Exam 4: Digestive & Reproductive Flashcards
Large Intestine Functions
H2O Absorption
Feces Transportation
NO Nutrient Absorption
Full of Bacteria
“Bulbs” of the Large Intestine
Ileocecal Valve
Allows chyme to enter the Cecum
Structures of the Anal Canal
Rectal Valve: Prevents feces from passing with flatus (gas)
External Anal Sphincter: Skeletal muscle under voluntary control
Internal Anal Sphincter: Smooth muscle under involuntary control
Ileoanal Juncture
If the LI is removed (due to cancer or other complications), the Ileum is connected to the anus. When this happens, H2O cannot be reabsorbed, thus diet must be modified.
Bacterial Flora in the Large Intestine
Bacteria enter from the Small Intestine or Anus, colonizing in the Colon
Bacteria ferment indigestible carbohydrates, release irritating acids and gases, and synthesize B complex vitamins and vitamin K
If the bacteria enter the blood, it could lead to death
Haustral Contractions
Segmentation contractions that occur at random
Not like Peristaltic Contractions, which are wave-like from one end to the other
Haustral Contractions are good for mixing the contents of the LI and they occur slowly to allow surface area contact, promoting more H2O reabsorption
Functions of contractions in the small intestine
Mixes chyme with intestinal juice to neutralize acid and digest nutrients more effectively
Churns chyme to allow contact with mucosa for contact digestion & nutrient absorption
Moves residue toward the large intestine
Neural Control of Defecation
Stretch receptors in the Sigmoid Colon send signals to the spinal cord
The spinal cord stimulates a reflex that contracts the rectum and relaxes the internal sphincter
The brain can keep the external sphincter contracted until it is appropriate or until the rectum stretches too much
Intestinal Motility
Segmentation occurs in the Small Intestine until only undigested residue remains. At this point, peristaltic contractions begin to move the residue to the Large Intestine
Microvilli in the Small Intestine
Extensions of the intestine wall cells that increase surface area, thus increasing contact with intestinal contents. They promote more secretion and absorption. Contact digestion breaks macros down into their simplest forms then absorption can occur
Carbohydrate Digestion
Starches & Disaccharides are ingested
Salivary Amylase begins digestion in the mouth
Pancreatic Amylase digests in the small intestine
Macromolecules are broken down into Oligosaccharides & Disaccharides
Brush Border Enzymes in the SI break Oligosaccharides & Disaccharides into Lactose, Maltose, & Sucrose
Lactose & Sucrose are broken down into Galactose, Glucose, & Fructose
Glucose, Galactose, & Fructose enter the bloodstream
Protein Digestion
Proteins are ingested
Pepsin breaks proteins into smaller polypeptides in the stomach
Polypeptides enter the Small Intestine
Pancreatic Enzymes such as Trypsin & Chymotrypsin break polypeptides into smaller oligopeptides
Carboxypeptidase removes one amino acid at a time from the end of an oligopeptide
Brush Border Enzymes in the SI break small peptides & polypeptides into amino acids, dipeptides, & tripeptides
Amino Acids enter the bloodstream
Fat Digestion
Fats are ingested
Fat globules have pieces of Bile Acid that stick to it, breaking the globule into smaller droplets
Pancreatic Enzyme lipase digests the triglyceride droplets, creating free fatty acids and monoglycerides
FFAs & Monoglycerides are coated with Bile Salts to form Micelles. Micelles are the smallest forms of fats before absorption via diffusion
In the SI epithelium, FFAs & Monoglycerides are either combined into Triglycerides or Chylomicrons and released
After diffusion, FFAs & Monoglycerides recombine into chylomicrons, which enter lacteals (lymph vessels) which carry the fats away from the intestine
Nucleic Acid Digestion
Nucleic Acids are ingested, go through the stomach, and enter the Small Intestine
Pancreatic Ribonuclease & Deoxyribonuclease break down RNA & DNA in the SI
Brush Border Enzymes break Nucleic Acids down further into Pentose sugars, N-containing bases, & Phosphate ions
Vitamin Absorption
In the small intestine:
- Fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, & K) diffuse into absorptive cells
- Water-soluble vitamins (C & B) are absorbed by diffusion or via passive or active transporters
- Vitamin B12 binds with intrinsic factor & is absorbed by endocytosis
In the large intestine
- Vitamin K & B vitamins are absorbed via bacterial metabolism
Sex cells produced by each parent
They are unique compared to every other cell in the body
Sperm & Eggs are Haploid, containing only 1/2 of the genetic information each
Male Secondary Sex Characteristics
Facial hair, coarse & visible hair on the torso & limbs, relatively muscular physique
Female Secondary Sex Characteristics
Distribution of body fat, breast enlargement, and relatively hairless appearance of the skin
Secondary Sex Characteristics of Both Sexes
Pubic & Axillary Hair & associated Scent Glands, Pitch of the voice
Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome
An XY-carrying individual will have testes present in the abdomen at birth which produce a normal level of testosterone. The target cells, however, lack receptors for it. This results in female genitalia developing as if no testosterone is present. The individual will not menstruate or develop a uterus.
