EXAM 6 Flashcards
A Computed tomography (CT) chest is done in a 6-month-old girl with a history ofpremature birth, chronic lung disease and MRSA pneumonia. It shows a large gas-containing,thin-walled cavity in the right lung, consistent with a pneumatocele. All the following aretrue regarding a pneumatocoele, except:
A. They are gas-filled, thin-walled spaces surrounded by lung.
B. They can be associated with lung contusion.
C. Most pneumatocoeles resolve spontaneously.
D. Pneumatocoeles do not cause mediastinal shift.
E. They can have fluid levels.
D. Pneumatocoeles do not cause mediastinal shift.
Pneumatocoeles typically are post-infectious or post-traumatic, discrete, thin-walled,gas-containing collections within the lung parenchyma. They also may result from positive pressure ventilation-related barotrauma and ingestion of caustic material (e.g. hydrocarbons). Post-infectious pneumatocoeles most frequently complicate staphylococcal pneumonia and occur in infants. They typically appear within 1 week of onset of infection and most spontaneously disappear within weeks to months after the infection has resolved. Rarely, persistent pneumatocoeles may require percutaneous catheter drainage or surgical management. Post-traumatic pneumatocoeles result from blunt trauma. Such pneumatocoeles are typically observed within hours of the trauma and spontaneously resolve within 3 weeks. They generally spare the lung apices.
At CT, pneumatocoeles appear as well-defined parenchymal cystic structures, with a thin wall. They may be entirely filled with gas, or an air-fluid level may be seen. Contralateral mediastinal shift may be seen with large pneumatocoeles. They are associated with contusion in blunt trauma and can rupture to cause pneumothorax.
A 58-year-old patient is reported to have a carcinoid tumour of the gastrointestinal (GI)tract on an abdominal computed tomography scan. What is the most common primary site ofGI carcinoids?
A. Stomach
B. Colon
C. Rectum
D. Small bowel
E. Appendix
A 53-year-old man with history of haematuria which shows a gel-like polypoid filling defecton cystoscopy is sent for an MRI. The MRI shows a low Tl signal, heterogeneous T2 signal(central high and peripheral low) lesion. On post-contrast Tl W FS images, the peripheral portionenhances more than the central potion, resembling a ring-like pattern. What is the diagnosis?
A. Endometriosis
B. Inflammatory pseudotumour
C. Malakoplakia
D. Cystitis glandularis
E. Eosinophilic cystitis
A 29 year old woman has come to the A&E department with 3 months’ history of shortness of breath after her second miscarriage. She had an episode of pulmonary embolism during her first pregnancy and epilepsy in her teens. Chest radiograph done in the A&E department shows progressive enlargement of cardiac silhouette and left-sided pleural effusion. What is the likely diagnosis?
A. Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE)
B. Rheumatoid arthritis
C. Wegner’s disease
D. Polyarteritis nodosa (PAN)
E. Homocystinuria
Abdominal computed tomography (CT) in a 57-year-old patient with non-specific abdominal pain demonstrates an elongated cystic mass in the expected region of the appendix. The lesion appears to be invaginating into the caecum and demonstrates curvilinear calcification in its wall. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Lipomatosis of ileocaecal valve
B. Carcinoid tumour of the appendix
C. Mucocoele of the appendix
D. Epiploic appendagitis
E. Myxoglobulosis
Tuberculous spondylitis is diagnosed in a 44-year-old woman with progressive neurological deficit with severe discovertebral destruction and compression of the spinal cord at the Tll-12 level on sagittal T2W & STIR MR images. Post-contrast images show a rim-enhancing anterior abscess that does not encase the intercostal arteries. All of the following features are more likely to represent tuberculosis spondylitis compared to pyogenic spondylitis, except:
A. Subligamentous spread
B. Three or more vertebral level involvement
C. Skip lesions
D. Homogenous enhancement of the disc
E. Paraspinal calcification
A CT cystogram is being performed on a 40-year-old man brought to the A&E department, after a fall from a roof. Blood is seen at the external urethral meatus on examination. The CT scan shows focal thickening of the urinary bladder wall, with no extravasation outside the bladder. Which of the following is the most likely injury sustained?
