Exam 2 Rules Flashcards
What is Religion?
- Is the belief sincere and closely held?
- Does it take the place of religion in the employee’s life?
Interactive Process
- Interactive Process (ER engages with EE)
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Undue Hardship
- Interactive Process
Religion: Notice required for religious requests for accommodation
Disability: Notice expected but not always required
- Reasonable Accommodation
Does not have to be the most reasonable
Does not have to be the accommodation the EE prefers
ER must demonstrate a good faith attempt to accommodation
- Undue Hardship
Financial cost of the accommodation
Fundamentally alters the nature or operation of the business
Supervisory / communication requirements
Type of job needing accommodation
Willingness of other EEs to assist in the accommodation
Religious Accommodation Analysis
- Sincere and closely held
- Takes the place of religion in the EE’s life
- Interactive process
- Reasonable Accommodation
- Undue Hardship
Lemon Test
- The statute must have a Secular legislative purpose
- The statute must not foster an excessive gov’t Entanglement with religion
- Its principal or primary effect must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion (Neutral)
Free Exercise Clause
- Gov’t not “targeting” a particular sect
- Regulation, infringement, and impingement must be neutral or generally applicable
Political Question
- Injury-in-fact
- Causation
- Remedy
Plaintiff must show direct, personal injury by alleged offensive conduct
Causal connection between injury and the offending conduct
What the court can provide as a remedy for the claim
Types of Sexual Harassment
- Quid Pro Quo
- Hostile Environment
Quid Pro Quo
- Power differential
- Exchange
(involves a tangible adverse employment action, ER strictly liable)
Hostile Environment
- Unwelcome
- Sexual in nature (or directed at a particular sex)
- Hostile Environment (severe or pervasive)
Faragher-Ellerth Affirmative Defense
- the ER exercised reasonable care to prevent and promptly correct any sexually harassing behavior
- the EE unreasonably failed to take advantage of any preventative or corrective opportunities provided by the ER or to avoid harm otherwise
Hostile Environment Analysis
- Unwelcome
- Sexual in nature
- Hostile Environment
a. Severe or pervasive
b. FE Defense (Policy: prevent/correct/report/train; EE unreasonably fails to use ER policy)
Reasonable Factor Other than Age (RFOA)
Plaintiff must show that age was the primary reason for employment action
Defendent wins if a “mixed motives” reason can be established
Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ)
Like Title VII Disparate Treatment but lower threshold (closer to “business necessity”)
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
Enforced by EEOC
15+ EEs
ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA)
Broadened the definition of individuals with mental disabilities
- Physical or mental impairment
- that substantially limits
- a major life activity
Mental Disability
Mental or psychological disorders
ADA and Safety Issues
ERs try to return injured workers to work to reduce workers’ compensation costs (light or restricted duty may undercut essential functions of the job)
HR professionals generally understand ADA guidelines as they affect physical disabilities (difficulty with mental illness)