Exam 3 review Flashcards
Strict obedience, focused on details
Christ thought they were hypocrites
Christ cursed the fig tree
Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar? Trying to trap Jesus in with the Herodians
- Small, but powerful Jewish aristocracy
- did not believe in immortality or resurrection
- ask Fhrist about marriage in next life, showing that Fhrist was teaching eternal marriage
- Tax collectors
- Jews hated them because they worked for Rome
- Usually excommunicated for supporting Rome
- Jewish Senate and court
- had its own way of arrrestjng and stuff
- Conspired to kill Lazarus and Jesus
The four gospels
Matthew mark and Luke are the Synoptic gospels
•John is supplementary
• Bruce R McConnie said the gospels give us more knowledge about God the Father than the rest of scriptures combined
Gospel of Matthew
- Emphasizes the Savior’s royal lineage
- Written for very Jewish/non-gentile audience
- Wrote by theme/similar stories, not chronologically
- He was a publican
Gospel of Matthew Unique Material
- Parable of Laborers in Vineyard
- Parable of the unforgiving Servant
- Parable of the talents
- Joseph vs Herod comparison
- parable of the ten virgins
- The Great Commission
Parables with quote changes
Laborers in the vineyard Sower Prodigal Son Good Samaritan Lazarus and the Rich Man
Gospel of Mark
- Least unique
- Emphasizes Christ’s actions/doings
- Probably written under Peter’s direction
- A Jew writing to Gentiles; give explanations to non-Jewish audience
Gospel of Luke
- Literary account
- Written by a Gentile (first church historian)
- written for gentilles
- Lots of stories about women
- He also wrote the Book of Acts
Gospel of Luke Hnique
- Zacharias and Elisabeth
- The Shepherds (Fear not, I bring you good tidings)
- Mary and Martha - one thing is needful
- Prodigal Son (He was so hungry he would’ve eaten the swjne’s food)
- Good Samaritan
- Two disciples in the Road to Emmaus (couldn’t see that it was Christ)
Gospel of Luke Unique
- Disciples want to burn Samaritan village
- Story of the two debtors
- Christ sweat great drops of blood
- Christ’s experience in Nazareth
- Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree to see Christ
- Christ’s resurrected body is a body of “flesh and bones”
Gospel of John
- Most Unique
- Written to members of the church
- “On stage”; Christ’s personal conversations
- Emphasizes the Savior’s divinity
- Probably written last
Gospel of John Unique
- Woman at the well - “Whosoever drinks of Jesus’ water shall never thirst”
- Intercessory Prayer
- Bread of Life Sermon
- Christ is the Vine
- Woman taken in adultery (he without sin, cast the stone)
- Water to wine (whatever He says, do it)
Gospel of John Unique
- Nicodemus
- Tells us Lazarus has been dead four days
- Converaation between Mary and Jesus at the tomb “touch me not”
- “The Word” translated from logos
- Final conversation of Christ and Peter: “Lovest thou me?”
Christ knew about His experience under the fig tree
Commisioned to the Twelve originally
Told them to not teach any Samaritan city
- Comes to Jesus at night
- told Jesus “we know that thou art a teacher come from God”
- Told him we must believe in Christ and be baptized
- John 3:16
Matthew 24-25
• The Savior’s Olivet discourse
Mount of Transfiguration
- Moses and Elijah came
- Peter received the keys of the Kingston (included sealing power)
- Similar to what happened at the Kirkland temple on April 3, 1836
- Christ’s hometown
- He read from Isaiah and Told Old Testament stories
- Wanted to throw him off a cliff
- No prophet is accepted in his own country
Parable of the Ten Virgins
- 5 were wise/had oil, none
* That “arithmetic is chilling” - Elder Oaks
Feeding of the 5000
•5 loaves and 2 fishes
•What are they among so Many” - Philip?
Can be compared to story about the brother of Jared
Parable of the Good Samaritan
- Man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho
- Samaritan bound up the wounds with oil and wine
- Can be viewed as outline of plan of salvation and redemption
Entrapment parables - from Matthew
- Parable of the two sons
* Parable of the wicked husbandmen
Christ and Peter
- I will give unto the the keys of the Kingston
- Grt the behind me Satan”
- “Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice”
- “From henceforth thou shalt catch men”
- “O thou of little faith”
The Last Supper
- John spends 5 chapters on this event
* Christ gives the analogy of a woman giving birth compared to the trials soon to be coming to the apostles
The arrest
•Christ wasn’t arrested during the triumphal entry because the Romans didn’t know He was claiming to be King of Israel
Christ’s trial
- Caiphas and Annias
- Pilate (wife warned him not to get involved in Christ’s trial)
- Herod (Christ wouldn’t talk to him because he killed John the Baptist who denounced Herod’s unlawful marriage)
- Found guilty of blasphemy based on their accusation and his response during the trial
The cross
- my god my god, why has thou forsaken me
- Father forgive them, they know not what they do
- Behold thy mother
- Father, into thy hands I commend my Spirit
- Father, it is finished, thy will is done
The resurrection
- The greatest of all miracles
* If you believe in the resurrection, you believe any miracle could happen
The Great Commission
Go ye unto all nations