Exam 4 Flashcards
Actions of Anabolic Steroids
- Acts just like testosterone
- Binds to receptors inside of cells specifically muscle and when it binds to the receptor inside the cell it causes the production of new proteins and causes an increase in muscle mass
- Primary use of synthetic testosterone is to increase muscle mass
- > Resistance training athletes are the most likely to use these
- Anabolic steroids are a synthetic form of testosterone
- > If we take a synthetic form, the body stops producing the natural form since levels are kept high
- > In this case, the use of these has emasculating effects
- > Big muscle mass, but less manly in other aspects
Nutrition Practices for Competition
- Dietary manipulation during the competition phase will work if there were changes in the dietary practice during the training phase
- Ensure adequate fuel supplies during the event
- No matter the duration, the diet has to be able to cover it
- Different diets will cover different durations - Facilitate temperature regulation by preventing dehydration
- Has to have a lot of fluid in your dietary intake because lots of fluid is lost during events - Achieve desired weight classification while maintaining fuel and water supplies
- Some events have desired weight classifications
- If you are cutting weight to make weight, your diet needs to provide enough fuel and water so that if you do make weight you can still compete - Avoid gastrointestinal discomfort during competition
- You can not perform well when you are dealing with GI issues, so do not intake a diet that will cause discomfort
Risks Of Anabolic Steroids Use list
- Prolonged high dosages can lead to reductions in testosterone production
- Can cause an increase in estradiol concentrations
- Connective Tissue Damage
- High levels of synthetic testosterone causes prostate hypertrophy
- Ventricular hypertrophy in the heart
- Can effect thyroid function regulation
- High and continued use of synthetic testosterone can cause abnormal liver functions
- Uses of anabolic steroids cause a reduction in HDL and increase in LDL
- > cholesterol levels - Effects Women
- Effects Young aged boys
Factors Controlling the Resynthesis of Glycogen
- The Severity of Depletion
- The Extent of Muscle Trauma
- Amount of Dietary Carbohydrates
- With the optimal amount of carbohydrates in the diet, resynthesis is faster - Exercise Types Effect on Resynthesis of Glycogen
- Blood Lactate Concentrations
Should I combine Coffee and Creatine to increase ergogenic effects?
- Adding all three illegal substances together coffee, caffeine and creatine is a bad idea
- Caffeine negates the effects of creatine
- If you want your creatine to work, you need to refrain from drinking coffee
- > Start this before you start creatine loading, should probably stop drinking coffee a week before
- Caffeine is great for endurance athletes
- creatine is great for resistance training athletes
- > Benefit different pathways
Benefits of Pyruvate
- Increase in pyruvate increases glucose transport in active muscle
- Increases the uptake of glucose into the cell from the blood which conserves glycogen
- > If we can take glucose out of the blood to break it down for energy, we do not have to use the stored glycogen in the cell for energy
- Has effects that augment endurance athletes - Helps Aid Body Fat Loss
- Increases body fat loss when accompanied by low-calorie diet
- Potential Diet aid
Role of Magnesium
- Is involved most importantly with oxygen uptake and therefore energy production
- Exercise has detrimental effects on our levels of magnesium
- > Strenuous exercise increases our need for magnesium and it does that by causing us to lose it in sweat or urine
- The more magnesium we are losing the less energy we can produce
Eating During Exercise
- Exercise causes a suppression of insulin and increases stress hormones
- > Both are linked to extracting nutrients and keeping things like glucose levels where they need to be
- Ingestion of carbs during extended exercise is good since it will promote insulin production and make glucose available to cells
- Eating while exercising is good
- > Recommended rate of carbohydrate intake during exercise is 30-90g of carbohydrates total per hour
- > Even after 40 minute exercise sessions we can eat carbs as soon as we are done
- > Even if it is low intensity we want to bring in carbs, just do it at a lower level
- > Other variables matter such as size, weight, BMR, etc
- Liquid sources of carbohydrates are just as effective of solid carb sources
- > Exercise induces fluid loss, so liquid sources are much less problematic
