Exam 4 Flashcards
José Martí
- Was a Cuban poet, patriot, and martyr.
- He became the symbol in Cuba for revolution and independence from Spain.
- Most of his poems contained major themes of freedom, unity, and self-imeperialism.
Not belonging in just one culture, but rather living in between two cultures. A lot of people who have moved or immigrated to another country feel this way. Latinos/Latinas living near the border or on the border often feel this way because two cultures are meeting but not really mixing.
Chicano Movement
A big social and political Mexican-American movement in the 1960s that started for the push of new identification. It called for restoration of land grants, rights to vote, and many other things. It also raised awareness to the stereotypes of Mexicans in tv and media.
Internal Colonies
The uneven effects of economic development as a result of exploitation of the racial minorities. It is also the colonization of other people groups for the benefit of the dominating group. Mostly the Ghetto, barrios, and reservations in the U.S.
Cesar Chavez
A Mexican-American civil rights leader. He fought for adequate wages and other benefits for workers. He prided himself being a nonviolent leader.
Yo soy Joaquin
A bilingual poem written by Corky Gonzales highlighting the problems that the Chicano movement was pushing against. It details the many struggles the Chicanos have when trying to assimilate.
Jesus Tato Laviera
A Puerto Rican poet whose poetry talked about the Nuyorican movement in the 60s. His poems were bilingual and they talked about the struggles of assimilating as a Puerto Rican. This was similar to the Chicano movement but could be seen as more difficult for the Prs because they are a united States colony.
Abraham Rodriguez
A Puerto Rican musician and short story writer. He writes about the struggles of growing up in the US as a Puerto Rican. He played a big part in the Nuyorican Movement.
gloria anzaldua
An american author of chicana cultural theory. She was a feminist and supported/wrote about the queer theory. She wrote a lot about being a mestiza and rose awareness so others could understand what it was like being a mestiza.
Rodolfo Corky Gonzalez
A mexican-american boxer and poet. He was one of the leaders in the Chicano movement and his poetry reflected all that he fought for. He organized and supported many highschool walk outs and demonstrations against police brutality.
Mestiza consciousness
This concept helps deconstruct the impact of patriarchy and colonialism on the Chicana. It helps reclaim indigenous spirituality and feminism. This is something Anzualdua worked on and supported.
Young lords organization
A chicago based street game that modeled and was inspired by the Black Panthers. They fought for civil and human rights for Puerto Ricans and latinos. They wanted people to have equal access to health care, education, and housing.
Sandra cisneros
A bilingual american writer with Mexican roots. Her books, poems, short stories explore the way she grew up and brings awareness so others like her do not feel so alone. She works to give a voice to the working class latinos in the US.
A term that refers to the many attributes shared by Latin American people and their descendants. It ties everybody together without labeling everybody as the same latino/a. It helps show how Latin americans are alike and different at the same time.
Richard Rodrigues
An american controversial author that wrote about affirmative action and how he stands against bilingual education. His works help us understand more about affirmative action and bilingual education while showing why these things can be helpful or harmful. Unfortunately, his views turned many people against him because they felt as though he was betraying his people.