable to constrict causing minimal increases in CO and a large drop in arterial pressure
How is cardiac index calculated?
CO (L/min)/ surface area (m2)
What is a normal surface area for a 70kg patient?
Cardiac index?
1.7 m2
5 L/min ÷ 1.7 m2 = 2.94 L/min/m2
How does gender effect CI?
Males have a higher CI except for women who are late in pregnancy
At what age does our CI reach its peak?
How does CI trend with age?
- 10 years old
- Increases rapidly until age 10 and then steadily declines due to decreased metabolic demands
Why are left heart filling pressures greater than right heart filling pressures?
Right heart: has lower filling pressures because the pulmonary circuit is low resistance which requires lower pressures
Left heart: has higher filling pressures because it has to pump against a higher resistance and has an increased workload
How does CVP change based upon where it is measured?
If measured directly outside of the RA then it should closely match RAP.
The further from the RA that CVP is measured, the higher it is.
Pressure has to be higher the further you move from the RA in order for there to be a gradient for blood to move from the veins into the heart.
What would happen to CVP measurements in a supine patient?
CVP would be slightly increased because in the supine position the veins are located below the heart which causes them to have a small increase in pressure from gravity.