Exam 6 Intraspecific Interactions Flashcards
The study of geographic ranges
Geographic range size increases with increasing latitude.
Rapaport’s Rule
Marine invertebrates have more direct development with increasing latitude.
Thorson’s Rule
Marine fish have more vertebrate at higher latitudes. Explanation = bigger fish
Jordan’s Rule
Endotherms tend to be more darkly colored in more humid environments.
Gloger’s Rule
Limbs and extremities tend to decrease in size in higher latitude endothermic vertebrates.
Allen’s Rule
Average body size tends to increase in higher latitudes populations of endothermic vertebrates. Ex. Moose
Bergmann’s Rule
Species diversity is usually highest at intermediate levels.
Elevational Gradient
Species diversity increases at mid latitudes and decrease into higher or lower latitudes.
Latitudinal Patterns
The dissimilarity in species composition between large geographic areas.
Delta Diversity
Gamma ➗ alpha diversity
Beta diversity
Species richness in a very large geographic area.
Gamma Diversity
Species composition changes along an environmental gradient.
Beta Diversity
Number of species in a single community.
Alpha Diversity
No place to emigrate to. Thus, usual emigrants must stay.
Fence Effect
Why does density overcompensation occur?
1) no large species using resources on small islands.
2) few competitors in other taxonomic groups
3) fewer predators and fewer parasites
4) Ocean Islands have more food for small birds
5) more optimal harvest of foods on islands.
Total density of an island taxon is higher than that of the related taxonomic group in a large area, even though the larger area has more species in the taxon.
Density Overcompensation
The divergence of a feature of two similar species where their ranges overlap so that each uses different resources.
Character Displacement
They are good dispersers, thus early colonists, but poor competitors.
Good colonists and good competitors, thus widespread distributions.
Coral reef fishes: Global patterns of origination and dispersal.
Bobby Yang
The East Pacific and Atlantic have a history of isolation, whereas the Indo-Australian archipelago has a history of connectivity.
Pleistocene sea level fluctuations and the phylogeography of the dugong in Australian waters.
Ashleigh Glover
Flooding of the Torres Strait land bridge after the last Pleistocene glaciation cycle 7000 years ago allowed previously seperated populations of dugongs to intersperse.
Fresh water fish biogeography: history vs. environment vs. species personality.
Jessi Linares
The fish species will form stable relationships and functional fauna ecosystems according to their personalities.
Evolution and biogeography of gymnosperms.
Brittney Twiford
Northern Hemisphere had major climate changes, Conifers were not very successful in that area.
Global biogeography of reef fishes: a hierarchical quantitative delineation of regions.
Kaitlyn Gathright
The biogeography of reef fishes can be separated into three realms: Atlantic, Eastern Tropical Pacific, and Indo-Pacific.
Philopatry and Migration of Pacific White Sharks.
Jose Godinez
Pacific White Sharks have a highly predictable migratory behavior.
Higher extinction rates of dasyurids on Australo-Papuan continental shelf islands and the zoogeography of New Guinea mammals.
Jasdeep Dhaliwal
Devil face tumor is a real concern and may cause extinction of the species on mainland Tasmania.
The invasion window for warm water fish in clear water lakes: role of ultraviolet radiation and temperature.
Lauren Balaoing
UV and temperature conditions control survival of larval bass in the nearshore of Lake Tahoe varying over seasons and gradients.
Determining habitat suitability for bumblebees in a mountain system.
Christine Nguyen
Habitat suitability can be used as a baseline approach and help develop conservation planning.
Global patterns of freshwater species diversity, threat and endemism.
Jasdeep Takhar
Freshwater species have the most diversity in the tropical zone.
The Island Syndrome in Lizards.
Clarissa Torres
Similar productivity rates for both insular and mainland lizards suggests that there are similar constraints on the amount of energy available for reproduction.
Geographical variation in hurricane impacts among sea turtle populations.
Ashley Adi
Hurricanes can have major influences on the habitat for sea turtles.
Fossil evidence for seasonal calving and migration of extinct blue antelope in Southern Africa.
Jackie Yick
Blue antelope calved and migrated toward areas with more rainfall on a seasonal basis.
Neotropical diversification seen through glass frogs.
Bhanupreet Gill
The Centrolenidae family and it’s sister taxa originated in South America and dispersed several times to Central America.
Eighty-three lineages that took over the world: a first review of terrestrial cosmopolitan tetrapods.
Faith Howard-Parra
Cosmopolitan lineages of tetrapods result primarily from high dispersal.
Mapping global diversity patterns for migratory birds.
Baljit K. Bedi
The highest diversity of migratory bird species is found in the Northern Hemispheres.
Infaunal biodiversity and ecological function on a remote oceanic island:
Queen Israel
Infaunal assemblages differ in different areas of the shelf of Lord Howe Island.
A case study with two newt species in mainland Spain.
Indarpal Mann
Climate warming had been suggested as a possible direct and indirect cause of decline, some effort has been made to predict its effect on distribution.
Taxon cycle stages
Stage 1) initial expansion
Stage 2) ecological and evolutionary specialization
Stage 3) initial contraction
Stage 4) single island endemics