A. Bladder contusion
B. Intraperitoneal bladder rupture
C. Extraperitoneal bladder rupture
D. Combined intraperitoneal and extraperitoneal bladder rupture
E. Subserosal bladder rupture
A 28-year-old man with sudden-onset of heart murmur and a normal chest radiograph is admitted for progressive shortness of breath on exertion over the recent months. There is a positive family history for heart murmurs and sudden death of a sibling at the age of 30 years. While in the hospital he developed an acute, severe bout of central chest pain, which prompted an urgent CT of the chest. The CT of the chest shows dissection of an enlarged ascending aorta. What is the diagnosis?
A. Homocystinuria
B. Marfan syndrome
C. Ehlers-Danlos syndrome
D. Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
E. Mucopolysaccharidosis
A 59-year-old patient is admitted with general lethargy, weight loss and gradual abdominal distension. Diagnostic work-up included an abdominal CT scan, which demonstrated thickening of the peritoneal surfaces and a large, multiloculated dense ascites, causing secondary scalloping of the liver edge. What is the most likely location of the primary tumour?
A. Stomach
B. Appendix
C. Pancreas
D. Liver
E. Rectum
A 44-year-old woman with recurrent urinary tract infections is referred for a renal tract ultrasound. This demonstrates normal kidneys and multiple fluid-filled cysts within the bladder wall. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
A. Transitional cell carcinoma
B. Cystitis cystica
C. Emphysematous cystitis
D. Eosinophilic cystitis
E. Interstitial cystitis
A 22-year-old man presents to the A&E department with a painful swollen ankle following a twisting injury’. Plain X-rays showed no fracture, although diffuse soft-tissue swelling was evident. The ankle mortise was intact. Incidental note was made of a benign lesion in the mid- shaft of the fibula, which the reporting radiologist described as a fibrous cortical defect. Which one of the following statements regarding this entity is false?
A. They are smaller than non-ossifying fibromas.
B. Pathological fractures tend to end in non-union.
C. Both show dense sclerotic border on CT.
D. They commonly affect the metaphysis of long bones.
E. They are uncommon in the upper extremity.
A 43-year-old man presents to the A&E department with severe headache and is sent for an urgent CT brain, which is normal. MRI shows loss of normal flow void in the basal cisterns with intense enhancement along the cisterns on post-contrast images. What is the likely diagnosis?
A. Subarachnoid haemorrhage
B. Lymphoma
C. TB meningitis
D. Ruptured dermoid cyst
E. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)
A 6-year-old child is admitted to the emergency department with a head injury. The emergency department consultant demands an urgent CT of the head. Which of the following risk factors would warrant a CT of the head within 1 hour of the injury?
A. Two episodes of vomiting after the head injury
B. Amnesia of events 10 minutes preceding the head injury
C. Fall from a playground climbing frame of 3 metres in height
D. GCS of 13 on initial clinical assessment
E. Abnormal drowsiness
An 8-year-old boy attends the emergency department after his bicycle collides with an oncoming car. The ambulance crew have immobilised his cervical spine and report that the patient was complaining of severe neck ache. All of the following risk factors warrant a CT of the cervical spine without obtaining a plain radiograph, except
A. The patient is already attending the department for a CT of the head.
B. Fall from a height of more than 1 metre.
C. Loss of sensation in the upper arms.
D. GCS of 13 on initial assessment.
E. The child needs to be intubated.
A 34-year-old man with history of measles infection showed marked cerebral atrophy on MRI with high signal in the deep white matter bilaterally on T2 and FLAIR images. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Adrenoleukodystrophy
B. Alexander s disease
D. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML)
E. Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis
A 25-year-old man presents with left hip/groin pain after exercise that worsens on internal rotation of the hip. A plain AP radiograph of the pelvis shows an osseous protrusion at the femoral head-neck junction, and the measured alpha angle is greater than 55 degrees. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pincer type femoro-acetabular impingement
B. Cam type femoro-acetabular impingement
C. Missed congenital hip dislocation
D. Focal acetabular over-coverage
E. Protrusio acetabuli
Chest radiograph of a currently asymptomatic 84-year-old man shows a large well-defined soft tissue density mass in the left apex with a sharp inferior margin. There is underlying rib abnormality, suggesting previous surgery and sheet-like pleural calcification in the left mid and lower zone. What is the diagnosis?