- > Liquid help replenish the fluids we are losing
- > Want 6-8% fluid volume carbohydrate
- Optimal carbs to consume while exercising are liquids that have 6-8% of their volume as carbohydrates
Balanced Diet for Active Individuals
- If the composition of the diet remains the same as the number of calories increase, that diet is still acceptable
- If you are increasing your activity and change the diets components, it will change your diet for the better
- > Not dramatic shifts, but enough shifts that it will cause benefits
1. Increase a lot of carbohydrates - all ages are 58-68% carbs
2. Increase proteins - adult 19+ years old is 10-35% protein
3. Decrease fats - all ages are 20-35% fat
4. Vitamins and Minerals stay at the RDA
5. Increase fluids - Consume 2-3 hours before exercise, consume again 30 minutes before, during and 30 minutes after
Amino Acid Supplementation for Ergogenic Effect
- Athletes that do this are doing so because there is a general belief that you can boost the natural production of things like testosterone, insulin, or muscle strength by increasing the availability of amino acids
- Mostly for resistance athletes
- If you increase the availability of amino acids by supplementing the diet, you can cause a shift to continue to produce proteins
- Research does not back this ideology up
- ANY increase above the normal dietary levels of AAs, shows absolutely no gain
- One exception
- > If the dietary levels of protein was insufficient, then the AA supplementation brought the individual up to their normal level, therefore showing an increase up to normal levels
Role of Zinc
- Used for the repair of muscle tissue and energy production
- Exercise is a form of stress and stress depresses immune function and zinc negates that depression
- Zinc promotes bacterial replication and retards viral replication
-> To prevent or recover from the flu increase the amount of zinc in your diet
-> If you have a bacterial infection and you increase the amount of zinc you are getting, you will help the bacteria replicate and it is harder to get over that infection - There is an easy test to determine if you are dealing with a bacteria or viruses
-> A white blood cell count
Bacterial infections increase white blood cell amounts
-> Viral infections decrease white blood cell amounts - Exercise benefits by having zinc supplementation
-> Low doses of zinc, no more than 30 mg at a time are better than high doses
-> 30 mg of zinc 5x a day is positive, but 100 mg of zinc once a day is negative - Side effect of zinc whether it is dietary or supplementation is that it makes your food taste weird
Why should we add more carbs for more active individuals?
- Glycogen is more important as a fuel as exercise intensity increases
- There is a training adaptation to be able to store more glycogen
- > To store more glycogen, we need more glycogen in our body
- Make more glycogen by having excess carbohydrates that are converted into storage - Even if we store more glycogen, the glycogen reserves get exhausted within 2 hours of heavy endurance exercise
- Muscle glycogen is depleted within 30 minutes of near-maximal or submaximal effort
- > If we deplete the muscle glycogen, the rest of the glycogen is coming from the liver - The body can only store limited amount of carbohydrate
- Training adaptation is to allow us to store more carbs - Fat metabolism is linked to carb metabolism
- > By having more carbs, we can get better use of fats
- > Training adaptation is to switch energy sources from carbs to fats
Buffering Solutions Ergogenic Effects
- We know that when we are engaged in maximum exertion of resistance type training we are going to produce lactate
- > Accumulates in active cells
- Changes the pH of the cell by lowering it
- Changes the ability to do energy transfer by shutting off anaerobic pathways which are the gateways to aerobic pathways
- > Can not produce more energy
- Entire concept for buffering solutions is to increase the bicarbonate reserves, a natural blood buffer, which will allow us to deal with extra lactate and reduce the fatigue effect
- > Thus, giving us more energy
- Increasing sodium bicarbonate intake can negate effects to help this
- > It is baking soda
- In endurance athletes, we see a greater effect from the ingestion of sodium bicarbonate
- Dosage is IMPORTANT
- > Must be greater than or equal to 0.3 g per kg of body weight
- > Dosage exhausts itself in 6-8 minutes because the kidney’s job is to maintain the correct blood chemistry
- The cumulative anaerobic nature of the exercise is important as well
- > If we have a pathway completely dependent on an anaerobic component, bicarbonate can not keep up with lactate production regardless
