exam 4: head and neck respiratory/olfaction CN I (33) Flashcards
what is the encompassing term for the nose (nasus) in the broad sense comprises the external nose, the paired nasal cavities, and the paranasal sinuses
The Respiratory Apparatus
what makes up the Upper respiratory tract
The nose (nasus) in the broad sense comprises (3)
-external nose
-paired nasal cavities
-paranasal sinuses
Lower respiratory tract is comprised of
Trachea, Bronchi & Lungs
how would you describe this dogs nose
how would you describe this dogs nose
how would you describe this dogs nose
The moist bare skin around the nostrils is called the __________
Nasal plane
identify 1 and 2
- Alar fold of ventral nasal concha
- nasal vestibule
identify 1 and 2
1.Nasal plane
2. nostril
Nose skeleton is cartilaginous and therefore
List the Nasal cartilages
Nasal mucosa is important for what 2 systems
- Respiratory
- Olfactory
identify 1 and 2
- Nostril
- Choana
what is the blue arrow pointing to?
blue: 4 Endoturbinate
red: 6 Ectoturbinates
identify the part of the Ethmoidal bone
Perpendicular plate
identify the part of the Ethmoidal bone from the caudal view
Cribriform plate
what is the first/larger endoturbinate
Dorsal nasal concha
identify 1 and 2
- 4 Endoturbinate
- 6 Ectoturbinates
what is the name for ethmoturbinates bones
Ethmoidal labyrinth
identify 1 and 2
1.Alar fold
2. Ventral nasal concha
Is the ventral nasal concha considered an individual bone
From a different center of ossification—is considered an individual bone
Not part of the ethmoidal bone
Alar fold
Ventral nasal concha
Nasal meatuses has how many “parts”
dorsal, middle, ventral, etmoidal
Spaces among conchae and walls of the nasal cavity are called
Nasal meatuses
Is #1 membranous or osseous
- membranous
- ossesous
identify 1 and 2
1.Nasal septum
2. Common meatus
identify 1 and 2
- Dorsal nasal concha
2.Ventral nasal concha
identify 1 and 2
1.Opening of lacrimonasal duct
2. Lacrimonasal duct
identify 1,2, and 3
1.Lacrimal gland
2.Lacrimal puncta & canaliculus
3. Lacrimal sac
Lateral nasal gland
this is pointing to the opening of what duct
acrimonasal duct
The rostral and middle mucosa is named as __________, because has none olfactory receptors
respiratory mucosa
respiratory mucosa contain __________ receptors innervated by CN __
tactile and nociceptive receptors
CN ____ has receptors in olfactory mucosa located in the most caudal region of the nasal cavity
Olfactory nerves (cn I)
Special organ that contains pherohormone receptors
Vomeronasal organ(Jacobson)
2. Auditory tube opening
3. Laryngopharynx
identify the processes of the Larynx
- Cuneiform process
- Corniculate process
- Vocal process
identify the parts of the Larynx
- Epiglottis
- Vestibular lig.
- Thryroid
identify the parts of the larynx
- Vestibular fold
- Vocal fold
what structure is in yellow
identify 1-5
1.Corniculate process
2. Vocal process
3. Vocal fold
4. Laryngeal ventricle
5. Cuneiform process
what muscle is ninervated by the caudal laryngeal n. (last
branch iof recurrent laryngeal n.
action: Abduct/open the glotis
- Dorsal cricoarytenoid m. (Intrinsic m. of larynx)
action of Dorsal cricoarytenoid m.
Abduct/open the glotis
Dorsal cricoarytenoid m. is innervated by what nerve
Innervated by the caudal laryngeal n. (last branch iof recurrent laryngeal n.)
- Dorsal cricoarytenoid m..
- A1: Cuniform process
- A2: Tonsil
- A3: Epiglottis
- A4: Epiglottic valleculae
- A5: Conical papillae
- A6: vallate papillae
- B2: soft palate?
- B3: Corniculate process
- B4: Cueniform process
- B5: Epiglottis
- C1: Vocal fold
- C2: Laryngeal ventricle
- C3: vestibular folds