Exam 3 Rules Flashcards
FLSA Exemption Test
1) Salary Level
2) Salary Basis
3) Duties Test
Fair Labor Standards Act
Policy about minimum wage, overtime, and meal breaks
- Salary Level
$35,568 (increasing Jul 1)
- Salary Basis
a) Must receive full salary for any week work performed
b) Cannot be reduced based on quantity/quality of work
- Duties Test
a) Executive
b) Administration
c) Professional
Meal Breaks
30+ minutes: NOT compensable
Family Medical Leave Act
Entitles EEs to take unpaid, job-protected leave for specific family and medical reasons with continuation of group health insurance coverage under same terms as if EE had not taken leave
Serious Health Condition
Illness or injury that requires continuing treatment by a health care provider for medical problems that exist beyond 3 days
Right to Privacy
An individual’s freedom from unauthorized and unreasonable intrusion into personal affairs
Privacy/Search Analysis
1) Reasonable Expectation of Privacy (EE perspective)
2) Reasonable at Inception (probably cause: 30-35% certainty)
3) Reasonable in Scope (Particularity: place to be searched, thing to be seized)
Public Disclosure of Private Facts
1) Intentional or negligent public disclosure of private matters
2) Disclosure would be objectionable to a reasonable person of ordinary sensitivities
1) A false statement about paintiff
2) Statement was published
3) Statuement caused plaintiff injury
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
1) Extreme and outrageous conduct
2) that intentionally or recklessly causes
3) Severe emotional distress (and bodily harm)
1) Duty
2) Breach
3) Causation
4) Damages