Anabolic Steroid Techniques
- Most people combine techniques
1. Stacking - They do not use one source, they use several sources
- Use of multiple different steroid preparations
2. Pyramiding - Progressive increase in dosage
- Generally follows cycles
- Normal cycle is somewhere between 6-12 weeks
- > Over the course of these, the amount of steroid ingestion will increase
- Dosages can get as high as 40x the recommended medical dosage
- Once peak is reached, the usage tapers off so that there are a couple of months between their maximal dosage and the day of competition
- > This is done so it cannot be detected on competition day
Anti-cortisol Compounds: Glutamine
- A Nonessential amino acid
- Most abundant in blood plasma, skeletal muscle
- Represents more than 50% of the muscles free-pool of amino acids
- > present to maintain protein production
- Used to counteract the effects of cortisol that reduces our body taking it up in the first place
- Research says there is no gain to resistance athletes when they take glutamine powder
- Does not reduce the effect of exercise on the breakdown of catabolic proteins
- Another Possible mechanism
- > Glutamine is used as a fuel source to produce energy when our cells are fighting an infection
- > Macrophages and Lymphocytes are blood cells that fight infection by using glutamine for energy
- Research shows that glutamine supplements helps when fighting an infection and helps to train through illness, otherwise has no effect
Exceptions in the Effects of the Use of Anabolic Steroids
- Athletes are unable to get the same type of compounds or dosage
- > There is no controlled experimentation
- > There is no consistency across research
- > The lab has defined parameters, meaning they may not be testing what’s being used at the gym
- Research does show that steroids will cause an increase in mass muscle
- > May be due to protein or may be due to an increase in strength
- > We will look bigger
Mechanisms of Ergogenic Action
- They all do not do all of these things, but they have the potential to do some of these things
1. Act as a nervous system stimulant - Amphetamines, Catecholamines, and Caffeine
2. Increase storage and availability of limiting substance - Creatine, carbohydrates and chromium
- Increases the availability of something that can be limiting
3. Act as some sort of supplemental fuel source - Example is a concentrated glucose solution that is consumed or injected to increase blood glucose levels
4. Reduce or neutralize performance-inhibiting metabolic byproducts - Increasing amount of buffer there to prevent pH change which delays fatigues
- Sodium bicarbonate is an example
- > If we increase the amount of buffer to delay the onset of lactic acid it would decrease fatigue
- Sodium citrate
- > Make citric acid available to power the Kreb cycle
- Makes it so you don’t have to go through the breakdown of glucose to produce citric acid which leads to fatigue
5. Anything that facilitates recovery in an unnatural way is an ergogenic - Gatorade is one, but it is not banned
- higher levels of recovery aids are banned
6. Enhance the resistance-training responsiveness - Anabolic steroids
- > Synthetic testosterone, it is man made
- > Muscle mass increases
- > Growth hormone
3 Marketed Carbohydrate Sources
- Sports Drinks
- Sports Bars
- Sports Gels
- concentrated sports drinks
- since they are concentrated drink 4-8 ounces of water for every ounce of sports gel
How are ergogenics detected?
- Primary method for the detection of banned ergogenic substances is through a urine test
- Other methods include blood, saliva, etc
- NCAA has random drug testing
Role of Iron
- Red Blood Cells are recycled in the liver and the liver takes the iron and stores it
- > Storage forms and free forms
- Because we can recycle it and can make new hemoglobin when we make new RBC, it is a trace mineral but we still have to have it
- Hemoglobin and myoglobin both contain iron
- It is also present in some of the enzymes that function in energy production
- Important trace mineral for women during the menstrual phase of the menstrual cycle
- > Losing blood and blood loss increases anemia, so increasing iron can offset that
Differences in Nutrition For Training vs Competition
- Most of our time is spent training, so our daily nutritional practices are more related to training than they are to competition days
- No amount of dietary manipulation just before competition will make up for an otherwise everyday poor diet
When should you consume carbs after a workout to aid glycogen resynthesis?
