Exam I Flashcards
Role of endocrine system
Main endocrine product
Hormones go directly into the interstitium or directly to the blood for affecting different target cells
Main endocrine product
Hormones and Target Cells
hormones bind to specific receptors either on the surface or within the cells. They typically generate second messengers
Structural groupings of hormones
Peptides and proteins -
steroids - testosterone
amino acid derivatives - thyroid hormones, epinephrine
fatty acid derivatives - eicosanoids
features of endocrine systems
ductless, cells are epitheliod in appearance often arranged in cords or clusters, sparse CT, very vascular and often fenestrated (leaky) sinusoidal capillaries
hypophysis (pituitary gland) role
the relay station, feedback from target organs and the brain controls its responses
Developmental biology of hypophysis
1) neurohypophysis: downward extension form the floor of the hyothalamus (diencephalon)
2) adendohypophysis develops as a pouch-like ectodermal outpocketing of the oral cavity
(stomodeum) , it surrounds the neurohypophysis
Pictures in the notes
hypophysis (Pit. Gland) morphology
saddle-shaped depression of the sphenoid bone (sella turcica). It
has two distinct parts (neurohypophysis and adenohypophysis) with vascular connections. The two parts will be
covered individually followed by an explanation of the vascular connection.
Neurohypophysis (posterior lobe)
extension of the nervous system.
3 regions
median eminence, infundibular stalk, neural lobe
astroglial-like stromal cell called pituicyte
Hypothalmic nuclei
neuron cell bodies in the parenchyma that produce the neurosecretory products
Neurosecretory products of parenchyma
The secretion is transported down their axons and stored within
axonal dilatations
stimulation of hypothalamic nerve bodies…
produces an axon potential that travels
down the axon and results in the release of the neurosecretion to nearby
(fenestrated) capillaries.
Adenohypophysis (anterior lobe)
has cells that are epitheliod (i.e.‘epithelial-like’) which
is understandable since it develops as an outpocketing of the oral cavity, an epithelial lined cavity.
3 regions
pars tuberalis, pars intermedia, pars distalis
pars tuberalis
Surrounds median eminence/ infundibular stalk. Very vascular (contains part of venous portal system vessels) Basophilic cells with melatonin receptors i.e. may have role in photoperiod regulation
Pas intermedia
Between pars distalis and neural lobe of neurohypophysis (large ruminants have ‘Wulzen’s cone’ i.e. pars distalis type cells) Basophilic cells (melanotropes) – produce melanocyte stimulating hormone. (hypothalmic control)
Pas distalis
Largest, most distal part of pituitary. Basophilic and acidophilic staining cells (hypothalamic control via a venous portal system)
Growth hormone
lactotrope (mammotrope)
TSH thyrotropin
corticotropin (ACTH)
Possibly a degranulated cell
small, no granules
melanotropes /Wulzen cone
Pale basophil
cells with melatonin receptors (some gonadotropes and thyrotropes)
Pale basophil
have melatonin receptors playing a role in photoperiod effects of melatonin
the hypophyseal (venous) portal system
connecting the neuro- and adenohypophysis
venous portal system = two veins with a capillary bed inbetween
HPS #1
transport of hypothalmic neurosecretions waiting inthe axonal dilitations in the median eminence/infundibular stalk region, to the pars distalis cells this is where they reach capillary beds and are released to the interstitium
HPS #2
Pars distalis cells are stimulated or inhibited to release their specific hormones into the
surrounding interstitium, these hormones are then transported into the general circulation
via veins draining the pituitary gland. Now these hormones can have a wide-range of
affects on distant targets.
Pineal gland morphology
cone shaped projection from roof of third ventricle
pineal gland development
This gland develops as a neuroectodermal evagination of the dorsocaudal part of the
diencephalon (epithalamus), located caudal to the anterior choroid plexus
Pineal gland anatomy
The stroma
consists of supportive glial cells.
A unique histological feature is corpora arenacea (“brain sand”), calcareous
concretions composed of calcium phosphates and carbonates, that increase with age
and may actually be seen on radiographs i.e., this can also serve as a useful clue for
identification of this organ on histological section
Parenchyma of pineal gland
pinealocytes and capillaries for easy up take and dissemination of their secretory product, MELATONIN. no blood brain barrier here
acidophilic cell with many processes and a leptochromatic nucleus
indoleamine: from tryptophan
Melatonin’s role is to inhibit the secretion of gonadotropin releasing hormone from
the hypothalamus – which results in a decrease production of hormones (e.g., FSH, LH) by the gonads.
affect seasonal trends and circadian rhythm
relaying light signal
In mammals the pineal is indirectly stimulated. The “light signal” is relayed from the retina to the suprachiasmatic
nucleus (hypothalamus) to the cranial cervical ganglion to the pineal via (postganglionic fibers which then directly
stimulate the pinealocyte to produce melatonin.)
lower vertebrates are directly stimulated
adrenal gland morphology
flattened triangular shaped, located at the cranial point of each kidney, cortex and medullary sections are apparent upon transection
Cortex of adrenal gland
develops from the urogenital area mesoderm
medulla of adrenal gland
develops from the neural crest ectoderm which migrates to the cortical tissues (vasculature linkage to cortex
stroma of adrenal gland
connective tissue capsule which extends septa
into the organ, carrying blood vessels and nerves to the medulla.
