Exam 4 Flashcards
Study for Exam 4
Cerebral Dominance
each hemisphere specializes in different tasks, 1 takes the dominant role while 1 plays assist.
Damage to Broca’s area causes what?
nonfluent aphlasia which causes a failure in written or verbal language expression
- “Tan” man
damage to Wernike’s area causes what?
fluent aphasia which causes one to not be able to remember certain words
Damage to Liepman causes what?
aproxia which causes loss of control over muscles required to produce speech
Which side of the body does the Right hemisphere process
The right hemisphere processes the left side of the body’s infromation
Which side of the body does the left hemisphere process
the left hemisphere processes the right side of the body
In which direction is information processes in the brain?
Contralaterally: Having to do with the opposite side of the body.
What areas of information does the left hemisphere process? How can the left hemisphere be characterized?
The left hemisphere processes information related to
- language
- writing
- motor control needed for language
- positive emotion regulation
It can be characterized as more analytical and detail oriented, the ‘nerdy’ half of the brain
What areas of information does the right hemisphere process? How can the right hemisphere be characterized?
The right hemisphere process information related to
- emotional perception (of tone, body language, etc…)
- facial recognition
- visual processes
- negative emotions
The right hemisphere is more concerned with the ‘gist’ of things can be considered the ‘artsy’ side of the brain
What is a fact concerning language and lateralization
language is the most lateralized cognitive process; centered in the left hemisphere
for right handed people 95% of language is processed in the left hemisphere
For left handed people 80% of language is processed in the left hemisphere
Planum Temporale
larger in the left hemisphere (called the Wernicke’s area in the left)
- 5x larger in left hemisphere for
65% of people
Responsible for language comprehension
Heshcl’s Gyrus
Location of primary auditory cortex and responsible for speech comprehension
- larger in left hemisphere
Frontal Operculum
In the left hemisphere is known as Broca’s area; responsible for speech production
what is a commissure
the nerve fissures that connect the two hemispheres of the brain.
“Split brain surgery” which separates the two hemispheres of the brain
- usually separating the
What are some affect arising from a Commissurectomy aka “Split Brain Surgery”
- the brain hemispheres can still communicate indirectly (through body, etc…)
- Helping hang phenomenon
- capable of learning 2 things at once
- Chimeric figures processed differently based on which hemisphere is doing processing
Innateness Theory of Language Acquisition
A biological / nativist approach to language acquisition; states we are born with biological structures / programming that allow us to learn language easily and naturally.
Which side of the brain is responsible for the emotional intonation of speech
Long Term Potentiation
the strengthening on synapses due to frequent activation which increases the responsiveness of the synapse in the future; the basis of learning
what is the most lateralized function?
Semantic memory
memory for words and concepts; part of declarative memory.
what is memory consolidation where does it occur?
it’s the process where information is strengthened and converted into long term storage largely handled by the hippocampus
what is the main commissure that connects the two hemispheres of the brain called?
Corpus callosum
Which neurotransmitter allows LTP to happen?