- If you consume carbs immediately after exercise you are going to get higher resynthesis of glycogen within 4 hours of exercise
- If you delay consuming carbs after exercise for even 2 hours, then you will delay your glycogen resynthesis
- If the interval between exercise sessions is going to be short like less than 8 hours (2 workouts in a day), then carb ingestion should begin as soon as possible after the workout
- > 15-30 minutes post workout
- > Continue to load every 15-60 minutes until you can consume a larger meal
Red blood cell re-infusion, or blood doping technique
- non-pharmacological approach that is controlled, or banned
- Athlete is going to have 1-4 units of their blood drawn taken at an interval of every 3-8 weeks
- Blood plasma is 55% of the blood and is re-infused back into the athlete immediately
- The red blood cells are 45% of the total blood volume and are frozen and stored
- 1 to 7 days before an endurance event, the pact cells are re-infused
- > This increases the red blood cell volume, thus increasing hemoglobin between 8-20%
The order that the body looks for energy sources for replenishment
- Body looks for carbohydrates for energy first, then goes to proteins and last will go to fats
Oxygen Inhalation Ergogenic Effects
- Some athletes believe if you inhale oxygen before or after working out you will have a benefit
- The composition of air at atmospheric pressure is 20% oxygen
- Generally people who are breathing atmospheric air have 95-99% of oxygen saturation
- The low value for oxygen saturation is 95% saturation of the blood
- > Just from breathing 20% oxygen
- If you inhale 95-100% of oxygen it does not do anything
- > It does not increase the saturation value of the blood
- > It is a placebo effect
- It is still done because of the belief that something happens
- There are no negative results
- Inhaling Oxygen During Exercise
- > Breathing hyperoxic air during exercise does improve performance
- > But this is not possible during competition
- > If you are training with an aid that makes your training more efficient by inhaling oxygen and then you go into competition without it, you are actually putting yourself at a disadvantage
- > Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption
- > Oxygen consumed to bring physiological variables to resting levels
- Inhaling oxygen does not facilitate recovery, does not facilitate performance in the subsequent workout, all it does is increase performance in the current workout
High Carbohydrate Meal Before a Competition
- Takes carbs 4 hours to be digested and stored as glycogen
- > Want to eat 4-6h before competition with carbs
- Want carbohydrates to replace the glycogen that was lost
- Not all carbs are the same, high glycemic index ones are broken down and made available more rapidly!
- > Want to consume high glycemic index carbs before competition to make sure they are there, but also want to consume some low glycemic index carbs to make sure there are more available when still competing
- Can make this even more advantageous by eating a candy bar right before the event
- > Many of these bars are a little more balanced than you think they would be
- > Many are carb rich, have protein in them but not too much, and have some fat
- > 5 minutes prior to the event, eat a chocolate candy bar
Anti-cortisol Compounds: Phosphatidylserine
- Found in the inner layer of the plasma membrane
- Because of its location is going to be active during a neuroendocrine response to stress
- Has the potential of preventing the adrenal cortex from releasing cortisol
- Mixed results
- > In some cases it gives an ergogenic effect
- > In other cases there is none
Protein Consumption for Children and Adolescents
Children and Adolescents need more protein than adults because they are still growing
- > they are building muscle and bone, so normal energy needs are higher
- Can not just increase the intake of calories
- > need an increase in the percent of protein in their diet
- > If they just increase calories that will increase fat and growing children do not need extra fat
- Want to allow growth without increasing the body weight
Steroid Substitutes: DHEA
- Most common hormone in our body
- > Produced by adrenal cortex naturally
- > Precursor, or pro-hormone that gives rise to testosterone and estrogen
- > A steroid hormone because produced by the cortex
- Athletes consume DHEA because it is believed to increase testosterone
- > By taking this, we are producing testosterone the ‘natural’ way
- > DHEA is converted to testosterone when the body NEEDS it, therefore DHEA does not necessarily cause testosterone increase because if we have a proper amount in the body then there is no effect
- literature does not support that it increases muscle mass or strength
Risks of Anabolic Steroid Use: Estradiol Concentrations
- Can cause an increase in estradiol concentrations
- Predominantely in women
- 7-fold increase in estrogen levels
- Can lead to gynecomastia
- > Creates mammary glands in men causing the development of breasts and breast milk production