A. Aspergilloma
B. Plombage
C. Pancoast tumour
D. Bronchogenic cyst
E. Lymphoma
An adult patient was admitted to hospital with abdominal pain, jaundice and a palpable epigastric mass. Ultrasound demonstrated isolated dilatation of the common bile duct with otherwise normal appearance of the proximal biliary tree. What is the most likely diagnosis based on the sonographic findings?
A. Choledochal cyst
B. Caroli disease
C. Choledochocoele
D. Common bile duct diverticulum
E. Impacted common bile duct calculus
A 40-year-old patient emigrating from an African country is investigated for stone disease because of left-sided renal angle pain. CT of the kidneys, ureters and bladder (KUB) confirms a left renal calculus but also shows thin curvilinear calcification outlining a normal-sized bladder with involvement of the distal ureters only. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
A. Tuberculosis
B. Escherichia coli infection
C. Transitional cell carcinoma
D. Malakopiakia
E. Schistosomiasis
An asymptomatic military recruit showed a well-defined 2 x 2 cm solitary pulmonary nodule in the right lower zone on a plain chest radiograph. On dose inspection, the nodule showed faint calcification. CT performed for further characterisation showed areas of fat density on pixelometry. What is the diagnosis?
A. Tuberculoma
B. Aspergilloma
C. Hamartoma
D. Carcinoid
E. Haemangioma
You are performing an abdominal ultrasound scan on a woman who has been complaining of chronic abdominal pain. There is a large 20 cm multiloculated, ovoid anechoic mass in the right lobe of liver. The internal septations are well visualised and hyperechoic. Further investigation with CT demonstrates enhancement of its thick wall and internal septations. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Simple hepatic cyst
B. Choledochal cyst
C. Echinococcal cyst
D. Caroli disease
E. Biliary cystadenoma
An intravenous urogram is performed on a 70-year-old diabetic for recurrent E. coli urinary tract infections. This demonstrates multiple small, smooth, plaque-like mural defects of
the bladder and distal ureteric walls. Which of the following is the most likely cause?
A. Emphysematous cystitis
B. Malakoplakia
C. Leukoplakia
D. Haemorrhagic cystitis
E. Bladder outflow obstruction
A 45 year-old woman presents with right hip pain. An AP radiograph of the hip shows a large lucent lesion with stippled calcification and a wide destructive-appearing zone of transition. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Osteomyelitis
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Chondrosarcoma
D. Fibrous dysplasia
E. Chondromyxoid fibroma
A 37-year-old woman with progressive worsening of headache had a facial series done following an injury to the face when she fell while skating. PA view of the skull and OM view did not show any fractures. Incidental note was made of enlarged optic canals. All of the following are associated with this, except
A. NF1
B. Optic glioma
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Sphenoid mucocoele
E. Ophthalmic artery aneurysm
A 1 -year-old child is admitted with seizures and found to have bilateral subdural haematomas. There is concern regarding non accidental injury and a full skeletal survey is requested. According to the Royal (College of Radiologists guidelines, which radiograph(s) would not be routinely included in a full skeletal survey?
A. PA radiograph of the right hand
B. AP radiograph of the left tibia and fibula
C. AP radiograph of the cervical spine
D. Lateral radiograph of the lumbar spine
E. Right oblique radiograph of the chest
A term neonate is found in respiratory distress with shortness of breath and tachypnoea on Day 1 of life. An urgent chest radiograph demonstrates a right sided pneumothorax.
