EXAM Flashcards
- unit of DNA that is produced from an origin
- contains 1 origin and 2 termni
tandem repeats
-present on the single stranded overhang at the end of each chromosome
-10 sequence
-35 sequence
transcription start site (+1)
a purine (A or G) 5-9 base pairs down from the end pf the -10 sequence
Rho-dependent terminators
transcription termination requires a protein factor, Rho and a rut ( rho utilization) sequence on the transcribed RNA
Rho-independent terminators
do not require rho but is determined by two unique sequences
TATA box
- 30 position, TATAAAA
- binds TBP and positions polymerase holoenzyme to start transcription at the initiation site
CAAT box
- 80 position, GGCCAATCT
- binding site of transcription factors
GC box
GGGCGG, variable in copy number and location
octamer box
ATTTGCAT, variable in copy number and location
interrupt the coding sequence
expressed sequences that become part of mRNA
RNA splicing
the process in which intron sequences in the primary RNA transcripts are removed while exons are joined to form a mature mRNA
a complex macromolecule structure within the nucleus, composed of snRNAs and ~40 different proteins and is responsible for splicing of pre-mRNAs
shine-dalgarno sequence
a change in the genetic material of an organism
-the process by which the change occurs
a mutation that replaces a purine with a purine or a pyrimidine with a pyrimidine
a mutation that replaces a purine with a pyrimidine and vice versa
silent mutation
no change to amino acid
mis-sense mutation
leads to a change in amino acid
non-sense mutation
leads to a stop codon
frameshift mutation
additions or deletions of one or two nucleotide pairs, which alter the reading frame of the gene distal to the site of mutation
germinal muatations
occur in germ-line cells and will be transmitted through gametes to the offspring