Exam 4 Flashcards
What is Bloom’s Taxonomy (BT)
levels of learning and how to implement them as a mentor/teacher
knowledge > comprehension > application > analysis > Synthesis > evaluation
Field studies
conducted in context of measurement
participants do what they would normally do
more realistic/specific
measures not always accurate
lab studies
simulated/controlled environments
sacrifice natural action and context for control
advantages of field studies
high ecological validity
observations made that cannot be made in a lab
Qualitative research
seeks to understand human behavior and the reasons that motivate human behavior
seeks to: illuminate, understand, extrapolate
how is qualitative research performed
ecological approach
done in field
Quantitative research
uses experimental measures to test hypothesis with the goal of extrapolating results from a sample to large populations
how is quantitative research performed
in the field - usually in a lab
seeks to: determine cause for behavior, make predictions, generalize findings
challenges in qualitative research
data interpretations
hard to visually examine
effectiveness of questions
keeping data error free
things to consider when analyzing qualitative research
measuring scale appropriate
major outliers
normally distributed
ceiling or floor effect
are the results believable, dependable, confirmable
can they be applied to other situations
working with non-normal data
requires established normally distributed data
sample should represent population
drawbacks to small sample size
failing to find a difference that does exist (Type 2)
need a p-value of .1
run a power analysis to determine probability of finding a type 2 error using a test
Issues that can lead to incorrect data collection
Wrong Conclusions
variables affecting each other
extraneous factors may have impact on outcomes
over interpretation (bias, sponsored)
equipment issues (tested for validity, reliability, objectivity)
evaluating validity of qualitative research
honest?, completeness of data collection
researchers must report: what they did, how much, how often
evaluating reliability of qualitative research
expect outcomes to change over time
difficult to reproduce
internal consistency
evaluating objectivity of qualitative research
free of bias?, acknowledge this research is always subjective, researchers should provide background info, allows reader/researcher to anticipate subjectivity