There is no history of any antenatal complications. What is the most likely underlying cause?
A. Respiratory distress syndrome (pulmonary surfactant deficiency)
B. Group B streptococcus infection
C. Congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM)
D. Meconium aspiration
E. Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH)
A 58-year-old man who worked in the mines for several years presented with progressive shortness of breath on exertion. Extensive interstitial thickening and small nodules bilaterally with large masses of consolidation in the upper lobes were noted on the most recent chest radiograph. Comparison with previous films suggested central migration of the consolidation like upper lobar masses. What is the diagnosis?
A. Pneumoconiosis with progressive massive fibrosis
B. End-stage sarcoidosis
C. End stage Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH)
D. Cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitis
E. Old TB
A patient is admitted to hospital with progressively worsening jaundice and raised bilirubin levels. Ultrasound of the abdomen, demonstrates a large hyperechoic focus casting a shadow within the neck of the gallbladder, causing secondary dilation of the common hepatic and intrahepatic bile ducts proximally. The distal common bile duct (CBD) was normal.
What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Caroli disease
B. Choledochocoele
C. Caroli syndrome
D. Mirizzi syndrome
E. Cholangiocarcinoma
A 30-year-old man is admitted with lower abdominal pain following a road traffic accident in which he was an unrestrained passenger. Blood is seen in his urine and a bladder injury is suspected. Regarding extraperitoneal bladder rupture, which of the following is incorrect?
A. It is more common than intraperitoneal rupture.
B. A flame shaped extravasation of contrast can often be seen.
C. It is usually caused by puncture from a pelvic fracture.
D. Contrast most commonly extravasates into the retropubic space of Rctzius.
E. The bladder dome is the most common site of injury.
A 4 year-old child presents with short stature and failure to grow. Plain radiographs reveal multiple abnormalities, including generalised increased density of long bones with thickened cortices, widened cranial sutures, Wormian bones, a hypoplastic mandible and shortened pointed distal phalanges. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Pyknodysostosis
B. Osteopetrosis
C. Cleidocranial dysostosis
D. Osteosclerosis
E. Kinky hair syndrome
A man with nasopharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma undergoes MRI staging. A pathological node is seen lateral to the IJV. It lies below’ the hyoid bone but above the vocal cords. At which level is this likely to be located?
A. I
c. III
E. V
CT of the chest in a 68-year-old man who worked for 20 years in a coal mine, showed an ill defined 3-cm spiculated nodule in the apical segment of the lower lobe of the left lung. The lesion was avid on PET and showed high signal on axial T2W MRI thorax.
All of the following are true regarding lung cancer and progressive massive fibrosis except:
A. T2W is useful in differentiating lung cancer from PMF.
B. PET CT is useful in differentiating lung cancer from PMF.
C. PMF shows low signal compared to muscle on T1W MRI.
D. PMF commonly shows peripheral enhancement on contrast MRI.
E. Histopathologic analysis should still be performed for diagnosis.
A patient is admitted to hospital with jaundice and recent weight loss. Abdominal ultrasound demonstrates marked dilation of the intrahepatic ducts, extending to the liver surface. Note is also made of an isocchoic mass at the porta hepatis. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Primary sclerosing cholangitis R. Klatskin tumour
C. Mirizzi syndrome
D. Choledochal cyst
E. Caroli disease
A 17 year-old girl is admitted following a road traffic accident where she was a restrained passenger. She has low-volume haematuria following catheterisation. Pre- and post-intravenous (IV) contrast CT is performed after administering contrast via her urinary catheter. The pre contrast CT shows contrast within the peritoneal cavity around loops of bowel and there is irregularity of the bladder wall at the dome of the bladder. No contrast blushes are seen on the arterial-phase CT. Which of the following is the most likely injury?
