Exam 3 Terms Flashcards
Authoritative Parenting
Encourages child to be independent, but still places limits and controls on behavior. Parenting style is more collaborative. Verbal give & take is allowed. Parents are warm and nurturing towards the child.
Infant Attachment
close emotional bond between infant and the caregiver. Provides an important foundation for later development.
refers to an individual’s behavioral style and characteristic way of responding.
3 basic types:
easy child - positive temperament, good mood, regular routines. Easily adaptable
difficult child - negative reactions, lots of crying, irregular routines, slow to adapt
slow to warm up child - low activity level, somewhat negative, is inflexible, cautious of new experiences.
sensorimotor stage
Piaget’s first step.
Birth to 2 years
Infant constructs an understanding of the world through sensory experiences.
Progresses from reflexive to instinctual to beginning of symbolic thought at the end of the stage.
preferential looking
technique that gives the infant the choice of what to look at. If the infant prefers one stimulus over another, when repeatedly shown at different places, we can infer the child can tell the images apart.
nature / nurture
biology v. socialization
language determines the way we think, a view that has been called the linguistic relativity hypothesis.
call system
3 type of intelligence. Analytical, creative, practical
normal distribution
bell curve. Majority of scores fall in the middle.
mental age
an individual’s level of mental development relative to that of others.
an all purpose ability to do well on cognitive tasks, to solve problems, and to learn from experience.
how well a person is able to perform the various cognitive activities.
being alert and mentally present for one’s everyday activities. When we are mindful, we are fully engaged in the things going on around us.
confirmation bias
tendency to search for and use information that supports our ideas rather than refutes them. “Myside bias”
Finding information that supports our own opinions and beliefs.
decision making
evaluating choices alternatives and choosing among them. It is less certain than reasoning. May not know the consequences of the decisions. Some of the information could be missing, or incomplete.
mental activity of transforming information to reach a conclusion. Weighing arguments, applying logic, coming up with sound conclusions
shortcut strategies or guidelines that suggest a solution to a problem but do not guarantee an answer. Help narrow down possible solutions, and find one quickly that works.
problem solving
the mental process of finding an appropriate way to attain a goal when the goal is not readily available.
1st: find and frame problems
2nd: develop good problem solving strategies
3rd: evaluate solutions
4th: rethink and redefine problems and solutions over time
AI - Artificial Intelligence
WATSON (IBM). Machines capable of performing activities that require intelligence when people do them.
building blocks of thinking. Mental categories that are used to group objects, events and characteristics. They allow us to generalize, associate experiences, aid memory recall and storage, and provide clues about how to react in new situations.
the process of manipulating information by manipulating information mentally by forming concepts, solving problems, making decisions, and reflecting critically or creatively
the way in which information is processed and manipulated in remembering, thinking, and knowing.