Exam 4 CH7 & CH8 Flashcards
The sensation of a big win for a gambler is the equivalent of…
The first intense rush from cocaine
When does a compulsive shopper experience the highest level excitement?
Right before deciding to purchase an item.
Which condition found in drug addicts is not found in a compulsive gambler?
Tissue dependence.
People compulsively overeat in response to feelings and emotions, not hunger.
True or False
The refinement of carbohydrates has resulted in the same types of effects on obesity that the refinement of cocaine has had on cocaine addiction.
True or False
Which disorder is similar to compulsive shopping?
Which statement about compulsive behaviors is true?
The reasons for compulsive behaviors are identical to those for compulsive drug use.
The reason why people engage in compulsive behaviors are different from the reasons why they use psychoactive drugs.
True or False
Which of the following statements is true of college students who gamble.
College students have a higher rate of pathological gambling than the general public.
Which statement is true about cell phone use?
Nomophobia is the fear of being without ones cell phone
Texting while driving is considered six times more dangerous than driving drunk
Some people measure self-esteem by the activity on their cell phone.
All of the above
When drug use is studied on a regional basis, the facts show that per capita drug use in rural and small urban areas is equal to, and in some areas more than , that of large urban areas.
True or False
The goals of harm reduction include which of the following…
The reduction of the harm that addicts cause for society through their drug use.
The three parts of the public health model used to explain the prevention model are…
Host, Environment, and Agent
The phrase “supply reduction” refers to prevention programs that prevent people from wanting to use illicit drugs.
True or False
Contaminated needles spread which disease(s)?
All of the above
The rate of heavy drinking is lower among military personnel than among society as a whole.
True or False
According to the textbook, the “lag phase” refers to which of the following statements?
The time between initial use of alcohol or other drugs and the development of severe consequences due to the use or abuse of the substance.
Addictions is an equal opportunity destroyer.
True or False
In the United States, Black Americans with drug problems have higher rate of incarceration and are likely to receive treatment through the criminal justice system. Whereas whites are more likely to receive probation and treatment from medical and social service programs.
True or False
Alcohol or other drugs are involved in 70% of teen suicides.
True or False