Exam 4 Flashcards
What are characteristics of parenchyma tissue?
-Thin walled
-Many sided
Xylem conducts what materials?
Water and mineral ions
Phloem conducts what materials?
Movement of sugars and other organic solutes
Monocots and Eudicots are named by what?
Named by their leaf-like structures
Apical meristems cause what type of growth?
Primary growth - cells that divide rapidly in tips of roots and shoots
Describe what type of roots Eudicots have?
Taproot - main root with many tiny branches outward
Describe what type of root Monocots have?
Fibrous root system - roots that grow outward from the stem
Vascular and cork cambium help with which type of growth (primary or secondary)?
Secondary Growth
How many nutrients are needed for plants to survive and live healthy?
Plants require 16 different elements for growth
Why do we do cutting grafts?
-Cutting allow plants to form roots and new shoots from nodes in stem fragments from a parent plant
-Grafts allow plants to fuse with tissues from another plant
How many hormones are there that effect plants?
5 (gibberellins, auxins, cytokinin, ethylene, abscisic acid)
Name one tropisms and how it affects a plant based on the environment factors that are going on around the plant
Gravitropism - plant growth in a direction influenced by gravity
What causes leaves to fall?
What is the protective covering of teeth?
What causes stomach ulcers?
Helicobacter pylori
Why does the stomach have folds
The folds in the lining of the small intestine increase surface area for digestion and absorption
Where do most nutrients get absorbed?
Internal environment across the wall of the small intestine
Where does most water get absorbed?
Internal environment across the wall of the small intestine
Large intestines have bacteria that live in this environment that produce a symbiotic relationship with humans. What does the bacterium give to humans?
A diet high in what keeps you “regular”?
You are supposed to eat what type of carbs?
Complex carbs
What are the fat soluble vitamins?
A, E, D, K
How can you test body fat/size
Weight x 700/height squared
What are some causes of kidney failure?
Diabetes, High blood pressure, Tobacco use
What are two types of dialysis
Hemodialysis, Peritoneal Dialysis
What re the 3 types of neurons?
Sensory, Motor, Neuroglia
Action potential helps what occur?
The release of neurotransmitters
Neurotransmitters are used to do what?
TO release chemical signals into the synaptic cleft by a neuron’s axon endings
Central Nervous System contains what?
Brain and Spinal Cord
Myelin helps nerves do what?
It increases the speed of signal transmission
Somatic nervous system controls what
Skeletal muscle and sensory receptors
Parasympathetic nervous system is the body at what state?
The body’s ability to relax
Cerebrum (main portion of upper brain) controls what?
Language, speech and vision
Cerebellum (sits below the main part of the upper brain) controls what?
Posture, balance coordination
What causes near sightedness
The eye focuses light in front of the retina instead of onto it
What helps you see colors in eye?
Cone cell
Ear has how many region?
Three - outer, middle, inner
Steroid hormones move through the cell membrane easily why?
They are lipid soluble and can bind to receptors within a cell
How do amino acid hormones effect the inside of the cell?
Bind to membrane receptors at the cell surface
How does growth hormones affect development
Growth hormones promote growth within the body and influence metabolism in adults
What mineral deficit causes a goiter?
What are symptoms of excessive thyroid production?
Shaking hands, increased sweating, weight loss, brittle hair
Thymus helps our immune system in what ways?
T cells mature in the thymus and T cells are critical to helping our bodies fight off foreign invaders
Glucagon causes what to happen
The breaking down of glycogen and the release of glucose, raising blood glucose levels
What causes type II diabetes
Target cells stop responding to insulin
What are some shared sex hormones
Pineal gland secretes what to affect sleep
What is the major controlling organ of hormones
Is swallowing in the esophagus an active or passive process?
Water soluble vitamins are stored or processed through the body