Exam 2 of CH 3 and 4 Flashcards
Per standard dose, the effects of cocaine last longer than the effects of methamphetamine.
For how long does the high from amphetamine generally last?
4 to 6 hours
Formication, the imaginary sensation that hundreds of tiny bugs (e.g., coke nugs, meth bugs, and snow bugs) are crawling under one’s skin, is caused by the visual hallucinogenic effects of stimulants.
For treating ADHD the most common alternative therapies to prescription medications for treating ADHD are…?
Dietary change and nutritional supplements
On which part of the body does long-term use of stimulants (e.g., nicotine, cocaine, and methamphetamine) have the most significant impact?
cardiovascular system
The further cocaine gets from its original product source, the more pure it becomes.
Tolerance is not a sign of physical or psychological dependence.
According to researchers, a person who smokes cigarettes is 22 times more likely to use cocaine than a nonsmoker.
Which form and method of using cocaine produces the most intense immediate high?
Smoking crack cocaine
The high from cocaine normally last four to six hours.
Chewing khat produces an immediate and intense high.
Which of the following best describes how the first cigarette of the day affects smokers?
Increases blood pressure and heart rate
Methcathinone is manufactured by street chemist using ephedrine and pseudoephedrine, the same precursors used to manufacture methamphetamine.
When smoking cessation is part of a drug treatment program, the chances of recovery from alcohol and other drug addiction generally increase
Research show that boys under the age 18 with ADHD who are treated with stimulants (Adderall and Ritalin) are much less likely to abuse drugs and alcohol when they get older.
The sense of relaxation and well being that nonsmokers receive from a cigarette is actually the sensation of the withdrawal symptoms being subdued.
Which of the following is not a street name for methcathinone?
Betel nut
Among those who try a cigarette, what percentage will become daily habitual smokers?
The illicit manufacture and distribution on methamphetamine in the United States today is due to the involvement of…?
Mexican gangs and drug cartel
Heroin was first developed to be non-addictive medical alternative to morphine
Allodynia is a painful response to a normally pain free stimulus, often as a result of long term long term opiate/opoid use
An individual who is under the influence of heroin will have dilated pupils
The “stop” switch in the brain, which tells your mind and body that it has had enough and functions to turn off the brains “On switch” is located in the brain stem
Human beings have naturally occuring (endogenous) opioids, which cause many of them same effects as those caused by taking opioid drugs (exogenous opioid)
Overdose deaths involving opioids most commonly include their combined use with other legal or illicit substances like alcohol, benzodiazepines, or antidepressants
Which of the following statements best describes the effects that depressants have on the body due to its effects on the central nervous system?
Depressants decrease rate of breathing and heart rate
Historically most drug laws were made for political rather than medical considerations
How long can withdrawal symptoms following detoxification and abstinence from long acting opioids such as methadone persist?
for 14 days or more after detoxification
Hyperalgesia is a temporary increase in the sensitivity to ______ that is experienced during long term use of opiates/opiods used to treat pain
painful stimuli
Tolerance to one type of depressant, such as alcohol can lead to the development of cross-tolerance for another depressant such as benzodiazepines
Which of the following is true about the purity of heroin at the retail level?
It varies from 10% to 70%
Why is it dangerous to combine an opioid with a downer like alcohol, barbiturates, or benzodiazepines?
Because the combination of depressants increase the potential for respiratory depression, overdose, and death
Death from depressants (e.g. opioids) overdose usually involves severe respiratory depression
The synergistic effects of drugs refers to..?
The combination of two or more depressant drugs which magnifies their effect on the CNS
Z-hypnotics like Sonata, Ambien, and Imovane are short acting, but they are thought to have a higher risk of addiction than most benzodiazepines
Most sedative-hypnotics are from natural sources
Addiction to and withdrawal from benzodiazepines is not generally severe
Of the following semi-synthetic/synthetic opiate drugs, which is not a correct match with the trade pharmaceutical name listed after it..?
Diacetylmorphine —>Suboxone
Benzodiazepine sedative hypnotics generally have a higher margin of overdose safety than other drugs in this depressant category.