- > This is irreversible
Role of Phosphorus
- May delay the onset of anaerobic metabolism
- If we increase phosphorus levels we can change the conversion from creatine phosphate to glycolytic pathways by changing the amount of phosphate that we have
- Deficiencies in Phosphorus will delay energy anaerobic productions
- Increasing Phosphorus will make energy anaerobic production occur more efficiently
- Increasing Phosphorus consumption in our diet reduces blood calcium levels
- > Blood calcium levels will not be able to power muscle exercise and we will see detrimental effects on bone
- > Link between Phosphorus and calcium
Modified Technique of Carb Loading
- Classic was not tapered down at all
- > Modified technique tapers
- Change in exercise
- > a slow, downward taper in the duration and intensity of exercise
- Still a 7 day technique
- Change in diet
- > Starts with no less than 50% carbs and increases to about 70% carbs
- Carb depletion stage was found to be unnecessary in the classic technique
- > You do not have to deplete the body of the glycogen it already had in order to put more glycogen in
- There are risks in training really hard up to 4 days before competition because you can get injured
- > This technique eliminates the hard training phases by reducing the intensity as you get closer
- Saw exactly the same gains statistically, so it worked!
How much carbs post-exercise should you consume to aid resynthesis of glycogen?
- Based on body weight, the amount of carbs that should be consumed is 1.2 grams of carbs per kg of body weight per hour for an accumulation of about 50-100 grams of carbohydrates
- > Maintain that for about 4-6 hours
- When large meal time comes want large meal to make up 150-250 grams of carbohydrates
- If longer recovery times are available it is not immediately necessary to ingest carbohydrates
- > Worry about getting 7-10 grams of carbs per kg of body weight over the next 24 hours
- > About 50 grams per hour to make that work
What is the specific amount of carbohydrates should you consume before a competition?
- Consume the high carb meal 4-6 hours before
- Somewhere between 200-500 kilocals total
- Need 50-100g of low index carbohydrates
- > Want to start glycogen storage with the high index ones
- Plenty of fluids is important!
- Calcium
- Sodium
- Magnesium
- Sulfur
- Potassium
- Phosphorous
- Chloride
Vitamins from your diet vs supplementation
- Decades of research indicate that there is absolutely no gain in taking vitamin supplements if you are getting a balanced diet
- If you are not getting a balanced diet then supplementation can help
Conundrum with Ergogenics that Athletes Face
- Athletes go to such incredible lengths to increase their overall health, yet they are going to ingest or inject synthetic agent that cause things like nausea, hair loss, liver damage, drug addiction, itching, irritability, etc
- The most healthy people in the world are ingesting and injecting things that have known health issues
Role of Chromium
- Helps maintain carbohydrates and lipid metabolism
- Not a coenzyme, it a cofactor in carbohydrate and lipid metabolism
- Plays a role in energy production
Risk Of Anabolic Steroids Use: Ventricular hypertrophy in the heart
- Ventricular hypertrophy in the heart
- Enlargement of walls in the heart chambers affects the cardiac output and can lead to a heart attack, or stroke
Concerns for Protein Consumption
- No real indication that excess protein is harmful to an otherwise healthy individual
- However, if a person has liver or kidney issues there’s a concern for too much protein
- For elderly too much protein can be a problem quicker than for someone who is younger - Metabolism of protein requires more water than metabolism of carbs or fats
- Waste product when we metabolize proteins is nitrogen
- Potential for dehydration
- > Nitrogenous waste products are excreted in urine, so to get rid of this need to drink more water - For sedentary individuals an increase in protein can cause calcium loss
- If protein is being increased in sedentary individuals for a reason need to look at supplements that have calcium and phosphorous to replace the loss
Beta 2 Adrenergic Steroid Substitutes Examples
- The last 3 drugs are approved in the US for medical reasons, usually for respiratory functions
1. Clenbuterol - Very common drug in Europe
- Bronchodilator
- Not approved in the US
- > even with a medical condition will not be allowed to compete
2. Metaproterenol - Beta-2 agonist
- Approved in US
3. Albuterol - beta 2 agonist
- Shows the greatest increase in muscle power output
- Approved in US
4. Salbutamol - Does nothing in terms of performance
- Highest usage rates because people in the gym think it’s working, but research shows it does not
- Approved in US
Timing of the Consumption of Proteins Post-Exercise
- Consuming protein within an hour of exercise can be linked to an increase in muscle mass
- If you wait more than an hour before consuming protein, generally that effect is gone
- > no effect
What is a Glycemic Index used for?