Parenchyma of Adrenal gland
cortex has ‘epitheliod’ shaped secretory cells organized into cords (two
cells thick) next to fenestrated capillaries. Hormones are not stored, rather they are released after synthesis.
Medulla has irregular shaped cells (modified postganglionic neurons) in close association to vessels.
Zona Glomerulosa (cortex of AG)
cell clusters or loops of cells.
H: mineralcorticoids
T: kidneys
A: sodium reabsorption, K excretion maintain balance
C: hypoplasia (addisons disease) results in sodium and fluid loss leading to shock and death
zona Fasciculata (middle largest cortical region AG)
radially arranged cell cords H: glucocorticoids in response to ACTH from pituitary gland T: many Action: metabolism and immunosuppression C: hyperplasia (cushings syndrome)
zona reticularis ( cortex of AG)
network of cell cords
H: glucocorticoids, weak androgens in response to ACTH
T: many
medulla of AG
cells are modified postganglionic neurons, innervated by preganglionic
sympathetic neurons.
H: NE, E
(methylation of NE leads to E)
The peripheral region of the medulla may have the
highest concentration of epinephrine containing cells e.g., ruminant, pig and
Dual artery supply to the medulla AG
direct: branches off the capsular artery
indirect: vessels draining cortex (adrenomedullary collecting vein)
the glucocorticoids produced in the cortex are carried to the medullary region stimulating the conversion of NE to E
Adrenal gland drainage
central adrenomedullary vein drain the entire gland
Thyroid gland morphology
shield shaped, unpaired with 2 lobes
Species variable appearance: single lobed
structure, lobes connected by an isthmus or totally separated lobes.)
thyroid gland development
endodermal outgrowth (foregut)
Thyroid gland stroma
capsule (thin) with CT septa into gland
Thyroid gland parenchyma
thyroid follicles (functional unit), a sphere-like cluster of
follicular cells resting on an outer basement membrane and surrounded
by sinusoidal capillaries and lymphatics. Cell height: variable, dependent
on cell’s activity level. Cell surface: microvilli. Additional cell type in
thyroid gland: parafollicular cells, located adjacent (or incorporated
into) thyroid follicles
hormone of follicular cells (TG)
thyroid hormone T3 and T4
Thyroid hormone
Hormone is stored within the thyroid follicle lumen (*colloid) until needed and release is stimulated by thyrotrope cells (thyroid stimulating hormone) of the adenohypophysis
Steps in synthesis and secretion of t3 and t4 (note)
chart in notes
Thyroid hormone Target and action
many cells and metabolic processes. ACTIONS: binds to receptor in cytoplasm
ligand/receptor complex then binds to thyroid hormone response elements in nuclear DNA activation of cellular DNA
upregulation of general protein synthesis and increased metabolic rate in target cells.
TH Clinical low
Low levels of TH depresses cellular metabolism causing immune destruction of the thyroid gland, iodine deficiency leading to inability to produce TH, body increases TSH (dog hypothyroidism)
Signs: depression of general activity level, weight gain
TH clinical high
Cats: hyperthyroidism (Grave’s disease) is more common then
hypothyroidism in cats. This condition can be due to a tumor of thyroid gland. Signs: weight loss but voracious appetite
parafollicular cell
develop: neural crest origin pale, acidophilic cytoplasm, many mitochondria and small membrane bound granules. Located throughout the thyroid gland [within the follicular basement membrane (singly) and between follicles (in clusters)]. H: CALCITONIN decrease blood Ca
Parathyroid gland morph and development
pair associated with each lobe of the thyroid (4)
derivation from the 3rd and 4th pharyngeal pouch endoderm
Parathyroid gland stroma
capsule comprised of thin CT surrounds each gland
Parathyroid gland parenchyma
mainly small cells (in clusters or cords) called the Chief (or
principal) cells. These cells secrete parathyroid hormone. [Dark Chief cells are metabolically active (basophilic
cytoplasm) and have nuclei with condensed chromatin. Light Chief cells are inactive or depleted of granules.]
parathyroid gland etc,
H: parathyroid hormone
helps to control blood Ca levels (detect and stimulate)
. CLINICAL: high levels (hyperparathyroidism) SIGNS: calcium deposits in blood
vessels, heart, kidneys, AND osteoporosis. Low levels (hypoparathyroidism). SIGNS: nerve hyperexcitability, muscle
spasm and tetany.
Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation (the diffuse neuroendocrine system)
Single cells or small clusters located throughout the body
Paracrine and autrocrine routes to transfer multiple hormones
H: biologically active amines
Amine precursors uptake intracellular decarboxylation biologically active amines.
Hormone products - stored (vesicles)
Exocrine pancreas
85% of the pancreas and secretes digestive enzymes, water, NaHCO3 into the duodenum
Exocrine pancreas Stroma
Sparse stroma (investing CT) very thin capsule and delicate CT septa that divide the gland into many distinct lobes
Ex. Pancreas Parenchyma
functional part of the organ. contains:
acinar cells
centroacinar cells
the main functional pancreatic unit
responsible for synthesizing and secreting enzymes and proenzymes. Each acinus is comprised of about 50 acinar cells within a
basal lamina. There are no myoepithelial cells in pancreas