Exam 6 PART 1 Flashcards
Muscle Tissue
- Nearly half of body’s mass
- Can transform chemical energy (ATP) into directed mechanical energy, which is capable of exerting force
Types of Muscle Tissue
•Terminologies: Myo, mys, and sarco are prefixes for muscle
–Example: sarcoplasm: muscle cell cytoplasm
•Three types of muscle tissue
•Only skeletal and smooth muscle cells are elongated and referred to as muscle fibers
•Skeletal muscle
–Skeletal muscle tissue is packaged into skeletal muscles - organs that are attached to bones and skin
–Skeletal muscle fibers are longest of all muscle and have striations (stripes)
–Voluntary muscle - consciously controlled
–Contract rapidly; tire easily; powerful
–Requires innervation to contract
•Cardiac muscle
–Cardiac muscle tissue is found only in heart
•Makes up bulk of heart walls
–Involuntary: cannot be controlled consciously
•Can contract on its own, but nervous system can increase rate
•Smooth muscle
–Smooth muscle tissue: found in walls of hollow organs
•Examples: stomach, urinary bladder, and airways
–Not striated
–Involuntary: cannot be controlled consciously
Can contract on its own without nervous system stimulation
•All muscles share four main characteristics:
–Excitability (responsiveness): ability to receive and respond to stimuli
–Contractility: ability to shorten forcibly when stimulated
–Extensibility: ability to be stretched
–Elasticity: ability to recoil to resting length
•Four important functions
1.Produce movement: responsible for all locomotion and manipulation
•Example: walking, digesting, pumping blood
- Maintain posture and body position
- Stabilize joints
- Generate heat as they contract
•Additional functions
–Protect organs, form valves, control pupil size, cause “goosebumps”
Skeletal muscle is an organ made up of different tissues with three features:
nerve and blood supply, connective tissue sheaths, and attachments
Nerve and Blood Supply
•Each muscle receives a nerve, artery, and veins
–Consciously controlled skeletal muscle has nerves supplying every fiber to control activity
•Contracting muscle fibers require huge amounts of oxygen and nutrients
–Also need waste products removed quickl
Connective Tissue Sheaths
- Each skeletal muscle, as well as each muscle fiber, is covered in connective tissue
- Support cells and reinforce whole muscle
- Sheaths from external to internal:
–Epimysium: surrounding entire muscle
–Perimysium: surrounding fascicles (groups of muscle fibers)
–Endomysium: surrounding each muscle fiber
- Muscles span joints and attach to bones
- Muscles attach to bone in at least two places
–Insertion: attachment to movable bone
–Origin: attachment to immovable or less movable bone
•Attachments can be direct or indirect
–Direct (fleshy): epimysium fused to periosteum of bone or perichondrium of cartilage
–Indirect: connective tissue wrappings extend beyond muscle as ropelike tendon or sheetlike aponeurosis
•Skeletal muscle fibers are
long, cylindrical cells that contain multiple nuclei
Sarcolemma and Sarcoplasm
- Sarcolemma: muscle fiber plasma membrane
- Sarcoplasm: muscle fiber cytoplasm
Skeletal Muscle fibers contain
- many glycosomes for glycogen storage, as well as myoglobin for O2 storage
- Modified organelles: Myofibrils, Sarcoplasmic reticulum, T tubules
•densely packed, rodlike elements
–Single muscle fiber can contain 1000s
–Accounts for ~80% of muscle cell volume
•Myofibril features
–Molecular composition of myofilaments
•stripes formed from repeating series of dark and light bands along length of each myofibril
–A bands: dark regions
•H zone: lighter region in middle of dark A band
–M line: line of protein (myomesin) that bisects H zone vertically
–I bands: lighter regions
•Z disc (line): coin-shaped sheet of proteins on midline of light I band
–Smallest contractile unit (functional unit) of muscle fiber
–Contains A band with half of an I band at each end
•Consists of area between Z discs
–Individual sarcomeres align end to end along myofibril, like boxcars of train