Exam 4 (Lecture 46) - Fermentative Digestion Flashcards
Fermentative digestion occurs in specialized compartments positioned either _______ or ________ to the stomach and small intestine.
Cranial; caudal
Foregut fermentation compartment name?
Hindgut fermentation compartment name?
Foregut and hindgut digestive structures support fermentative digestion by providing and environment for ________.
What do the redox (Eh) conditions in the digestive tract of animals determine?
Whether aerobic oxidation or anaerobic fermentation of nutrients will occur.
In normal conditions, ruminal microbes are _______ with a markedly ________ redox potential, reflecting the absence of ________.
anaerobic; negative; oxygen
Why is a negative redox potential important?
It impacts the digestion, absorption, and metabolism of nutrients
Describe the microbial ecosystem of fermentative digestion.
Mostly bacterial; but also contains a large number of protozoa and smaller numbers of fungi
Protozoa are beneficial in the rumen because of the ingestion of ________. Why are protozoa beneficial in the rumen?
Important in ingestion of:
- Large numbers of bacteria to maintain bacterial numbers
- Smaller protozoa
- Particles of starch and protein
Slows the digestion of rapidly fermentable substrates
Protects from bacterial action
Why is digestion so slow?
Because of the complex structure and organization of plant fibers
All cell wall molecules that are CHOs will be digested with _________ (hydrolytic enzymes) produced by the _________. Cellulases release ________ and _________ from the complex CHOs of cell walls. Release saccharides are ________ available for absorption by the animal and are metabolized by _________.
Cellulases; microbes
Monosaccharides; oligosaccharides
Not directly; microbes
Is lignin digestible or indigestible?
Almost all _______ and ________ are subject to _________ digestion. What do CHOs and proteins provide for the microbes?
CHOs; proteins; fermentative
CHOs = Substrates for energy and growth of microbes
Insoluble CHOs require the _______ attachment of bacterial to the surface of the plant particle. Where are the enzymes located?
Enzymes are located on the surface coating of the bacteria
_________ enters a glycolytic pathway to produce VFAs. VFAs provide _________% energy for herbivores.
List the three VFAs.
1) Acetate
2) Proprionate
3) Butyrate
Total amount of VFA produced with a high _______ diet is usually much higher than that produced with a high _______ diet.
Starch; fiber
Ruminants depend on _________ produced by ________ as the source of dietary protein. Microbial crude protein reaches the abomasum and small intestine (absorption of protein) when microbes are washed out of the rumen. The majority of bacteria have surface ________ which catabolize ________ to ________. _________ is a major source of ____________ required for ____________.
Microbial crude protein; microbes
Proteases; RDP; peptide
NH3; nitrogen; microbial growth
Describe how microbial crude protein (MCP) can be synthesized in the rumen from nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) sources.
If sufficient glucose is available most rumen microbes can synthesize microbial protein from NH3
Describe the NPN sources that are used for microbial protein production.
NH3, Nitrates, Urea (NH3 > Urea occurs in liver)
Describe the two sources of hepatic urea production.
1) Nitrogen arising from the deamination of endogenous amino acids (occurs in liver) and converted to urea
2) Nitrogen absorbed as NH3 from the rumen
The microbial growth rate depends on the supply of nutrients and the rate at which microbes are washed from the rumen. The overall reaction in the rumen can be evaluated using what equation? Understand what the variables in the equation represent.
Glucose + Peptide = MCP + VFA + NH3 + CH4 + CO2
Describe what happens to MCP when glucose and peptide availability are well matched.
These conditions favor MCP synthesis
Describe what happens to MCP when the availability of glucose > peptide.
Decreased MCP synthesis
Describe what happens to MCP when peptide > glucose.
Decreased MCP synthesis
*Both are decreased because in order for synthesis to occur, glucose and peptide HAVE to be balanced