- Not all carbs are the same, or physiologically equal
- When carbs are different we use a glycemic index to compare them
- > it categorizes foods based on the glucose they produce
- Glycemic Index is based on a glucose scale
- > Demonstrates the amount of increase of glucose in the blood that is caused by the ingestion of food
Effect of exercising in the cold on protein consumption
- Cold temperature training utilizes more protein because not only are you using the energy for training, but you are also using energy to stay warm
- > Your body is increasing your energy needs, therefore you need to consume more protein
Short Technique of Carb Loading
- Don’t devote a whole week
- Reduce time frame and get very similar results
- Two days before competition
- The day before carb loading have a normal workout
- Over the next 24 hours eat 10g per kg of high glycemic index of carbohydrates
-> Change eating habits the day before competition
Findings - Very similar results to the whole week method
-> Not exactly the same levels of glycogen loading, the week program was only a little more
Risk Of Anabolic Steroids Use: Prostate Hypertrophy
- High levels of synthetic testosterone causes prostate hypertrophy
- Prostate releases secretions to help nourish sperm as it enters the female
- When this occurs, the gland enlarges
- Two types of Prostate Gland Hypertrophy
1. Benign - Large prostate
2. Malignant - Prostate is getting bigger and bigger from cell division
- By enlarging, the bladder is prevented from emptying fully which leads to constant bathroom breaks, but the urethra is blocked constricting flow so it is difficult to release the urine
- > Bladder cannot fully empty
Anti-Cortisol Compounds Ergogenic Effects
- Hypothalamus releases CRH in response to stress (exercise), trauma, and infection
- > Causes the anterior-pituitary to release ACTH
- > ACTH causes the adrenal cortex to release cortisol
- Anti-cortisol compounds prevent the production of cortisol
- Strength and power athletes use supplements to decrease the amount of cortisol produced because when it is produced, it decreases the amino acid transport into cells
- Want these amino acids to come in to build new proteins like actin and myosin to increase muscle
Role of Selenium
- Functions as an antioxidant
- Since exercise increases the production of antioxidants by increasing selenium it prevents the production of antioxidants
- Exercise can benefit by having increased selenium because it decreases antioxidants
- > Gets rid of free radicals produced by exercise
DHEA Ergogenic Effect Low doses vs High Doses
- Low doses
- No increase in testosterone
- No increase in muscular strength
- No change in muscle or fat cross-sectional areas
- No positive adaptations to resistance training - High doses
- Masculinization of females
- Lowers LDL
- Possibly accelerates cancer growth of prostate or breast
- > increased cancer growth rates in both men and women
- Alters menstrual cycle
- If a person sees a positive effect from the supplementation it is because the supplement probably brought the body to the level it was supposed to be at, not a higher level
Consumption of Protein Effect on the Elderly
- Old people need more protein than middle-aged people
- > Older sedentary people in general need more protein than the US RDA suggests
- If they are exercising, they will increase the protein need even more
- Sedentary Elderly people need more protein than resistance training elderly people, but less than endurance training elderly
- Endurance training elderly people need more protein than resistance athletes and sedentary elderly people
- Resistance training elderly people need less protein than endurance training and sedentary elderly people
- > This increase in the need of protein can be offset by resistance training because they will require less protein
- If the elderly increases the protein too much it will have negative effects
- > But if an elderly person is resistance training and they double their protein intake 2x the US RDA suggestion, they will see a greater hypertrophic response in the muscle
- > Greater muscle mass (size) and strength
- Elderly people generally have a significant skeletal muscle decline
- > so to offset the weakening of the bone increase the weight training exercises to increase the muscle that supports the bone
- > Can benefit from a resistance training program to increase strength and muscle mass to do this increase protein in the diet
- -> Increasing protein while resistance training will offset skeletal muscle decline
Positive and Negative Effects of Growth Hormone
- people use it because if they can put the muscle on, then they can make the muscle strong
1. Positive Effects of HGH - Increase in lean body mass
- But no increase in muscular strength or endurance
2. Negative Effects of HGH - Swollen feet and ankles
- Joint pain
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Development of diabetes or pre-diabetes
- Acromegaly
Role of Calcium
- Is of extreme importance for bone health
- If we have a deficiency of calcium, we will see a loss of bone density
- From the exercise prospective loss of bone density will affect things like strength
Effect of consuming carbohydrates to increase glycogen resynthesis speed?