Chromosomal Sex Determination
22 pairs of autosomes
1 pair of sex chromosomes
Males produce half Y-carrying sperm and half X-carrying sperm
Females carry all X-carrying eggs (NO Y)
Prenatal Sexual Differentiation
Gonads begin to develop at 5-6 weeks, before that there is no sexual differentiation
Estrogen does not determine sex
The lack of androgen (testosterone) causes female development in the fetus
The male urethra gets longer around 7-8 weeks
Around birth, the testes flip downward in males but remain up in the body to form ovaries in females
Male Reproductive Anatomy
Scrotum: Hangs outside the body because sperm production can only occur at temperatures lower than the body’s core
Epididymis: Storage compartment for sperm
Vas Deferens: Peristaltic contractions occur to propel sperm to the urethra
Ejaculatory Duct: The duct where sperm enters the urethra. NOT URINARY DUCT
Corpus Cavernosum: Erectile Tissue that sits on the top side of the penis. 2 columns
Corpus Spongiosum: Erectile Tissue that surrounds the urethra
The Musculature of the Scrotum
Cremaster: Contracts in response to cold, drawing the testes upward toward the body
Dartos Fascia: Wrinkles the scrotum to minimize the surface area in contact with the cold
Countercurrent Heat Exchange
Warm blood flowing into the testes exchanges heat with the colder venous blood. The temperature drops 1.5-2.5 degrees C before reaching the testes. This allows for the testes to be at the optimal temperature for sperm production
Spermatic Ducts
Duct of the Epididymis: Site of sperm maturation & storage. If not ejaculated, they disintegrate and are reabsorbed by the epididymis
Ductus Deferens: A long muscular tube passing from the scrotum through the inguinal canal to the posterior surface of the bladder. At the end, it connects with the duct of the seminal vesicle. NO sperm production or storage, just transportation
Ejaculatory Duct: A short duct that passes through the prostate and empties into the urethra
Sperm Production Time
It takes roughly 18 hours to make new sperm and fill the epididymis
Cutting of the Vas Deferens which prevents sperm from reaching the urethra or exiting the body
Semen is made of what?
60% comes from the seminal vesicles (sperm)
30% comes from the prostate (a milky substance that activates sperm)
10% comes from the bulbourethral glands (lubricant that neutralizes acidic urine and the acidic nature of the vaginal canal)
How do sperm become mobile?
The substance produced by the seminal vesicles is high in sugar. The sperm metabolizes this sugar to produce ATP. The ATP is then used to allow sperm movement.
Erectile Tissues
Corpus Cavernosum: Fills with blood to cause an erection
Corpus Spongiosum: Fills with blood to keep the urethra open. When blood isn’t present, the tissue is like a deflated balloon, closing the urethra to semen flow.
Reproductive System Dormancy
The reproductive system doesn’t become active in boys until 10-12 y.o. and 8-10 y.o. in girls
The period from the onset of gonadotropin secretion and reproductive development to when a person attains full adult height
The first few years of adolescence, until the first menstrual period in girls or the first ejaculation of viable sperm in boys
Typically around 14 in boys and 12 in girls
Puberty Changes in Males
Growth of sex organs (penis, testes, scrotum, ducts, glands)
Testosterone stimulates generalized body growth (limbs elongate, muscle mass increases, larynx enlarges)
Erythropoiesis, Basal Metabolic Rate, & Appetite increase
Pubic hair, axillary hair, & facial hair develop in response to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Sperm production & libido are stimulated
Hormone Release with Male Maturity
GnRH is released from the Hypothalamus at a higher rate with maturity
GnRH stimulates the Anterior Pituitary to release Follicle Stimulating Hormone & Luteinizing Hormone
FSH activates Androgen-Binding Proteins within Nurse Cells
LH affects interstitial cells
ABP causes cells to “listen” to testosterone
Interstitial Cells release Testosterone
Testosterone, when combined with ABP, induces spermatogenesis
Spermatogenic Cells produce Inhibin, which inhibits the release of FSH & LH, reducing Testosterone levels
Too much Testosterone inhibits the Ant. Pituitary from releasing FSH and LH until Testosterone is low enough to maintain homeostasis
Aging & Sexual Function
Testosterone secretion declines with age. Peak secretion is at age 20 and secretion is 1/5 of that value by age 80. This occurs due to the decline in the number and activity of interstitial endocrine cells.
