exam 5 chapter 13 Flashcards
Cognitive appraisal model
model of stress that emphasizes the role of an individuals evaluation (appraisal)of events and situations and of the resources that they have available to deal with the event or situation
Daily hassles
everyday minor events that annoy and upset people
Traumatic events
events that are negative, severe, and far beyond our normal expectations for everyday life or life events
Acculturative stress
is the stress that results from the pressure adapting to a new culture
Adaptation syndrome: alarm
catecholamines are released by the adrenal medulla. Intense arousal occurs, and the body mobilizes internal resources
Adaptation syndrome: resistance
The body actively resists stressors
Adaptation syndrome: exhaustion
body’s energy reserves become depleted, and adaption begins to break down. Can lead to death physical disorders
Direct effects on health
altering body functions, leading to symptoms of illness or disease
indirect effects on health
prompting behaviors jeopardize physical health well-being, not sleeping or eating
Impact of stress on telomere length
when the cell becomes too short, a cell can no longer divide and may die or atrophy causing tissue damage or loss
Impact of stress on immune system functioning
-taking care of family member with alzheimers
-pressure of exams
-end of personal relationships
explain negative events in terms of external, unstable, and special factors; predict better health outcomes
explain negative events in terms of internal, stable, and global factors; predict worse
type A behavior
a behavioral and emotional style characterized by a sense characterized by a sense of time urgency, hostility, and competitiveness
social relationships and health: Benefiting health
can modify our appraisal of a stressors significance, seems to decrease the intensity of physical reactions to a stressor, & experience less negative emotion
social relationships and health: Negative impact
negative interactions can create psychological distress & unwanted or inappropriate social support can increase stress
Problem-focused coping strategies
Coping efforts primarily aimed at directly changing or managing a threatening or harmful stressor
Emotion-focused coping strategies
coping efforts primarily aimed at relieving or regulating the emotional impact of a stressful situation
Planful problem solving
rationally analyze the situation identify solutions and implement them
use aggressive or risky tactics, tackling a problem head on
shifting your attention away from the stressor
Seeking social support
the coping strategy that involves turning to friends relatives or other people for emotional, tangible, or informational support