- Consumption of carbohydrates after exercise is important, but not all carbs are the same
- The type of carb that is consumed post-exercise should be selected based on the amount of time that is going to be available for the replenishment
- In general, you want to consume high glycemic index food immediately post-exercise because it can be absorbed and digested rapidly
- > Allows us to replenish glycogen quickly
- When you get a change to eat a larger meal you want high glycemic carbs and a balanced meal
- > Want carb loading until you have a chance to eat a bigger meal
- If recovery time is short before next workout want to consume high GI carbs, to replenish glycogen faster
Side Effects of Pyruvate
- Lots of side effects with increased pyruvate consumption
- Lots of gastrointestinal discomfort
- > Side stitch when running
- > Things are not functioning the way they are supposed to
- > Diarrhea is common
- ->Researchers question if this is the cause of weight loss
Dangers of Amphetamines
- Dependency
- Physiological Dependency where your body needs it
- Emotional Dependency where the person feels like they need it - Side Effects
- Headache
- Agitation
- Fever, increases body temperature
- Dizziness
- Confusion
- increases likeliness of fatigue
- > all are negative for sports - Drug Tolerance
- Amphetamines are a drug that creates a tolerance
- our bodies will require a larger and larger dose to produce the same effect over time
- increased heart rate and blood pressure - Inhibition of pain perception
- The idea is that this enables you to work longer and harder through pain
- From an athletic prospective there is no real positive effect on physical capacity or performance
Types of B Vitamins and their Functions
- B1 (Thiamin)
- Carbohydrate Metabolism - B2 (Riboflavin, or niacin)
- Hydrogen carrier in FAD and NAD
- Related to energy - B6
- Amino acid metabolism and breakdown of glycogen to glucose
- Related to energy - B12
- Production of red blood cells and protein synthesis
Effects of consuming amino acids, or proteins to increase glycogen resynthesis speed?
- When amino acids, or proteins are added to the diet it increases the resynthesis of glycogen by boosting the insulin response
- Insulin stimulates glucose uptake
- > Enzyme called glucose synthase
- > Rate limiting enzyme for glycogen resynthesis
- > The activity of glucose synthase is enhanced by insulin
- So protein, or amino acids coupled with carbohydrates boost insulin which boosts glucose synthase activity which allows faster glycogen resynthesis
- The addition of proteins are especially important when carbohydrate intake is insufficient
- > Less than 1.2 grams of carbs per kg of body weight per hour
- Another benefit of having amino acids, or proteins associated with carbohydrates is that it is going to stimulate post-exercise anabolic activity
- > Helps with tissue repair and growth
- > Especially important with heavy endurance training
Timing of Protein Intake for Ergogenic Effect
- The timing of protein intake is extremely important
- If timed correctly, can effect the response to resistance training
- Can see up to a 4x increase in training resistance response due to new protein synthesis, if amino acids are consumed immediately before or immediately after the workout
- Leucine rich foods trigger this protein synthesis
- Does not appear that these gains are long term