Andropause: Male climacteric. A period of declining reproductive function starting in the 50s
The age-related drop in Testosterone and inhibin triggers a rise in FSH & LH, potentially causing mood swings and hot flashes
Spermatogenesis Meiosis
Results in 4 unique daughter cells
Before Prophase I, there is a diploid cell with 92 chromosomes
Prophase I: Crossing Over produced genetic variability (beneficial for preventing diseases)
Metaphase I: Chromosomes are lined up along the center
Anaphase I: Chromosomes are pulled apart
Telophase I: 2 unique daughter cells are formed, each being haploid
Prophase II: Chromosomes are housed in their cells
Metaphase II: Chromosomes align along the center
Anaphase II: Chromosomes are pulled apart, leaving only sister chromatids
Telophase II: 4 unique haploid cells are produced, each with single-stranded chromosomes
Spermatogenesis Cell Types
Type A spermatogonia go through Mitosis to make more diploid cells
Type B spermatogonia go through Meiosis I & II
The process that takes place after Meiosis II has been completed. It is the process where sperm develop tails
Spermatocyte Movement during Spermatogenesis
Once primary spermatocytes undergo meiosis, they become genetically different and require protection from the immune system
The primary spermatocyte moves toward the lumen of the seminiferous tubule and a tight junction forms between the nurse cells behind it
These tight junctions protect the spermatocytes from being attacked by the immune system (Blood-Testis Barrier)
Sperm Anatomy
Acrosome: During development, it wraps around the nucleus and forms a tip. It has chemical receptors that can “smell” its way to the eggs. Contains enzymes that penetrate the egg
Head: The pear-shaped leading portion of the sperm that houses the nucleus and acrosome.
Midpiece: A thicker cylindrical portion of the tail that houses the mitochondria
Mitochondria: Metabolize sugars from the substance produced by the seminal vesicles, forming ATP
Flagellum: The tail of the sperm that allows for mobility
Sperm Counts
Normal Sperm Count 50-120 million/mL
Infertility occurs with a count lower than 20-25 million/mL
Requirements For Semen/Sperm Motility
Two requirements for the movement of sperm are elevated pH and an energy source
The substance from the prostate buffers vaginal acidity from 3.5 to 7.5 pH
The prostate provides fructose & other sugars to the mitochondria of sperm for ATP production
The substance from the seminal vesicles also produces prostaglandins, which thin the mucus of the cervical canal and stimulate waves of contractions
How does an erection occur & what are the effects of Viagra?
Sexual stimulation triggers a spike in nitric oxide
Nitric oxide leads to the activation of cGMP
cGMP increases blood flow to the erectile tissue
cGMP will degrade over time due to the presence of PDE5, leading to the erection going away
Viagra inhibits the actions of PDE5, allowing the erection to occur and remain
STD Carriers
STDs are only effective and produce symptoms when large amounts of pathogens are present
Individuals can be carriers yet show no signs or symptoms, as their body has not yet recognized the pathogen
Bacterial STDs
Chlamydia: may cause urethral discharge and testicular pain
Gonorrhea: pain & pus discharge; may result in sterility from pelvic inflammatory disease
Syphilis: hard lesions (chancres) at the site of infection
Viral STDs
Genital Herpes: The most common STD in the US, results in blisters and pain
Genital Warts: Warts on the perineal region, cervix, & anus caused by HPV
Hepatitis B & C: Inflammatory liver disease
What are ovaries?
Female gonads that produce egg cells (ova) & sex hormones
Outer cortex where germ cells develop
The inner medulla is occupied by major arteries & veins
Each egg develops in its own fluid-filled follicle
Uterine Tubes
AKA Oviducts or Fallopian Tubes, they are canals roughly 10 cm long from the ovaries to the uterus
They are muscular tubes lined with ciliated cells and are highly folded into longitudinal ridges
Grades of Cervical Cancer
Class I: Mild Dysplasia
Class II: Biopsy Required
Class III: Results from Biopsy may call for radiation therapy or hysterectomy
Layers of the Uterine Wall
Perimetrium: External Serosa Layer
Myometrium: Middle Muscular Layer
Endometrium: Inner Mucosa
Myometrium of the uterus
The muscular layer that constitutes most of the uterine wall
Made of mostly smooth muscle
Produces labor contractions to expel the fetus
More fibrous near the cervix