EXAM Flashcards
Receptor Agonist?
binds with the receptors and causes a corresponding effect in the cell. same effect as the bodys own neurotransmitter
Receptor Antagonist?
binds with the receptor but prevents there being any effect in the cell. is a blocker drug
Receptor Up regulation?
chronic absence of agonist (over-stimulation of hormone)
Receptor Down regulation?
chronic excess of agonist (not enough hormone)
how the drug works by binding with the target receptors
getting the drug into the body, through the circulation and removed from the body (ADME)
Hepatic First-Pass Metabolism?
liver can metabolise some of the drug prior to it reaching systemic circulation
Buccal and Sublingual?
sublingual is under the tongue and buccal is cheek
Parenteral administration, Subcutaneous (SC)?
beneath the skin into hypodermis, slow absorption rate.
Parenteral administration, Intramuscular (IM)?
faster absorption than SC
Parenteral administration, Intravenous (IVI)?
immediately into the blood, bolus dose
Parenteral administration, Epidural?
into spinal canal, outside dura matter
Topical Administration?
skin through local effect by ointment and same for eyes, ears and nose
The Protein Drug Album? (through distribution)
some drugs are carried in blood bound to albumin and are less free to be distributed
Enterohepatic Circulation?
drugs can be cycled through liver and small intestine
drugs which are metabolised into their more active form
Therapuetic Range?
drug concentration in the blood which produces clinical benefits