Exam Guide Flashcards
What is Geert Hofstede’s Value Dimensions?
Geert Hofstede, assisted by others, came up with six basic issues that society needs to come to term with in order to organize itself. These are called dimensions of culture. Each of them has been expressed on a scale that runs roughly from 0 to 100.
Individualism versus Collectivism. This dimension refers to the degree to which cultures will encourage, on one hand, the tendency for people to look after themselves and their immediate family only, or, on the other hand, for people to belong to ingroups that are supposed to look after its members in exchange for loyalty.
Power Distance. This dimension refers to the degree to which cultures will encourage less powerful members of groups to accept that power is distributed unequally.
Uncertainty Avoidance. This dimension refers to the degree to which people feel threatened by the unknown or ambiguous situations, and have developed beliefs, institutions, or rituals to avoid them.
Masculinity versus Femininity. This dimension is characterized on one pole by success, money, and things, and on the other pole by caring for others and quality of life. It refers to the distribution of emotional roles between males and females.
Long vs. Short Term Orientation. This dimension refers to the degree to which cultures encourage delayed gratification of material, social, and emotional needs among its members.
What is Social and Emotional Wellbeing?
The term social and emotional wellbeing is used by many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to describe the social, emotional, spiritual, and cultural wellbeing of a person. The term recognises that connection to land, culture, spirituality, family, and community are important to people and can impact on their wellbeing. It also recognises that a person’s social and emotional wellbeing is influenced by policies and past events.
Factors that impact your social and emotional wellbeing?
There are many different factors that can impact on a person’s social and emotional wellbeing. These can range from normal everyday stresses to major life events.
For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, a number of events in the past have had a serious ongoing impact on their social and emotional wellbeing. These include dispossession from their lands (loss of lands), and the impact of the policies and actions that followed, such as the forced removal of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children from their families and homelands.
Professor Helen Milroy, an Indigenous psychiatrist, describes three important themes to come from an analysis of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history. They include: ‘the denial of humanity, the denial of existence and the denial of identity’ (see Zubrick et al., 2005).
Factors that protect SEWB?
Connection to land, culture, spirituality and ancestry -Importance of land and the ‘country’ one belongs to; -Maintaining a spiritual, physical and emotional connection to the land is intrinsic to many Indigenous people’s beliefs about mental, social and emotional wellbeing.
Kinship - Bonds of reciprocal affection, responsibility and caring are inextricably linked to an individual’s wellbeing.
Self-determination, community governance and cultural continuity -Community leadership and governance as a primary driver of human development in Aboriginal communities.
What is cultural competence?
Cultural competence is a set of congruent behaviors, attitudes and policies that come together in a system, agency or professional and enable that system, agency or professional to work effectively in cross-cultural situations.
What is Cultural Destructiveness?
People and organizations who demonstrate cultural destructiveness will actively try to harm others. They believe they are superior to others. They may disregard
the rights of others. Around the world and through the ages there have been crimes committed that have cultural destructiveness at their roots. In some
cases, these crimes are large and affect many. At other times, they are directed towards individuals and carried out by individuals or small groups. Unfortunately,
these types of crimes are not uncommon.
What is Cultural Incapacity?
People and organizations/employers who demonstrate cultural incapacity have little understanding about their own prejudices. They believe false and unkind
information about others.
The following are the types of stereotypes that people who demonstrate cultural incapacity might believe:
þ Gay men are child molesters.
þ African-Americans are less intelligent than European-Americans
What are the 6 values and ethics to work with Indigenous Australians?
Spirit and Integrity Reciprocity Respect Equality Survival and Protection Responsibility
What is the value of Reciprocity?
A mutual obligation exists among members of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities to achieve an equitable distribution of resources, responsibility and capacity and to achieve
cohesion and survival of the social order.
What is the value of Respect?
Respect for human dignity and worth as a characteristic of relationships between people, and in the way individuals behave, is fundamental to a functioning and moral society.
What is the value of Equality?
One of the values expressed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and cultures is the equal value of people.
What is the value of Responsibility?
Central to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies and cultures is the recognition of core responsibilities.
These responsibilities include those to country, kinship bonds, caring for others and the maintenance of harmony and balance within and between the physical and spiritual realms.
What is the value of survival and protection?
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples continue to act to protect their cultures and identity from erosion by colonisation and marginalisation.
What is the value of Spirit and Integrity?
This is an overarching value that binds all others into a coherent whole. It has two components:
- The first is about the continuity between past, current and future generations.
- The second is about behaviour, which maintains the coherence of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander values and cultures.
Any behaviour that diminishes any of the previous five values could not be described as having integrity
What is Berry’s Model of Acculturation?
- An individuals acculturation style can be described depending on the response to two questions
1. Do I value and want to maintain my home cultural identity and characteristics?
2. Do I value and want to maintain relationships with people from a host of cultures as well?
- Live in own immigrant communities interact with own home culture friends, speak home language, minimal contact with host community
- Reject home culture and assimilate to host culture
- Reject both home and host culture ‘living on the friges’
- Able to move from one cultural context to another, switching cultural styles in accordance with cultural systems they are in