Exam 3 Study Guide Flashcards
Bernini, David 1623-24
*Although in Roman setting, still representative of a champion
*Moment of dramatic action, very baroque
*Focus on dramatic action
*Spirals into space, like a corkscrew
Bernini, Ecstasy of St Theresa, Santa Maria della Vittoria, Cornaro Chapel, 1647-52
*Otherworldly presence due to light
*Architectural enclosure
*Angel about to plunge arrow into her heart, she experiences ecstasy
*Sexual implications that have made people uncomfortable ever since it was first made
*Members of Cornaro family have access to view this scene. None of them watching bc miracle is entirely internal to Theresa
Bernini, Fountain of the Four Rivers, Piazza Navona, 1648-51
*Four great rivers of four great continents of the Earth
*Symbolically refers to the Earth
*Egyptian obelisk and Christian church symbol, God right over the Earth
*Church brings the light of truth to the entire globe
*Asia river with navigational tools
*Longest river in Europe
*Papal code of arms, keys of st peter, and triple tiara
*Rio de la plata between Argentina and Brasil,
Local flora and fauna for the jungle of the Americas
*Palm tree for Africa river (De Nile)
Largely unknown continent so face covered
Bernini, Barcaccia, 1627
*Little boat (translation)
*Formed out of two fish
*Symbolises the church, thats overflowing with peace and harmony to the world
*Cannons are replaced with eye of fish that spill into the world ocean
Bernini, Baldacchino, 1623-34
*Major feat of bronze casting
*Placed over main altar of St Peter, located directly over his grave
*Died in Rome, crucified in Rome
*Most sacred site in Christendom outside of Jerusalem
*Graves of popes, including him under the floor
*Dome designed by Michelangelo Buonarroti
*The bees in the spiraling lines represent the coat of arms of the Barbarinni family
*Serpentine columns represent the original spiraling columns that were believed to have been brought from Jerusalem
Bernini, Cathedra Petri, 1666
*Symbolic throne of St Peter
*Casted in bronze
*Four church fathers who helped to establish the theological doctrine
*Symbolising the eastern and western church (Constantinople and Roman)
*Authority of the pope comes down from heaven, given by the holy spirit
*When a pope is given the papal crown, he becomes St Peter
Bernini, Colonnade (St Peter’s Square) 1666
*”Arms of mother church”, they welcome believing Catholics, welcome back Protestants who are now returning to the true faith, and new converts from all over the world.
Caravaggio’s Still Life
*Doesn’t have to, but can be seen in symbolic terms
*Can be seen as the very short Earthly pleasures, compared to eternal bliss in heaven
Caravaggio, The Calling of St. Matthew
*Use of tenebrism, bold use of lights and darks
*The way in which the light hits St. Matthew, which represents a spiritual light shown by Jesus
*Heaven and Earth put together to make the spiritual seem accessible
*Contemporised image, Jesus visiting contemporary world
*Always eternally relevant
*Symbolism of Christ’s gesture taken from the creation of Adam. Combines the right hand of God with Adam’s left hand. Jesus believed to be the second Adam.
Caravaggio, The Entombment of Christ
*Viewer put into the grave of Christ
*Following him into spiritual death so we can be brought back spiritually by Christ
*Plank of wood would stab us if it came out all the way
*Christ gesturing into the grave
*All of the figures were taken from the streets, (regular people), to make religious doctrines and narratives understandable to ordinary people
Caravaggio, The Crucifixion of St. Peter
*Composition of three men representing spiritual blindness, they are just like mules
*Don’t see what they are doing.
*Peter looking at the altar of God. Maintains faith to Christ even through martyr
Quadro Riportato
Painting repositioned.
Ex: looks like a painting in the wall, but its actually a painting rotated 90 degrees on the ceiling
Guido Reni, Aurora
*Classical in nature, references hours of the day
*Aurora, means dawn
*Fits into Quadro Riportato
*No Christian meeting
*Beauty is enough justification for art now
Pozzo, Apotheosis of St. Ignatius Loyola
*Symbolically represents the four continents, so the globe. Kind of like the four rivers
*Catholicism is global
*Ignazio layola given the power of mass conversion by christ
*Fits into Quadratura
Architecture extended into space, so that it looks like it transcends past the material ceilings and into the heavens
Robert Campin, Merode Altarpiece
*Represents contemporised image of the annunciation to the virgin
*Angel Gabriel telling her that she is going to have Christ, which she accepts. Is immediately impregnated with Christ by the Holy Spirit
*Single lit candle represents presence of Christ, but the extinguished candle means that he is actually there (physically)
Jan van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece
*Represents an image of heaven with Christ high up
*Two levels, one called “The Good Earth” (Average people that would dwell in heaven) and the other called “The Holiest” (With God, the Virgin, St John the Baptist, musical angels, and also fallen Adam and Eve)
*Also represents the Trinitarian God (God the father, The Son (As the lamb), and the Holy Spirit (The Dove)).
Rogier van der Weyden, Deposition
*A lot of emotion, makes you want to feel piety
*Suffering of Virgin and Jesus mirrored each other, parallelism with one another
*Christians should be aware that this is their fault
Bosch, Garden of Earthly Delights
*Notable for imagery
*No reference to Christ and heaven, only to evil in the world.
*Disruption of God’s perfect design because of sin
*References to lust, gluttony and other sins, which leads people to suffering in Hell
Grunewald, Isenheim Altarpiece
*Made for a hospital attended by monks specialised in ergotism, a disease that rots the limbs of the person, which only cure is amputation.
*Meant to be comforting for patients, Christ understands their suffering.
Durer, Self Portrait
*He makes himself Christ like, not saying he is Christ, but saying that God is creative and true artists are creative, which is what likens him to God. I can create images and ideas that have never been seen before, hence I am like a created God.
Durer, Adam and Eve
*Adam and Eve based on classical prototypes
*Reference to new Adam and New Eve
*Goat= christ is the scapegoat of humanity, and becomes the sacrifice
*Four animals, elk, rabbit, cat and ox represent four humours and four fluids
Yellow Bile: Angry. Like the cat
Black Bile: Melancholic. Like the elk
Blood: Lust. Like a rabbit
Phlegm: Lazy. Like the ox
Based on ancient medical theory. Balance of this in paradise, but when thrown out of paradise, they are uncontrolled
trompe l’oeil
fooling of the eye
modernisation (i think)
Four humours
Yellow Bile: Angry. Like the cat
Black Bile: Melancholic. Like the elk
Blood: Lust. Like a rabbit
Phlegm: Lazy. Like the ox
Sola fide
Faith alone is enough for heaven. You can’t ‘good deed’ your way to heaven
sola scriptura
Christian theological doctrine held by most Protestant Christian denominations, in particular the Lutheran and Reformed traditions, that posits the Bible as the sole infallible source of authority for Christian faith and practice.
Protestant Reformation
The English Reformation took place in 16th-century England when the Church of England broke away from the authority of the pope and the Catholic Church. These events were part of the wider European Reformation, a religious and political movement that affected the practice of Christianity in Western and Central Europe.
Counter Reformation
The Counter-Reformation, also called the Catholic Reformation or the Catholic Revival, was the period of Catholic resurgence that was initiated in response to the Protestant Reformation at the time. It began with the Council of Trent and largely ended with the conclusion of the European wars of religion in 1648