Exam 3 Topics Flashcards
Explain the social construction of technology.
the process through which groups decide which potential technologies should be pursued and which should be adopted
Why did health care shift away from hospitals to nursing homes, home care, and hospice care?
the change in financing caused the shift away from hospitals. the DRG system and Medicare usually only pay hospitals preset amounts for inpatient surgery. insurers are increasingly reducing their costs by raising reimbursements for outpatient care and lowering it for inpatient care. hospitals shifting to acute ill persons instead.
Explain the technological imperative.
the belief that technology is almost always good, so it is mostly always appropriate to use all existing technological interventions regardless of their cost –> pseudoscience
Explain struggles for nurses gaining a professional status.
- changing gender roles
- continuation of the doctor-nurse game
- corporatization and the changing health care system
- structural changes effected professionalism with RN’s
Explain the rise of nursing.
- Nigthingale –> hierarchical structure
- emphasis on care and duty
- separate spheres
How is osteopathy a parallel profession?
it performs the same roles as allopathic doctors while retaining professional autonomy and at last remnants of a fundamentally different ideology about illness causation
What are curanderos?
- traditional folk healers within Mexican and Mexican-American communities
- combine western and folk theories of illness
- holistic treatments
- no legal status
Explain the difference between allopaths and homeopaths.
- allopaths: cure by opposites
- homeopaths: cure by similars
Explain heroic medicine.
type of treatment in which allopathic doctors would cure an illness by purging the body
What factors helped doctors gain power in American society?
- growing belief in science by the public
- doctors viewed as scientific
- doctors gain more social status than competitors
Explain the Flexner Report.
a report on the status of American medical education; identified serious deficiencies in medical education and helped to produce substantial improvements; there were cons to it though
What are the three A’s associated with describing a profession?
- Autonomy (setting educational and licensing standards)
- Authority
- Altruism (public confidence in practitioners’ ethics)
Explain professional dominance.
- freedom from control by other occupations and groups
- ability to control other occupations in the same economic sphere
What is the Nuremberg Code?
a set of principles regarding the ethics of human experimentation
During the 1960s, hospital committees..
A) typically decided who would receive kidney dialysis based in part on social criteria.
B) were abolished by most hospitals
C) typically decided who would receive kidney dialysis based solely on age
D) typically decided who would receive kidney dialysis based solely on medical criteria