A. Extraperitoneal bladder rupture
B. Intraperitoneal bladder rupture
C. Subserosal bladder rupture
D. Iliac artery injury with haemorrhage
E. Pelvic haematuria from occult fracture
A 65-year-old man presents with severe upper thoracic back pain, of insidious onset, with little relief from analgesia. Lateral radiographs of his thoracic spine reveals uniformly increased density within the T7 and T9 vertebral bodies, with retention of the vertebral body size and contour. Which of the following is the most likely cause for this finding?
A. Bone metastasis
B. Osteoid osteoma
C. Tuberous sclerosis
D. Osteopetrosis
E. Fluorosis
A 40-year-old man was punched in the face during an altercation. Clinical examination showed left facial swelling with left-sided ophthalmoplegia and diplopia. X-rays showed a left maxillary fracture. What is the likely cause of the patient’s symptoms?
A. Superior orbital fissure syndrome
B. Cavernous sinus thrombosis
C. Carotico-cavernous fistula
D. Post-traumatic ophthalmoplegia
E. Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis
While reporting a plain radiograph of a 10 year-old girl patient’s left hand, you notice that her bone age is delayed. There is no indication of the patient’s underlying condition on the request form. The bones of the hand are otherwise unremarkable.
Which of the following conditions may offer a possible explanation?
A. Hypothyroidism
B. Achondroplasia
C. Haemophilia
D. Cushing syndrome
E. Precocious puberty
A 42 year old man with cough and haemoptysis, swelling of ankles and hand, raised urea, and creatinine on recent blood biochemical profile, presented to the A&E department with bloody nasal discharge. A Chest radiograph was performed. What do you expect the chest radiograph to show given the clinical scenario?
A. Miliary nodules
B. Pew varying sized nodules, some with cavitation
C. Perihilar infiltrates in a batwing pattern
D. Bilateral upper lobe fibrosis
E. Tramline and gloved finger opacities
An 87 year old female patient from a nursing home presents with a history of severe abdominal pain and diarrhoea. She has a past medical history of transient ischaemic attacks and two non-ST elevation myocardial infarctions. Blood results show an elevated lactate level and raised white cell count. CT report states that the most likely cause is ischaemic colitis. What is the most likely CT finding?
A. Thick-walled caecum with distended appendix
B. Dilated loop of bowel in the left iliac fossa with spiralling vessels
C. Thick-walled oedematous loops of bowel with branching lucencies peripherally in liver
D. Thick-walled oedematous colon with ascites
E. Dilated small bowel loops with branching linear lucency at the porta hepatis
A 60-year-old male smoker attends for a CT scan following an ultrasound scan that showed unilateral hydronephrosis. The scan shows a lobulated irregular bladder wall mass that enhances in the portal venous phase, to a greater extent than the bladder wall. Which of the following is the likely diagnosis?
A. Squamous cell carcinoma
B. Adenocarcinoma
C. Transitional cell carcinoma
D. Leiomyoma
E. Blood clot
A 40-year-old man had a cardiac CT and MR! to evaluate suspected cardiomyopathy. This revealed a well-defined incidental lesion within the T10 vertebral body, with coarse vertical trabeculae on CT, and high signal on both T1 and T2 sequences on MRI. The lesion enhanced with contrast on both modalities. What is the most likely diagnosis?
A. Plasmacytoma
B. Osteosarcoma
C. Osteopathia striata
D. Enostosis
E. Haemangioma
A 30-year-old woman presents with a painless neck mass. MRI confirms that this is a thin-walled cyst lying just anterior to the sternocleidomastoid. There is a tract from the bifurcation of the common carotid artery. What is the diagnosis?
A. Lymphangioma
B. Thyroglossal duct cyst
C. First branchial cleft cyst
D. Carotid body tumour
E. Second branchial cleft cyst
A neonate presents with an imperforate anus and a presacral mass. MRI of the abdomen demonstrates an enhancing lesion with fatty components and T2* susceptibility artefacts. What other imaging finding would you expect?
A. Syrinx within the spinal canal
B. Anterior beaking of the vertebral bodies
C. Sacrococcygeal bony defect
D. Developmental dysplasia of the hips
E. Multiple renal cysts