Exam 3 Theories of Development Flashcards
Critical period of development
Responsive to influence
Vulnerable to injury
Rapid growth
Sensitive period of development
Amendable to new abilities
Sensitive to stimuli
Language, smell, early parent relationship
Freud stages
Oral (6-12mo) Anal (12-36mo) Phaliac (3-6yr) Latency (6-12yr) Genital (adolescence)
Freud defense mechanisims (this may actually be useful for something)
Repression: hiding away
Sublimation: channeling energy in constructive way
Rationalization: justifying actions with acceptable motive
Reaction formation: displaying trait opposite of repressed
Piaget stages
Sensorimotor: senses
Pre-operational: magical explanations
Concrete operations: conservation/explanation
Formal operations: abstract reasoning
Bowlby theory and stages
Attachment theories
Secure base: safe environment for exploration
Strange situation to test attachment
Limited preference (up to 7 months)
Preferred attachments
Secure base for exploring (around 1 year)
Infant attachment styles
Secure: seeks proximity and preference
Avoidant: avoids
Resistant: seeks, then rejects - anger at caregiver
Disorganized: strange, no coherence
Adult attachment styles
Autonomous: specific examples of childhood (+ or -)
Dismissing: no examples, positive
Preoccupied: no examples, negative
Disorganized: incoherent
Parenting styles
Varying levels of warmth and demanding Authoritarian (low warmth, high demand) Authoritative (high, high) Permissive (high warmth, low demand) Rejecting (low, low)
Erik Erickson
Actually got to adulthood
Talks about identity
Heinz dilemma
Stealing expensive drug
Only with boys and men
Human ecology model
No such thing as individual
Big picture stuff
ACES study
> 4 risk factors confer large chance of disease
Stress spectrum and tolerable/toxic stress
Do relationships promote neurodevelopment?
Yes, yes they do
Newborn assessment
Communication (crying)
Most reliant on relationships
Infant motor milestones
Primary reflexes
Habituation after repeat exposure
Reaching (3) rolling (4) sitting up (6)
Infant cognitive milestones
Visual/auditory tracking
Infant social milestones
Social smiling
Babbling/cooing to purposeful vocal
Stranger anxiety
Older infant (6-12 months) motor milestones
Shaking (6) Crawling (8) Pulling up (10) Standing (11) Walking (12)
Older infant (6-12 months) sensory milestones
Cause and effect
Object permanance
Early language skills
12-36 months motor milestones
Walking by 12
Climb stairs by 18
Cultured (fine motor skills increased)
12-36 months social milestones
Parallel play
“No” emerges
Single words around 12-18
Tantrums, separation anxiety peaks, increasing independence
3-6 years motor milestones
Drive: tricycle
Dexterity (hop on one foot, zippers/buttons)
3-6 years cognitive milestones
1,000 - 8,000 words
School readiness skills: number/letter recognition
3-6 years social milestones
Freedom (separation from mom)
Friends (coop play, imaginary friends)
Solidification of gender identity
6-12 years milestones
Complex gross/fine motor
Concrete operations
Peer relationships/complex social
Peer relationships become much more central
Parental relationships decline
Abstract thinking
Risky behavior